
the justice and conquest of the strongest general

journey of a general from modern world who is reincarnated in a world filled with criminals chaos and so called sods who can be also called as soldiers of darkness. our general believes that with absolute power we can bring peace.what our general would chose to do in this world. lets see where this journey would lead to

Adarsha_Thapa · Fantasy
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14 Chs

wolf den

Justin was slowly moving towards den where many ferocious wolves could be seen. During past one year justin would literally put himself through hell to obtain this power inside him which cannot be judged by his size. his small physic and with such a cute face which gives people vibe of a innocence who can't even break grass while walking had killed so many animals of these forests perhaps nobody would believe but it was truth that be had killed many animals with help of leo and his power and wisdom.

justin had bought small sword from system with one point which he used to fight with animals.although justin liked boxing at first but when he first time held sword in his hands. he instantly fell in love with the sword. so he trained from the manual which was also bought from the system with 10 points which can be considered as very expensive for justin.Although justin was strong but it was life threatening for him to go towards that wolf den because even elephants had been killed by this group of wolfs by their team work and their alpha was as strong as rhino and fast as leopard which was weaker than leo in brute power but for justin it was very strong opponent. justin wanted to fight with this group of wolfs because it can hone his instincts and this group of wolfs had one time nearly killed justin only due to leo's help he survived from that encirclement due to leo's merciless killing whoever blocked the path. leo has also grown up in this one year although leo body was small but in terms of strength he has left justin far behind.

justin was also shocked by the surge of power within the leo but he was happy for his friend and partner. justin didn't envy leo but felt happy for leo perhaps because of these type of qualities justin had been great general in his past life where thousands of his followers and friends didn't hesitate to walk toward their death with delight because it was mission given by him justin (amar in his past life).

justin was carefully signaled leo to distract these wolfs. leo acted according to his instructions. leo walked toward their den and roared proudly which gained attention of the wolfs. some of the wolfs were showing fear in their eyes which would have shocked any person or animals because these ferocious wolfs were very aggressive and had never cowered but in front of leo they were showing signs of fear. it can show how deep scar has leo left even in these unintelligent animal. when all the wolfs were distracted. justin who had already came stealthy swung his sword towards head of the alpha of wolf with his full power. wolf who had already felt danger from instinct.it moved aside but due to insufficient time wolf was nearly cleaved half by justin's little sword. the alpha which was seriously injured by justin suddenly leapt towards justin but only fist welcomed its head. justin knocked the alpha with punch.then justin started his slaughter with leo.the combined duo of leo and justin started to attack with their full power. With their leaders being down leo and justin were killing wolfs like they were sheep and goats . if any normal person saw this scene they would have been be shocked because one little child and little lion cub were killing the wolfs like chicken and ducks. after finishing killing all the wolves all the corpses of wolf were stored inside his storage space. After that justin killed wolfs alpha which was knocked down by him. justin didn't wanted to kill all the wolfs but due to their ferocious nature ,they killed many innocent animal and had also harmed aome villagers.

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