
the justice and conquest of the strongest general

journey of a general from modern world who is reincarnated in a world filled with criminals chaos and so called sods who can be also called as soldiers of darkness. our general believes that with absolute power we can bring peace.what our general would chose to do in this world. lets see where this journey would lead to

Adarsha_Thapa · Fantasy
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14 Chs

time skip

when he reached home again he got scolding from his mother.after that he started eat with mother and asked her to teach him how to cook. justin mother was surprised why did he suddenly started to have interest in cooking and she started to tell him that your haven't reached age where you should cook lecture but justin wanted learn to cook anyhow because he can't eat his cooking daily otherwise he would kill his all the tastebuds by those burned meat he roasts.

At night justin decided to explore system shop when he found one cooking book.after seeing its price he was shocked because it cost 5 points which can be considered very expensive for him but he was hell bent on buying that book.After that day justin would daily go towards forest and exercise complete daily quest of exercise. even though his strength agility didn't improved like first day but it was growing steadily. on sixth day of his he decided to buy the cooking book from shop when suddenly he heard the notification from the shop.

bonus quest issued

quest: hunt animal by yourself and cook according to the book

reward: every type of cooking tools and a set of spices for cooking

penalty:indigestion for two day

justin suddenly had urge to curse at system for penalty indigestion what type of penalty was that. but after looking at the quest he didn't complain very much quest was easy

justin marched towards jungle to hunt for animals. justin always wondered what was beyond this jungle but he never got to know what was beyond this jungle. although there were many wild animals but it was a mystery that there was never a case related to wild animals attack in the village and he have never seen any person who was not members of village. it was a mystery in it self.And although some hunter from village came in jungle to hunt but it was forbidden to venture outside of 30km radius which was open secret but nobody knew why.justin decided to venture or hunt outside the radius due to his curiosity. when he reached outside of the 30km radius of village. he saw saw a valley from there where he saw many big sized beast which was very unusual because he saw animal which length can be measured from 7 meters to 10 of meters. although the fire lion and 3 claw dragon also very big sized but justin thought they were exceptions because that lion was looking like mythical creature and dragon was mythical creatures in itself he found out these thing from his mother book but his knowledge till now was turning upside down due to these scenes because trees in that valley were 100m tall which was unusual tall even for these untouched forest. justin return towards permitted area because he didn't dare to linger around these areas due to his low strength and uneasy feeling and fear he was having. he hurriedly return to radius area where he hunted one small rabbit. leo was following justin as usually he hunted one deer which was his food for today and justin was ready to cook the rabbit according to the book and surprisingly he cooked the rabbit which was giving delicious fragrance from it.

ding sound came inside his mind quest complete.rewards are place inside system storage. then justin remembered all those animals he saw today and his desire to become strong again increased because who knows those animals won't attack the village one day.justin decided to exercise today till he won't be able to lift his body and would do exercise even after completing the daily exercise quest. when he suddenly heard ding sound of system. congratulations host for trying to breaking your own limit so host is rewarded with new system where he can some time earn points by killing animal although it would one in a hundred chance. justin daily routine changed from that day he would daily come to forest to exercise and some time spar with some wild animals or we can say that kill those animals for food and points.

Flow of time was pacing fast. one year was gone just like that and although justin body looked small and fragile but strength in it can kill raging bull with punch.justin was satisfied with his growth in this one year he had collected more than 500 points from system. 365 points from normal daily exercise quest and remaining points from hunting animals.

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