
the justice and conquest of the strongest general

journey of a general from modern world who is reincarnated in a world filled with criminals chaos and so called sods who can be also called as soldiers of darkness. our general believes that with absolute power we can bring peace.what our general would chose to do in this world. lets see where this journey would lead to

Adarsha_Thapa · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Although justin killed all the wolfs due to their ferocious nature but he had guilt in his heart because he killed so many of them when they haven't even hurt his family or loved ones. when fighting justin was very ruthless but his guilt wasn't something he can control even though his wisdom was as good as adult but he was still a child who still hasn't seen the reality of world. how many people can claim with confidence they have seen through the reality of world every person have their own perspective which we can't change. an kind hearted person would even forgive a cruel villain if they beg for forgiveness with their child future and old elders. But even we forgive them and give them chance to live but we can't change nature and it would be akin to place the lives of many other innocent people.

so if we kill or stop cruel person animal beast it would be similar of saving his future victims.all these things were not known by our little justin. justin suddenly notification that he has just gained 200 points for killing the pack of wolves. justin gained 200 points for killing the pack of wolf. Justin was shocked because it was nearly half of the points he earned last year. then justin looked at description why he gained so much of points. he didn't gained his question answers through the description.it was mentioned in description that these wolves have killed many innocent animals and humans but justin was more confused because he haven't seen even a single person besides his villagers in these years and there hasn't been the case of villagers dyeing and missing while hunting but one thing was sure there has been some people who died in the fangs of these wolves other wise system won't show it to him.

justin threw these though to the backside of his mind after not gaining the answer while thinking.

justin was happy because he gained this much points but still he was feeling guilty towards those animals.justin was bewildered with these thoughts and guilt and started to walk towards his house after bidding farewell to the leo . in this one year leo has become lot closer to the justin. leo can feel his buddy or owner sadness but can't do anything but he showed or shared its feeling with justin with growl and his telepathy like contact with the help of spiritual contract.

justin who was tired with both physically and mentally because of today exhausting battle. justin aimlessly walked towards the village and entered his house. when emma saw justin she screamed because justin forgot to change his clothes which were stained with blood of wolves.

emma who had worried face looked at her 6 years old child for any possible injury but after failing to finding any injuries she was relived and started to ask where did he got these blood stains on his clothes. justin hurriedly gained his composure and answered which was weird for a child: mom i saw one wild cat was chasing rabbit i tried to save that rabbit but in process i killed the cat.all the guilt came over justin who started to cry and hugged his mom to gain warmth in his mother embrace. david also heard everything his son said then david moved towards his son and said: son you don't have to be sad you tried to save another animal from harm. justin again said with guilty face: But i killed it.Then emma said with a very rising aura which was uncommon for a woman even for a man but it was resounding in the ears of justin: my son you may not understand what i said to you right now but you would understand what i am going to say in future. every coin has two side and every action has different results for different people and they judge according to their perspective. there are always darkness hidden in the shadows of light. it would be our own choice how we would take it.it depends on us what we think about our actions and how we would react about it.For example about your today's action that rabbit may be would think you as his savior and that wild cat would have thought about you as his greatest enemy. so it depends on how you think about it and remember this my son your this action saved many small animals from falling prey to that wild cat.

it was like thunder has hit to the justin. justin has gained enlightenment through his mother words.Many years later justin would realize that these words made his way he walked through out his life but that would be the tale of later.

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