
The Journey Of The Weaving Chaos Through Eternity

Maximus Adolf, a seemingly ‘normal’ person who was be felled by a horrible tragedy, gains a second chance to be able to become something better in order to live a life he desires through an eccentric ROB who has the mental stability of a goldfish…………….. will our main character finally develop to be better or will he let the rot consume and sow chaos………… yeah Adolf’s going to be a menace. First World SCP Also warning, some chapters will be edgy. And ps the book cover is not mine.

Saptarasura · Others
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Info dump On the Weaver

Overall, I'm using this for fun, not for this accuracy.

If you want the whole thing, then this will help out a lot more than the words here.

Vs. battles fandom the Weaver

And Power Scaling Wiki The Weaver

I somewhat combined both as they had information that seemed to be lacking in the other one

And finally, a YouTube video explaining the weaver by the name of Project FM.

But the short version, the weaver, is irrelevant. Layers above the tiering system... But could be debatable, but I really liked how that YouTube explained the Cosmology Of [WOD]

This will be a doozie as The Weaver is one of the three great spirits of the Triat. Its function was thought to be to make order from the creations of the Wyld, giving them form and function for the duration of their existence before they were destroyed by the Wyrm, maintaining a balance between creation and destruction.

Key: Avatar | True Form

Classification: Celestine Spirit, Primal Force of Order, Manifestation of Order, Pattern, Mathematics, Logic and Computers, Godhead, Member of the Triat, Member of the Trimurti, Aspect of the Dynamism

Name: The Weaver, The Grand Spider, Auntie Spider, Vishnu

Gender: Non-Applicable, however, is called a Female

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Abstract Existence (Type 2: Concepts like Science are merely an extension of the Weaver, and without the Weaver, all things lose meaning,Type 1;exists in a realm of abstract conceptual nature), Immortality (Type 1, 2, 3, 8, 9), Transduality (Type 2, 3), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1: Created many concepts, including Laws, Rules, Time and Distance), Power Nullification, Soul Manipulation, Creation (The Weaver's effects are felt throughout the Tellurian, with her Califying all Creation, a state of permanent stasis), Weavertech gives her access to the Abilities of the Mages, without their strictures. Logic Manipulation (represents logic itself), Metaphysics Manipulation(type 1), Acausality(Type 5;The Weaver is independent of cause and effect)

Power Scaling WIki:

: Logic Manipulation (represents logic itself), Immortality (Type 5; It exists beyond the low Umbra, which is the conceptual realm of death. ), Transduality (Type 3; The Weaver exists beyond the concepts of Ying and Yang.), Acausality (Type 5; exists vastly beyond the Umbra, the Umbra transcends the bounds of nature and the human mind, where dreams and concepts are made manifest, a realm of pure spirit where the laws of the physical world such as physics, gravity, forces, cause and effect plays no part), Power Nullification, Ontologically Transcendent Physiology, Metaphysics Manipulation (type 1), Abstract existence(Type 1; exists in a realm of abstract conceptual nature)

Attack Potency: At least Multi-Solar System level (Should be as strong as Lilith. Built the Gauntlet, the Barrier between the Tapestry and the Umbra which spread across the entire Universe), likely far higher (An entity which is barely a Shadow of a Godhead was considered equal to Voormas, one of the most powerful Archmages in existence) | Boundless (The Weaver is the force of order throughout the Tellurian and beyond, being responsible for the Solidification of Creation from Thousands of potential Creations [Which encompasses the Etherspace that contains and transcends the Epiphamies of Earth's Shard Realm, as well as the void of the Deep Umbra], of all the Triat, the Weaver is Supreme as it slowly calcifies the entirety of Creation with its mere existence. She is the foundation for meaning, and without her, all things would no longer have coherent functions. However, while being all these things and more, the Triat are indefinable, and simple labels do not fully capture their roles and immense power)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Constructed the Gauntlet, a construct which spread across the entire Universe), likely higher | Omnipresent (Exists as the Manifestation of Order, Mathematics, Logic and Computers and exists everywhere)

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Immeasurable

Striking Strength: At least Multi-Solar System level, likely far higher | Boundless

Durability: At least Multi-Solar System level, likely far higher | Boundless (Fought the Wyrm and managed to ensnare him)

Stamina: Infinite

Range: Boundless

Intelligence: Incomprehensible (The Triat exists beyond Human intelligence's parameters and lacks such concepts as "thinks, wants, desires," or even having personalities. Their actions are so beyond that asking "why" becomes meaningless, as nobody could comprehend the answer, furthermore know the True Name of all beings in Existence, all things known and unknown)

Weaknesses: batshit Insane, like completely off its rocker.