
The journey of Rosé through the Multiverse

This is a Fanfic The story takes place in the world of Naruto/ Boruto (Vol .1 )(will add more chapters when the original story progresses) The second volume will follow the story of Rosé in one Piece (vol.2) I do not own any character other than the [Main Character][ summons ] and the [ abilities] [The cover photo is mine] I am writing this purely for my satisfaction .

Rosee_Iamm · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

The Journey begins

The next day , Rosé and the group were still sailing the sea, they had no idea when they would reach land ,Zoro then complained , That how can Luffy become a pirate king when he doesn't have any navigational skills ,Luffy then questioned zoro about his skills and zoro says that he set out to look for a certain man and then couldn't find his way back home so he hunted pirates for a living, Luffy then says " so you're just lost ", Zoro gets angry and bangs his legs on the boat , shaking it , Luffy's hat came off because of the sudden movement and went on to float into the water , Rosé then uses [ Telekinesis ] and pulls the hat back and hands it to him .

Rosé then sees a bird in the air , Luffy suggests that we eat it and then launches himself into the air ,the bird then takes Luffy along with it , Zoro and Rosé then look at him and start peddling to follow him , They are then met with Three shipwrecked survivors, they got on to the boat and Threatend Rosé and zoro that the boat is there's , zoro then beat them up and had them peddle the boat , Rosé then sits and smokes while watching them peddle,They then go on to share information about Buggy who is thier captain .

When they arrived at the town , They heard a giant explosion, when then asked the three people what it was they us that it was a Buggy bomb ,Rosé and zoro then arrive at the place where the buggy Pirates had set up camp , when they arrived there Nami was fighting of the pirates while there was a cannon lit and aimed at luffy who was locked in a cage , Rosé then approaches the cannon and slashes it in to half , like it was butter and then gose on to free Luffy from the cage , Nami and The Buggy pirates who looked at the scene where shivering because of how easily and elegantly he sliced the cannon into half , zoro then gose on to deal with the pirates that are coming at them ,Buggy then gose on to fight Zoro , zoro then cuts his body up and thinks the fight is over , Rosé then tell him that he is a Devil fruit user , Buggy then goes on to stab Zoro in the stomach with the arm that was cut off .

Rosé then goes on to coat his fist in [Haki] and goes on to punch Buggy away , Buggy who received the punch was sent flying into his tent , he had a dent his stomach and was coughing up blood, Rosé then takes zoro and Luffy and retreats and Nami follows them .

Rosé then heals Zoro's injury ,Luffy was getting his ass beat by a dog that was guarding a shop ,They then met the town mayor who told them about what happened to the town ,They were then approached by a Beast tamer Mohji, Rosé asked Luffy if he should take care of him , Luffy then says " Rosé you are to strong " , Rosé hearing this said "I leave it to you ", Luffy then gose on to fight Mohji , While Nami and they Mayor hide behind him along with the dog ,Luffy then gose on to beat him up ,Rosé then checks on Zoro's injuries while talking to the mayor and Nami , They then go on to make their way Buggy Pirates, Zoro then gose on to fight a person named Cabaji while Luffy fought Buggy , Rosé was standing with Nami , While they were fighting Nami asks " Aren't you going to help them?" , Rosé replied " if they are in danger I will ", Rosé then took out a cigarette and smokes it ,Nami then sneaks out to rob all of Buggy's treasures , Zoro had managed to beat Cabaji , while Luffy struggled to beat Buggy because of his devil fruit and not having Haki unlocked,Buggy then gose on to stab his hat which he received from shanks , this enraged Luffy and he then gose on to beat the shit out of Buggy .

Nami was then escaping of the island,Buggy spotted her and chased after her , Rosé then came in between them and punches Buggy back towards luffy ,Luffy then landed a punch sending him into the building,Nami then thanks Rosé while blushing , Rosé just Nodded and went on to smoke , ignoring her , Rosé then takes Luffy's hat from him and and recovers it to its original state, Nami then hands Rosé the map to the grand line ,They then went on to exit the town ,They then get onto thier ship while Nami's sets sail on her boat which she stole from the Buggy, Luffy then tells Nami that he left her treasure behind , Angry she tries to drown luffy , Rosé and zoro laugh at them .

They the sail the ocean together,they then talk about the Grand line and how they need more crew members ,Nami then guides them towards an island where they would try to look for a proper ship , They then arrive at the island,They then meet Ussop who brags about having 80 million followers , Luffy believes him and Rosé shakes his head seeing this , Nami then says " what an idiot " , Rosé hearing her laughs ,Ussop then gose on to pull his slingshot and points it towards Luffy , Luffy and zoro then get serious and this scares him , Rosé watches them while smoking , Luffy then goes on to ask if he was the son of Yasopp,Ussop then nodded his head in agreement , They then went to an Inn and ate food ,Rosé then tells them that he is going to get them a ship and walks away ,Rosé then gose on to design a ship ,it was a giant ship that was at That was Royal blue and black in colour and had designs made of gold , the Flag was a skull with a straw hat and a pink rose coming out of its eye , it had had beautiful designs at the sides of the ship and , Rosé had added the qualities of self regeneration no matter how much it was damaged it would use Rosé's Energy to repair it self ,The ship would be under Rosé's control no matter where it was and would follow his commands, if there were intruders on the ship it would automatically kick them off or deal with them depending on the situation, it had an auto defensive system that Rosé could control and an auto navigation system that only Rosé could command, After Rosé had decide on the Features he went ahead and used [All Fiction] and made the ship into a Reality, Rosé then went and checked the ship out , The ship was furnished and had more that 25 rooms it had a kitchen, a training room , A clinic, A tattoo studio, a bar , a map room ,Navigation room , a bathhouse,A common room and many other Facilities , After Rosé had checked everything he went on to use [sukunahikona] to shrink the ship and stored it .

It was already the next day as Rosé designed everything and Finalised the features , Rosé then went on to look for the others , when Rosé found them ,They were in the middle of Battling a Butler who was wearing a Glove which had blades on them"Klahadore" , there were many pirates knocked out around them ,Rosé then heads Towards Nami and checks up on her , She was injured , Rosé then heals her , Nami seeing Rosé smiles and say " Thank you " Rosé put his finger on her lips and shut her eyes ,After Rosé was done healing her he went on to kill every remaining member that was there , he then took out a cigarette and then sat next to Nami and watched the fight ,Luffy was beating Klahadore up but he had done considerable damage to him as well, Zoro had wounds from his fight , Ussop was unrecognisable because of how beat he was ,Klahadore then went on to attack things on random , He then slashed Luffy many times but Luffy managed to catch him and slam him into the ground ,and then gose on to keep punching him tell he is knocking out ,Rosé then gose on to help Luffy who is exhausted and laying on the floor.

Rosé then gose on to heal all thier injuries ,Rosé then treats them to a meal, after eating Rosé took them to the shore where he showed them thier ship , Seeing the ship Luffy was screaming like crazy , Zoro looked at Rosé with his mouth opened and Nami had fallen on the ground looking at it ,Rosé then looked at them and said the name is " Black Diamond" , They were overjoyed looking at it , Luffy was hugging Rosé and saying " Thank you , your so cool ", Rosé then said " Zoro I made a special Training room for you in thier ", Hearing this Zoro also Hugged him , Rosé then looked at Nami and said there is a surprise for you too , Nami was so excited that she rushed inside , followed by the others .

Luffy then told Rosé that they are adding a new member , Rosé was the introduced to Ussop , even though they met before they did not exchange greetings and Rosé was not with them when the event occurred , Rosé and the others then set sail and headed towards a new adventure ,they then shared drinks for official formation of the group.


They Then headed towards an island known as the " Treasure island ", Nami told them that whoever journeys towards it will have to face the wrath of the gods , and as she said that they entered an area that was facing a Thunderstorm which scared Ussop , Rosé was laughing looking at them ,They then Reached the island and were exploring it , it was island with a very thick forest ,Nami then told them stories she heard about the island ,Rosé was smoking a cigarette and watching the group freak out over every little thing they saw ,They then found weird looking animals and Nami and Ussop were screaming in fear seeing this , Rosé was enjoying himself ,They then heard a voice who proclaimed to be the protective god of the island and asked them to leave the island ,they were then surrounded by weird animals , they were then attacked by traps which all missed .

Luffy then found the man responsible who was hiding in a bush ,The bush then shot luffy which was reflected back ,Luffy then caught him , It was a dwarf in a chest with a bush as his hair ,the man then told them that he was stuck in the chest and was stranded on the island for 20 years , he then showed them the treasure that he was guarding , Luffy then went up the cliff and checked but sadly it was empty, they the. Offered the person to join them but he rejected them saying that he couldn't Leave the animals that he had spent 20 years of his life with and that he wanted to protect them, They then left island and headed to their next destination .


Rosé and Nami were sitting and enjoying drinks while , Luffy and Ussop were practising how to aim the cannon , Zoro was asleep as always ,after a while they all gathered in the common room where they were discussing looking for other crew members , Rosé insisted on getting a cool first because he didn't enjoy cooking for them everyday .

While they were talking Rosé was alerted about a intruder , Rosé then went out and saw a guy who was trying to destroy the interior of the ship , Rosé then goes on to appear infront of him and catch him by the neck , Zoro then appears behind him and stops him saying that he knows him ,his name was Johnny after Rosé left him he went on to talk to zoro and told him that his other friend "Yosaku "was sick , he then went and bought him on the ship , Zoro then came and requested Rosé to heal him , Rosé then healed him up back to normal , They then went on to catch Rosé's leg and call him big brother and swore to be his loyal followers , Rosé looked at Zoro for help but he ignored him , Rosé then decided he was going to beat him up during training .

Rosé then told them the reason for him getting sick and they then decided to look for a seafaring cook ,Johnny then suggested that they look north next to the grand line at the sea restaurant "Baratie ", he also informed Zoro that the man he was looking for was spotted there ,They had arrived at the restaurant after a day's travel , the restaurant was just a quiet smaller than Black Diamond, while they were approaching it a small Navy ship had come next to them Rosé looked down towards them , A man them came and introduced himself as a Marine lieutenant "Iron full body " , Rosé then looked at him and said " so what " , Hearing his response he was flustered and didn't know how to answer ,Rosé then said " if you make the mistake of attacking my ship I will personally slit your throat "and released a little blood lust which was enough to overwhelm the lieutenant and he then ordered his men to move away from them .

Rosé then went on to take Nami inside , while the rest waited outside , Rosé and Nami then went on to enjoy the food that was served by Sanji ,while they were eating , sanji was serving wine to the Marine lieutenant who was bragging about knowing his wine and was then shut down by sanji who told him he was wrong ,he was then embarrassed infront of everyone ,Rosé and Nami then went on to enjoy thier meal .

while Rosé and Nami were eating lunch , Luffy had flown on to the ship and crashed into the Headchefs cabin, destroying his Roof and injuring him , Luffy was then beaten up by the chef and made to do chores around the ship , Zoro and Ussop then came aboard looking for Luffy .

Rosé was smoking and talking to Nami who was enjoying her self when they heard a commotion , it was the lieutenant again ,he was complaining about a bug in his food , Sanji then went on to shut him down again , which caused the crowd around them to laugh at him ,not able to control his anger he went on to destroy the table,the lieutenant then went on to Push the lady who accompanied her , Sanji angry because his food was wasted and went on to beat the lieutenant.

while this was going on Luffy along with the Headchef fall through the roof into the restaurant ,Rosé seeing this lets out a "sigh " and then ignores him and keeps smoking , Nami dose the same ,The owner then goes on to kick Sanji and the lieutenant and tell him to get out ,a marine guard then comes baring bad news , he tells them that the member of the Krieg pirates the captured escaped, The guard that was telling them the news was then shot ,The pirate that had escaped enters and threatened the cook to bring him food , the cook then ask him if he has money which he denies , the cook then gose on to attack the pirate , he was then thrown out .

Rosé then listens to Luffy who was talking to Sanji outside , Sanji was then telling Luffy how the owner was a Former Pirate ...,Luffy then tells Sanji to join his crew which he refuses saying there is a reason he has to work in this restaurant ,Luffy then gose on to say he refuses his refusal, they then kept arguing about this , Rosé who was on top of them smoking started laughing which pulled the attention of Sanji and Luffy , Sanji seeing Rosé smoke a thick cigarettes was interested but didn't ask because of his pride , Luffy the says" Rosé tell him to join our crew " , Rosé looked at Luffy and says " But that's your job , why do I have to do it ", and then walks away , Luffy then looks at Sanji and then continues to pester him .

zoro and Ussop then joined Rosé and Nami for a meal , while Luffy was working as a chore boy in the Restaurant ,Sanji then spotting Nami left his job and brought her a rose ,and was acting dramatic , the owner then come from behind and tells Sanji to join thier group,the owner then goes on to say mean stuff and tell him to leave ,They then go on to fight ,after that Sanji try's to flirt with Nami ,Ussop and Sanji then go on to have an argument , Rosé seeing this takes out a cigarette and smokes , Sanji seeing Rosé's cigarette get distracted again as it smelled good and was something he had seen for the first time , Rosé seeing this offers him one , Sanji then smokes it and gets addicted to it instantly , Sanji then asked him where he got it , Rosé then says that it was personally made by him , Sanji seeing this was lost in thought , But was pulled out by the owner who dragged back to the Kitchen .


Four days had passed and Rosé and the others were on thier ship while , Luffy was working in the restaurant , A pirate ship was heading towards the restaurant and it belonged to the Krieg pirates ,the ship was just a little smaller than Black Diamond , thier ship was all broken with the sails torn , Don then entered the restaurant and he was gravely injured,he then requested for some water and food ,Sanji then gose on to cook food for them , but the other cook want to arrest him and were calling for the navy .

Sanji then gose on to serve him food and after eating he attacks him ,everyone was then escaping the restaurant , Rosé seeing this decided to check what happening in the restaurant with his senrigan ,Rosé seeing this decided to take part in the action , Rosé then approached Don from behind , he catches him by the head and throws him into his ship , he was sent flying with such force that he made a hole that started at the front of the ship all the way to the back of the ship and fell into the water ,Sanji then gose to the kitchen to prepare a 100 meals for the starving pirates on Dons ship but was stopped by the other chefs , the owner then gose gose on to stand infront of the Restaurant waiting for the Don to come back ,Rosé was then smoking and Zoro and Luffy joined him ,Rosé getting tried waiting decided to destroy his ship , Rosé then went on to infuse his sword with [Haki] and then went on to send a slash towards the ship which cut the ship in half , Zoro seeing the strike was captivated and decided to get stronger , the ship then slowly started drowning ,Ghin who saw that sword strike had Fear in his eyes and then started screaming " who are you , are you with him , you monsters...." , and started running , Luffy then caught him and he told them about the event he experienced when they entered the grand line , He then tells him how a person with eyes like that of a hawk destroyed thier 50 pirate ships all alone .

Don who was in the water climbs up his ship which was drowning ,trying to save himself from drowning,while this was happening Mihawk cuts the ship in another two half's ,which increases the speed of the drowning of the ships ,Nami was trying to run away with Black Diamond while she threw Johnny and the others in the water , Rosé just ignored her and looked at Mihawk who had appeared , Rosé then looks at Mihawk who was floating on his Raft , Rosé then looks at zoro who was going to try and fight him and says " Your no match for him but it would be good to see it For yourself", Zoro then looks at Rosé and nods ,Zoro then challenges Mihawk to a battle ,Mihawk then takes of his cross that he is wearing and takes out a small dagger that he uses to fight ,he blocks all three of Zoro's sword at once with his small Dagger,seeing Zoro lose , Luffy gets angry , Rosé stops him and says let him experience it ,Mihawk then goes on to stab Zoro in the chest ,Mihawk seeing Zoro's determination decides to take out his real sword ,he then goes on to shatter his sword's and slash him twice on the chest , Rosé then appears between them , seeing this Mihawk was taken aback as he couldn't see his movements,Rosé then provided enough healing that he wouldn't die ,Zoro then looks at him and says " I lost , I will become stronger , strong enough to stand by your side ," Rosé smiles and nods , he then takes Zoro to Luffy and then Gose Back infront of Mihawk , Rosé then takes of the blind fold from his right eye and shows his light blue eyes , the people looking into his eyes felt like they were drowning into an endless abssy , Rosé then looks at Mihawk and ask " would you like to spar ", Mihawk seeing this showed a Bright smile and says " I would love to ", Rosé then takes out Murasame, Mihawk could feel the spirit of the sword raging , he never knew there was a sword that was as good as his or even better , They then went on to Exchange blows at such speed that no one was able to keep up , each clash they had send waves so strong that it pushed everyone back , the area was completely silent only the sound of swords clashing was heard , Rosé and Mihawk went on to Exchange over 5000 blows within a Few minutes and they then came to a stop , Rosé then says " we shall continue this fight once we meet again , and maybe we might even go all out , Thank you for the battle I really enjoyed it ", Mihawk smiled and said " Absolutely , I have never enjoyed myself so much , Thank you ", They then Bow towards each other and then Rosé goes back to the group , Everyone was so shocked at what just happened , they couldn't see anything but could make out that at the end it was a tie between them , This news was going to shake the world soon , Ros then checked on Zoro' s injuries, Luffy then looked at Rosé and asked what happened , Rosé replied " we had a spar ", Luffy then smiles and says "Thank you for saving him ", Rosé then hits him on the head and says " I am the vice captain of this crew don't forget ", Luffy then says" sorry sorry I didn't mean it like that ", Mihawk then heads back after he tells Rosé and zoro that he will be waiting for them no matter how long it takes.

Rosé then starts stitching Zoro's wounds and then healing them , Zoro then looks at Rosé and says " sorry for Troubling you, I won't ever lose again , I promise I will be someone who can stand by your side ," Rosé then looks at Rosé and says " yes I'll be watching over you ", zoro smiles and then shuts his eyes because of the pain,Rosé after seeing that the ship has reached a certain distance he tells Ussop and the rest to go after it and tell Ussop to take zoro with him , Sanji who was watching the Fight of Rosé and Mihawk asks the owner if the grand line is filled with monsters like that , The owner looks at him and says " Those two are special they are among the strongest existence on the sea,Though I have Never heard of the Name Rosé before ", Luffy joins the fight against the Pirates that are trying to take over the Restaurant , Sanji and the other cooks too join in the fight ,they then go on to beat the Pirates up ,Sanji then tells them about his story when they were stranded on an island and how the owner lost his leg , Ghin then gose on to fight against Sanji he overwhelmed him but was not able to kill him, Rosé was watching the fight while smoking , Don then gose on to prepare to release a poisonous gas ,his crew mates all wear a mask seeing this , Rosé moves with speed that no one is able to see and cleanly chops off his arm , Rosé then looks at Luffy and says " Sorry I couldn't have him release that ", Luffy then says " No its okay , Thank you ", Rosé then walks away and says " I'll leave the rest to you ", Luffy then Nods ,They then go on to deal with the rest of the Pirates while sanji continues to fight Ghin and defeats him , Luffy then knocks out the Don with a Bullet punch to Face .

The people around were looking at Luffy like a monster , and they didn't dare look towards Rosé who was sitting there smoking like nothing ever happened, they felt like he was someone who they need to worship,After the fight was over Ghin had gathered the rest and carried them away , Luffy then drags Rosé along with him to try and convince Sanji to join the crew ,Sanji then gose on to tell them about his dream of Finding All blue sea ,where the fishes of all four seas come together ,They then go on to have a meal prepared by the headchef ,the other cooks all go on to badmouth the taste of Sanji's soup on the saying of the Headchef ,The Headchef then joins in ,Sanji then gose on to run out ,The Headchef then gose on to talk to Rosé and Luffy about taking him with them ,they were then Interrupted by Yosaku who had a fish stuck to his Bottom,he then tells them that he know where Nami is headed and will Take them there , Rosé and Luffy were leaving when Sanji stops them ,and says in order to achieve his dream he will join their crew ,Luffy then hugs Rosé saying " we did it ", Rosé pushes him off and says " Hug him not me you idiot ", but he didn't listen , Sanji looking at them laughs , which makes Rosé laugh too , They then said their byes which was really emotional with all of them crying and then set sail after Nami .