
The journey of Rosé through the Multiverse

This is a Fanfic The story takes place in the world of Naruto/ Boruto (Vol .1 )(will add more chapters when the original story progresses) The second volume will follow the story of Rosé in one Piece (vol.2) I do not own any character other than the [Main Character][ summons ] and the [ abilities] [The cover photo is mine] I am writing this purely for my satisfaction .

Rosee_Iamm · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs


Nami had taken Black Diamond towards the island that was controlled by The Fishman Pirate Arlong and his crew ,Rosé and Sanji were smoking while enjoying the sun , They had become really good friends over the trip to the Island ,Rosé was enjoying the sun not paying attention to them who were discussing about the Arlong pirates .

Yosaku then explains the system of the seven warlords who rule over the grand line and are Pirates authorised by the government and how Mihawk who Rosé tied with and zoro lost to was one of them ,and how Arlong used to run Rampant in the grand line even with then present ,he then tells them how Arlong controls more than 20 towns in the East blue .

Sanji not interested in the topic gose to prepare food , Sanji and Rosé had a deal in which Rosé would provide him with Cigarettes and he would make special meals for him .

Rosé was watching the events going on with his Senrigan, Nami was a part of the Arlong Pirates, Zoro was Telling Ussop that he is going to bust in and get Nami back because Rosé had asked him to do it , Ussop and Johnny then go on to knock him out and look for Black Diamond , They then find it anchored at the far end of the island .

While they were scouting the area they come across a few fishmen who then come to check on the boat they were on ,Ussop and Johnny jump into the water and escape leaving Zoro tied on the Boat , Rosé watching was laughing seeing this .

Zoro was take away by the Fishmen to Arlong where he found out Nami was a part of the Arlong crew ,Nami then gose on to say cruel stuff to zoro, Zoro then says so theses are you true colours , I wonder what Rosé will think , when Zoro said this Nami wavered and almost had tears in her eyes but continued her act , Ussop who was being chased by a Fishmen was rescued by a girl and a kid , the girl that rescued him was Nami's adopted sister ,and Johnny was hiding waiting for Rosé and the others to arrive .

Rosé had a hang of the situation and he went to enjoy his meal , while slapping Luffy's hand away that was trying to take his food , They are then interrupted by a giant cow looking sea monster , sanji then went on to knock it out and then used it as Mount to pull the Boat , they went on to continue eating.

Zoro who's hands and legs were tied then went on to dive into the water ,Nami then jumps into the water to save him ,Zoro then goes on to taunt Nami about not being able to watch a person die and how she is a small fry ,Nami then goes on to punch him in the stomach and tells them to lock him up , A Fishmen then goes on to inform Arlong about Ussop , Arlong then heads towards the village where Ussop was taken by the girls , Nami then goes on to open Zoro who was tied up and locked away and tells him to escape,

Arlong was beating up a person for having a weapon and was going to kill him but Ussop attacks Arlong with his slingshot and then acts as a decoy attracting the Fishman attention and running away , Nami then visits the Village, she heads to her foster parents grave, she then spoke to her sister telling her that she was close to 100 million berries and would buy the village from Arlong.

Ussop was on the run with three fishmen chasing him , he then fell down a cliff where he was caught by one of Arlongs Member who happened to be present there and see him falling ,Zoro had gone ahead and instead of escaping had gone ahead and killed the members that were remaining in the base and was then headed to cokoyashi village .

Ussop who was captured and taken to Arlong park, Nami was then suspected of freeing zoro, which she denies, Ussop then try's to attack to buy some time but is hit by Nami who spotted this ,ussop then try's to escape using a smoke bomb but was caught by Nami and then stabbed and thrown into the water .

Rosé and the others arrived at the Village flying because the sea monster has crashed into a wall , They then met zoro who was rushing towards Arlong park , Johnny then tells them that ussop is dead and was killed by Nami ,while luffy was enraged telling Johnny not say something like that , Nami appears from behind,She then confirms that she killed Ussop and tells them to kill her for Revenge , Rosé looks at her and then goes on to ignore her , he takes out a cigarette and smokes ,Seeing this Nami wanted to say more but controls her self ,she then tells them to get off the islands , Rosé then goes on to climb a tree and takes a nap and is followed by luffy and says " Zoro wake us up if you need us ", zoro then sat next to them while Johnny and his friend left the island scared.

Zoro then wakes Rosé up , when he gets up he sees Luffy catching Ussop who was knocked out, Rosé then asked what happened and zoro said we might have done this , Rosé laughs , Ussop then tells them what happened ,they then met Nojiko who explains to them about Nami's circumstances , Luffy saying he doesn't care about her past walks away, Rosé then invited her to have a seat and they then go on to talk .

After hearing the story Rosé had lost control of his emotions releasing blood lust that could drown the entire island but controlled it immediately, Nojiko and the others around him were grasping for air , Rosé them apologises for that ,Rosé then gose on to watch the situation with Senrigan and sees Marine surrounding Nami and taking all the money she had collected ,Rosé then appeared in front of them and kills each and everyone by slicing thier heads off including the Colonel ,Nami then gets on her Knees and starts stabbing her Tattoo Crying, Rosé then approaches her and says "it's okay " while wiping her tears , we will deal with them , Everyone in the village was preparing to Rebel after hearing that Arlong was working with the Marines, They had gathered thier weapons and were headed for Arlong park , Rosé then went on to walk towards Arlong park and everyone was already prepared and were waiting for Rosé to finish talking to Nami , when the approached the gate they saw Johnny and Yosaku stopping the people of the village, Johnny was telling the villagers to burn their Image into their eyes as those Five are the future of East blue and are the only ones that can help you , Then crowd them makes way form them to pass through ,Rosé then puts his hand on the gate and uses and repels it sending it flying and slamming into the crew members of Arlong ,Rosé then went on to catch Arlong by the neck and then slammed him into the ground , Rosé then went on to punch Arlong , every punch created a crater that would dig deeper and deeper there were such strong waves created with the impact that no one could approach him , Rosé didn't stop punching him , Arlong was at deaths door every bone in his body was shattered , Zoro and Sanji then tried to stop him but to no avail , Rosé continued to smash him into the ground , Rosé then caught him by the Face and threw him into the building , he then went on to punch him through the building, then threw him flying in the air ,he then punched him down towards the building, Arlong then Flew down crashing through the building,this caused the building to collapse and fall on top of them, Rosé not bothered by it then picked him by the neck and slammed him into the ground and continued to punch him , the people watching were absolutely scared watching this scene , After finishing him of Rosé then came out of rubble his body was covered in a pink aura ,hands covered in blood his clothes covered in blood , The people watching him called him " The pink haired Demon ",the crew the looked at him in surprise ,Rosé then came out and then looked at them and said " Sorry I let my emotions get the better of me ", Luffy then approached him put his hand on his shoulder and said " You stole all the fun again ", Rosé nods and says " Don't worry I won't let it happen again , sorry na ", Luffy then says " Don't mind it why don't you go and calm down ", Rosé then goes and sits by the ocean and Smokes a cigarette wondering why he got so enraged, Luffy , Zoro, Sanji and Ussop then went on to fight the other leaders of the Arlong park .

Zoro was Battling Hatchan the Octopus who wielded Six swords in each of his Tentacle arms ,Zoro then beats him with his Dragon Twister attack with ease even though the battle went on for quiet some time ,Sanji was battling against Kuroobi who had dragged him into the water , Sanji was having a hard time dealing with him in the water as Kuroobi had the advantage because he could breathe in water and also his Fishman Karate what was the best in fight in the waters, Sanji then manages to free himself from Kuroobi by blowing air into his Branchia and escaping to the land ,They then continued fighting on land where sanji had the upper hand,Sanji then dominated him in the fight and Finished him ,Luffy was fighting Choo who he had defeated easily with his moves , Nami had joined Rosé who was sitting at the edge and looking into the ocean , She was crying , Rosé put his had on her head and says " it's okay everything has been taken care of you're are crew member now ", Rosé then pulls her arm and checks the wound she made trying to scratch the tattoo off , Rosé then heals her arm and says I'll change it for you later , Nami was still crying Rose then wipe her tears and offers he a cigarette which she giggles and pushes away saying " Thank you ", Rosé smiles and then smokes a cigarette waiting for everyone else to join up .

They then joined up and went on to have a celebration ,while this was on the Members of the Marine that were present on the ship and were waiting for the captain to return but had not ,They then went on to enquire and found out about the events that occurred , Rosé and the group were then named as the enemies of the world government and all that had happened was reported to the Marine base .

Rosé and the others then went on to enjoy a celebration that was held by the village that was now free of Arlong's control,The celebration went on for Three days ,Zoro and Rosé were sitting in a corner and enjoying thier drinks,Rosé had redesigned Nami's tattoo yesterday , it was made in a design that she provided.

The next day they were preparing to leave they were purchasing the necessary provisions they needed , Sanji seeing thier ship was mindblown and questioned how they got it , Nami then Replied " it Rosé's ship that he made ",They then set sail and headed to their next destination.

While they were travelling on the seas Nami had brought them a newspaper, from which she found two wanted Posters ,It was a poster of Rosé and Luffy ,Luffy had a bounty of 30 million Berries while Rosé had a bounty of a 100 million Berries, Luffy enjoyed him self , he and ussop who was in the background went on to tease Zoro and Sanji , Rosé watched this with a smile , while Nami sat next to him holding his poster , Unbeknownst to them this news was causing waves in the world .

While they were sailing the seas they met " Iron fist full body " again he had lost his post and was demoted , seeing thier ship he wanted to attack them to gain achievement and get back his rank ,Rosé then looked at him and said did you aim your cannon , Rosé then sent a red ball of energy towards the bottom of the ship , when it collides it caused an explosion and there was a big hole in the base of the ship which then starts sinking , Rosé then looks at them and say " Best of luck " Luffy then comes running and asks what was that sound, Rosé looks at him and says " what are you talking about ".

Meanwhile Mihawk had visited shanks and had showed him thier poster and told him about the events that took place ,they then had a party celebrating this .

The group had then decided thier next destination and it was none other than "Loguetown ", it took them a few days to arrive there ,The group had split up as they all wanted to visit different things, Zoro had borrowed money from Rosé to buy a sword , Rosé and Nami had gone shopping together ,Rosé was sitting outside the Dressing room while Nami tried on different clothes and showed him ,she had then purchased Two sets of clothes ,They then continued roaming around the town,visited many shops and had bought many Things ,enjoyed snacks and then went on to enjoy Lunch .

While Rosé was enjoying his date with Nami , Luffy was getting his ass beat by Smoker who was in charge of Loguetown but then got launched away because of his carelessness ,Zoro was buying swords,Ussop was having a competition with a bounty hunter and Sanji was looking for rare ingredients, Luffy then found his way back to the execution platform , Luffy was the confronted by Alvida who was looking for Rosé ,Alvida had lost wait and had become extremely beautiful, Luffy was unable to recognise her and asks " why are you looking for Rosé?", to which she replied that " she likes strong men and she wants to make him hers ", Luffy hearing this shout "That's not happening ",She was then joined by Buggy who had Fired a Buggy bomb causing an explosion ,Luffy then gose on to call him funny names,he was then Tied up on the Execution stand , Rosé and Nami then met up with Sanji and ussop,Nami told them that a storm is coming and they should head back to the ship ,while they were walking back they found zoro who was looking for luffy ,They then heard from the crowd that Buggy was going to execute Luffy , Zoro and Sanji then looked at Rosé , Rosé nodded and they left to go and help Luffy ,Rosé took Nami and Ussop and all the provisions back to Black Diamond.

When Rosé and the others arrived at the Black Diamond they Found the beast master Mohini from Buggy pirates trying to destroy it , Rosé then catches him and beats him to a pulp and then Throws him in the air aiming for the Execution stand , Rosé then carries everything to the ship and then stands on the deck and smokes a cigarette while watching what was happening with the others , Zoro and Sanji were fighting with the pirates trying to make their way towards Luffy who was about to be executed, as buggy was about to cut him then beast master then gose on to crash into the stand destroying it and freeing luffy , Rosé then thought " Strike ", everyone was shocked seeing what happened , Smoker and his men were shocked seeing this Scene and didn't know what was happening ,Sanji then ask zoro if he believes in god ,they then catch luffy and make a run for the harbour because of the storm that had started,Rosé had then dealt with the Marine soldiers that had come to destroy the ship , Rosé had knocked all of them out and then began to throw them towards Smoker and the soldiers who was chasing after Luffy and the other , Luffy was then stopped by smoker ,while sanji and Zoro retuned to the ship ,Luffy and smoker were then fighting and because luffy didn't have [Haki ] he wasn't able to land a hit , Smoker had then pinned Luffy down and was about to finish him but was stopped by Dragon who was Luffy's Father , Dragon then gose on to release strong blasts of wind that blow through the entire town , Blowing everyone away , Rosé seeing this smiles ,luffy then Launches himself on the ship and they set sail for the Grand line, , They then go on to put thier legs on a barrel and state thier wish, Rosé says " To explore everything and enjoy life ".

Two days had past since they left the town ,They had found a child on a emergency boat , Luffy had pulled her aboard by stretching his arms ,Rosé then gose on to check on her ,they then take her inside , she then wakes up and Nami asks her for her Name , she then tells Nami that you should introduce you self first , Nami then introduces everyone on the ship to her , when the girl heard they were pirates she became pale they then went on to eat dinner , Rosé was sitting on the deck with Nami and smoking ,They then hear commotion from the kitchen and see Sanji giving Luffy and the girl food ,They then go on to talk to the girl , The next morning the Apis try's to make breakfast but it was all burnt and spicy ,Rosé then Forced the food down and looks at Sanji who understood what that look meant, it was Rosé tell him to prepare his special meal ,Apis then tells them that she escaped from a Navy ship ,and then tells them that she is from an island called warship island ,They the charge course and head for the island to drop her off .

Rosé then spots a fleet ofMarine ships that were heading towards them , Rosé then gose on to infuse his sword with Haki and then sends Five huge slashes towards them that go on to slice them in half and sinking them ,there were at least 10 ships approaching them but they were all destroyed by Rosé , They then continue heading toward the island.

Rosé had then opened his shop


Shop points: 50,521,000

~Abilities ~




[Observational Haki]:300,000

[Armament Haki]:200,000

[Conqueror's Haki]:500,000

[Voice of All Things ]:20,000


[wood Release]:100,000

[Magnet Release]:50,000

[All-Killing Ash Bones]:150,000

[Yin-Yang Release]:150,000

[Coral Release: Master]:50,000

[Blue Flames:Expert]:10,000

[Ink Release: Expert]:5000

[Cooking Talent]:100

[Weaponry ]:1000

[Ninjutsu ]:1000

[Kenjutsu ]:1000

[Taijutsu ]:1000

[Shuriken and Kunai Mastery]:500

[Fuinjutsu ]:10000

[Cell Activation Jutsu]:10000

[Limitless ]:10000




[Mind control ]:20000

[ Predator]:200,000


[Slave seal]:100,000

[Technique Mimicry]:100,000

[Time Travel]:1,000,000

[Cosmic Knowledge and Universal Energy Projection]:300,000

[Overwhelming Presence]:100,000

[Power Bestowal]:1,000,000

[pleasure god's finger]:100

[Massage god's hand]:100

~items/weapons ~

[Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]:5,000,000

[Rinnegan ]:100,000

[Shamna's Geass ]:10,000

[Sword Of Rupture]:2000




[Six Eyes]:2000

[ omniscient eyesight]:5000

[Yami Yami no Mi]:1000

[The Paw-Paw Fruit]:1000

[The Rumble-Rumble Fruit]:1000

[Tremor-Tremor fruit ]:3000

[The String-String Fruit]:1000

[Press-Press Devil Fruit]:2000

[The op op fruit]:2000

[the Ice-Ice Fruit]:2000

[The Mag-Mag Fruit]:2000

[Immortal Geass]:100,000



[All seeing god eyes ]:5000

[ultimate Eye ]:5000

[No Longer Human]:200,000

[All Fiction]:100,000


[The Spear Of Longinus]:5000




[Scissor Blade]:50000


[The Spirit Spear Chastiefol]:100000

[The Power of Absolute Obedience ]:5000


[The Ring of Immortality]:20,000

[Rinne Sharingan]:100,000

[FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH ]:300,000(1 glass )

[Peaches Of Immortality]:300,000



[love potion]:100

[ryõ] : 1 point =100,000 ryõ/Berries

[ cigarette pack]:1

~Stands ~

1. Killer Queen :200,000

2. Star Platinum:500,000

3. King Crimson:600,000

4. Made In Heaven:800,000

5.Gold Experience Requiem:700,000

6.Heaven's Door :400,000

7: The World Over Heaven :2,000,000

Rosé had then purchased

[Observational Haki]:a form of Haki that grants the user a sixth sense that allows them to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of others, as well as gain limited precognitive abilities

[Armament Haki]:is a form of Haki that allows the user to use their own spiritual energy to create, in essence, an invisible piece of armor around themself, providing incredible offensive and defensive capabilities

[Conqueror's Haki]:is a rare form of Haki that allows the user to exert their own willpower over others

[Voice of All Things ]:refers to messages conveyed by inanimate objects and animals that do not speak the human language

[The World Over Heaven ]:Reality Overwrite: The World Over Heaven gains the new signature godlike power to overwrite reality, allowing DIO to rewrite virtually anything in time. The potential extent of this ability appears to be limitless, as this power can be used to rewrite the existence of anything he wants, steal/absorb souls and use them as slaves, heal himself, resurrect the dead and completely negate almost any defense ,Time Stop: The World's original ability, which allows DIO to stop the flow of time. In stopped time, DIO can move his own body freely along with any object he touches that he wishes to move, allowing him to strike his defenseless enemies, move to a superior position, and toy with his victims

While Rosé was checking his new abilities he was informed that they had reached the village,they were greeted by the villagers who were preparing to attack them but Apis stops them ,they were then taken to elder Bokuden's house ,where they talk about an old legend about the elixir of immortality and what could the Marine be looking for ,the old man then gose on to keep talking ,Nami and Rosé then make thier way out to look for luffy , the then find traces of things being dragged and decide to follow it ,they then entered a cave where Apis was talking to a Dragon named Ryu,Nami is to scared seeing it , so he decides to pat her on her head ,they then find out that Apis was devil fruit user and had eaten the whispers whisper fruit ,Luffy then gose on to say that they will take Ryu to the lost island ,everyone then gathers .

Rosé then carry's Ryu with [Omnikinesis] while they sit on the cart that Ussop built ,while Zoro and ussop bring the ship to the point where they would land , A big group of Marines along with another person were catching up to them ,Rosé then gose on to kill all of the Marines with [Hakai ] not wanting to waste time , He then catches the Mercenarie Named Eric who was with the Marines by the neck and squeezes hard snapping his neck and then throwing him down the clif ,they then went on to ride down the mountain on the cart while Rosé carried Ryu ,Luffy and Sanji cleared any obstacles that were in the way ,they then go on to make a the jump landing far ahead of the ship into the ocean ,Rosé then carry's Ryu on to the ship ,they then set sail not knowing where to go ,Sanji had then prepared food and had Brought it to the deck so that Ryu could eat , Luffy excited grabbed the hot pot and dropped it on Ryu's head , Ryu because of this remembers that lost island is located to the east of the warship island.

They then go on to enter a invisible barrier of sorts ,when they entered it all they saw was fog ,and then suddenly a Typhoon appears ,they then manage to get through it, when they reached further away they could see an island that the storm was surrounding , it was like a protective barrier that would keep intruders out ,they had finally arrived at the lost island ,Ryu was not sure if this was the place , they then made thier way to the top of the island ,where they found a ruin ,that opens with Apis's pendant that Ryu gave her ,but before they could try it the floor collapsed and they fell inside the Ruin ,there they found out that the Dragon nest should be on the Warship island , Rosé then rubs Nami's head for figuring it out to which she blushes,They then make thier way back ,while they were heading back they came across a marine Commodore Nelson Royal who had hired Eric, he was accompanied by over 20 Ships , They then went on to connect to each other with chains and surrounded them creating a circular prison which they were not able to escape ,Rosé then goes on to stand at the very top of Black Diamond and then gose on to prepare 20 [Colliding Limitless: Purple] balls that he sends towards each of the ships , when the collided with the ship they caused an explosion so great that it disrupted the whole sea causing massive waves to form , The Scene was beautiful to watch as the whole area around them was covered in purple hue and Lighting , after it faded all that was left was the main ship of the Commodore that had taken considerable damage , Luffy and the others looking at it shouted " How cool", Luffy and zoro then came running towards Rosé and asked him to teach them , Rosé then says I can't teach you this technique but I will teach you'll something else ,They then started dancing in excitement , Rosé seeing this laughed , Nami then comes beside him and holds his hand , Rosé was surprised by the sudden move she made but didn't say anything and just smiled .

Rosé then gose on to the Commodore ship and deals with everyone on the ship and then uses[sukunahikona]to shrink the ship and then stores it and returns ,Ryu had finally got up and had spread his wings and started flying , The whole sea had then started shaking ,then Ryu left a bellowing roar and then more that a thousand Dragons had appeared ,everything then began to shake again ,the sea had receded and land had begun appearing ,Nami then tells them that the island resurfaces every 1000 years ,The Dragon nest had emerged and it was massive , they the. Watched a new dragon hatch and also explored the land ,They then returned back to the ship and had a feast .