
The journey of Rosé through the Multiverse

This is a Fanfic The story takes place in the world of Naruto/ Boruto (Vol .1 )(will add more chapters when the original story progresses) The second volume will follow the story of Rosé in one Piece (vol.2) I do not own any character other than the [Main Character][ summons ] and the [ abilities] [The cover photo is mine] I am writing this purely for my satisfaction .

Rosee_Iamm · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
47 Chs


They had then sent sail and were approaching the red line and a storm that was ahead,Nami then told them that the entrance to the Grand line was a mountain which confused everyone,she then explains how it works ,They then reached the red line which was an unbelievable tall mountain , they then headed straight for a crak in the mountain,Rosé was controlling the ship with his mind and they had entered the reverse current without any problems, They then climbed up the mountain because of the current ,they had crossed the clouds and were headed straight for the summit and then the went down the hill towards the Grand line ,as the were reaching down the saw a giant whale that was blocking the way ,Rosé then gose on control the ship and avoids crashing into the whale , they were then swallowed up by the whale and Luffy had separated from them ,Nami was hugging Rosé , they then arrived in the stomach of the whale which looked like they were still outside , there was a house infront of them from which ad man emerged ,Rosé was stroking Nami's hair trying to calm her down ,The man then started at them and then went on to sit on a chair and read the newspaper , Sanji the shouted at him ,Rosé then goes on to introduce himself and the crew and then asks the old man his name ,he then says his name is crocus and he was the lighthouse keeper of the twin capes and the place was his private resort ,Nami then realising that they were in the whale's stomach starts crying while Hugging Rosé ,the sky and birds were all a painting and there was door which was the exit ,Crocus then tells them that the reason the digestive acid started shaking was because the whale that was lagoon was hitting his head against the red line ,Luffy had then come in from the metal door which was supposed to be the Exit along with two unknown people ,Luffy had fallen into the digestive acids ,Rosé had pulled him out and let the other two drown in the acid ,Crocus then gose on to tell them why Lagoon keeps howling at the Reverse mountain,he told them how Lagoon had followed some good Pirates down the reverse and had come to the grand line with them ,and how they left laboon in his care and promised him that they will return , it's been 50 years since then , after listening to this they were then taken out by Crocus ,Luffy then went on to make friend with the whale ,The group then enjoyed a lavish mean of a rare ingredient "Elephant Bluefin Tuna " that Sanji had acquired ,Rosé was sitting with Nami and told her how they need a Log pose ,to travel the grand line , Luffy had then taken out one saying the wired people had dropped it.

Sanji and luffy fighting caused the Log lose to break, Crocus then goes on give them one as thanks for saving Laboon ,while they were about to leave those two wiered people had appeared and asked Luffy to take them to Whiskey town ,which Luffy agreed .

They weather had a sudden shift and it was snowing , Rosé and Nami were enjoying Hot coffee while , The others were playing in the snow , Rosé had set the ship on auto navigation and had set the destination as Whisky Peak , The weather then kept changing , they arrived at the island and the two people had jumped into the water and escaped as soon as they approached the island , when they entered the island there were people waiting at the sides and they were shockingly cheering and welcoming them.

When the Got of the ship they were greeted by the mayor of the town who was Igarappoi ,The Mayor then asked them for permission to throw a party for them ,Rosé had then grabbed Nami's hand and had gone to drink , The party went on for the whole day ,Rosé was sitting and watching Nami and zoro compete in a drinking competition,Nami had won the competition after drinking 16 jars of wine , everyone had fallen asleep after satisfying themselves , Rosé was acting and watching the people of the town planning ,Zoro was awake and standing on top of them and listening to everything,Zoro was familiar with this group as they tried to heir his once and he rejected them ,Rosé had then appeared besides Zoro with a sword in his had , he Sat down next to him , and was smoking a cigarette , Rosé asked " do you need my help dealing with them ", zoro said " I'll deal with them ", Rosé Nodded, everyone knew him because he had a bounty of 100 million ,they had heard about about how he went on to draw with one of the 7 warlords Mihawak , they had taken extra measures to put more poison in his food , They all were scared looking at him .

Zoro then went on to destroy all the bounty hunters present there, Rosé watched all this from on top ,the Mayor and two people they met before were also part of this group , Zoro single handily dealt with all of them , After he had dealt with them there were Two new additions , Mrs valentine and Mr 5 who were supposedly Had a higher rank than those that were present , They had come here because they found out that there was someone amongst them who had figured out the identity of the leader of the organisation , The Mayor Igaram then gose on to attack them stating he was the Squad captain of the Alabasta Kingdom security and that he wouldn't let them lay a had on the Princess of Alabasta who was disguised as Miss Wednesday , Rosé watching this said "interesting ",Igaram then gose on to request zoro to protect the Princess and promised him a reward , Nami listening to this comes in and says that they will save her for 0ne Billion Berries , She then orders zoro to go and save her , Rosé watching this starts laughing ,Zoro was unwilling so he and Nami went on to have a big argument which Nami won ,after Zoro left Rosé appears Behind Nami and puts his hand on her head ,She was blushing because she knew Rosé heard everything ,Rosé then patted her head and tells her I'll be back ,Rosé then went on to deal with Mrs valentine and Mr 5 while Luffy and zoro were fighting because of a misunderstanding , after Rosé had dealt with them he went towards vivi and told her it's okay we won't harm you ,Nami then punches both of them and stops the fight ,they then go on to discuss , Vivi denies the offer Nami made to her because she couldn't afford it as Alabasta was in the middle of a civil war,she they gose on to tell them that someone was trying to take over and it was one of the seven warlords "Crocodile ",Luffy and Zoro were all excited while Nami was fighting with vivi because she dragged them into a mess by revealing his name , Rosé looked at this and smiled.

They were now targets of Baroque works and thier leader crocodile ,Igaram then approaches them and tells them about the plan he devised,They then took Vivi and headed to Alabasta while Igaram acted as Bait ,while Igaram was setting sail his ship exploded destroying everything ,They then made haste to leave as they are already being targeted.

They then got on to Black Diamond and set Sail ,While they were travelling Robin had gotten on the Boat she was sitting behind the Group ,she then say" this is a nice ship " , Rosé who was standing behind her says " I know I made it ", Robin getting scared falls down onto the Deck , Rosé looks at her and says " sorry didn't mean to scare you or maybe I did ",They then go onto talk while Robin was only looking at Rosé , she was nervous because she knew that Rosé was not someone she could handle ,Rosé just sat on top and looked at them ,The crew had pointed thier weapon at Robin as she was the one responsible for the explosion , she was about to use her Fruit power when Rosé says " you shouldn't do that", she was flustered and nervous and had stopped,Robin then tells them that thier log pose was pointing towards a place called little garden and was a dangerous place ,she then hands them a eternal pose that will guide them to Alabasta straight,which Luffy destroys , Robin then goes on to leave with her Turtle while looking at Rosé ,they then head for Little garden.

They next day they saw Coby's picture in the newspaper,they had come to the grand line with Garp ,they were then enjoying thier time with Vivi's duck , Nami and vivi were sitting besides Rosé as he Lay and enjoyed the weather , A huge white Dolphin jumps over Black Diamond which was a beautiful sight to see ,after a while the arrived at the island ,it's was a very vast island that was covered with dense vegetation , it was like a small part of the magical forest in Rosé's dimension ,there was a resort on the island ,the forest was housing massive animals ,Luffy and Vivi had gone to explore the Jungle, Zoro had Sanji had gone on to compete in who will catch a bigger prey , Rosé and Nami spent Time together while Ussop was designing bombs for his sling shot ,Nami had asked Rosé about his family ,Rosé replied " I don't remember my parents but I do have adoptive parents ,though they live quite far away ", Rosé says "I do have lovely pets and I'll have you meet them soon ", Rosé had then summoned Scar who was a Three Eyed Behemoth lion , he had white fur and pink eyes , his third eye would come out when he is Angry, Sacr was transformed in to his Baby form , when scar was in his Normal form he was A 1000km tall ,Fang who was a Black Manticore , he had black fur , pink eyes , he was in his small form , in his grown form he was the same height as scar ,and Nala who was a white primordial baby dragon ,she had pink eyes and white scales all over her body ,Leon who was a pure white Behemoth lion , he had pure white fur on his body , he had white eyes with a tint of pink to them ,Nami seeing them was captivated she couldn't help her self and went on to hold scar and Leon , Fang came and sat in his lap while ,Nala climed up on his shoulder , Nami tried touching them but the didn't let her , Rosé then says they don't let anyone else touch them sorry ,Nami was then playing with scar and Leon while Rosé was loving Fang and Nala ,While this was on ussop had gone into the forest and met with a giant named Broggy , luffy and Vivi met a giant named Dorry , they were warriors who had been Battling for a whole century , with the interference of No3 and miss golden week of Baroque works their long lasting Fight had come to an end ,No3 had then gone on to capture the giants who were injured and exhausted after thier long duel with his wax , he also caught luffy , zoro and Vivi and had put them on his Candle stand where he wanted to turn them into Wax Figurines for his collection ,Rosé seeing this tells Nami what happened and tells her to follow him , Rosé had left scar and Nala on the ship to , Fang then transformed into a suitable size , Rosé and Nami then sat on him and were taken to the location where the others were , Rosé then gose on to tells Fang to destroy the wax set and free everyone, Fang had then used Blackish green acid fire that had engulfed the entire wax statue melting it and turning it to vapour, after they were freed Fang came back to Rosé and Nami and they watched luffy fight from a distance ,

Nami was holding Rosé hand and was stuck close to him while Fang was on his other shoulder, luffy then gose on to beat No3 but is caught in a colors trap laid by golden week ,which makes him lose all motivation ,Luffy then just stands there doing nothing , Zoro then helps Luffy by pushing him off the Paint ,Karoo then comes running and crashes into Golden week knocking her out ,No3 who was sent flying then comes Back in wax armour that was his ultimate move and what got him the bounty of 42 million , Luffy then goes on to Battle No3 ,all of Luffy's attacks were ineffective against No3 ,No3 was putting pressure on luffy but luffy managed to dodge most of the attacks ,Luffy then gose on to break His wax armour with a Battle axe kick, seeing this No3 takes golden week and runs away ,Rosé and Nami then went back to the ship riding on Fang , Rosé was hugging Nami from behind and his head was on her shoulder , Nami was blushing and didn't say anything , Rosé then kisses Nami on the neck and then sees that they arrived at the ship and stops , as they climb onto the ship Nami then picks scar up and carries him around , Nala then takes flys and sits on Rosé's shoulder while Leon had fang are in his arms , they then go and sit in the common room waiting for the others to arrive , Nami was sitting next to Rosé with her head on his shoulder .

Luffy and the others had them arrived at the ship and when they saw Fang they recognised him , Rosé then introduced everyone to his pets , the only one that socialised with them was scar and Leon , anyone who tried to touch Fang and Nala were bitten , Scar and Leon had turned the new a favourite of the ship , They then sent sail to Alabasta while they were exiting the island a humongous Sea king who was known as island eater appeared before them , Rosé had covered his sword in [Hakai] and then sent a Purple slash towards the sea king cutting him in half and creating a path for them , Luffy , zoro and Sanji then went on to collect as much meat as possible from the sea king, They were so excited , while Vivi and the Giants who were watching them leave had thier mouth touching the ground at what they just saw ,Sanji then prepared a feat for them with the sea king's meat .

The next day ussop had turn weak and had fallen very sick , Rosé was then attending to him and keeping his health from deteriorating anymore ,Rosé then looked for an island and had the ship move towards it ,they were a day away from the island , it was snowing and temperature was very low ," zoro had spotted a person standing on water ,he had then alerted Luffy and Sanji about it ,suddenly a ship that was submerged in the water comes out right infront of them "The metal protectors that stopped water from entering then started receding presenting a Pirate ship with at least a Thousand pirates armed with Rifles,Rosé sent Scar and Fang to go and help them , they then went on to deal with the pirates ,Luffy had sent Wapole who was then leader of the crew flying into the sea , and he was a devil fruit user,the ship the went to look for thier leader,Rose had been attending to Ussop keeping his illnesses From worsening , when they arrived at the island there were soldiers who pointed their guns at them and told them to go back ,Rosé had then come out on the deck and Released his Conquers Haki , A pink wave of light flashed over all the soldiers around them , and knocked them out he then looked at the leader and said , we did not come here to cause trouble we need a doctor urgently,you do not have to worry they will wake up soon enough ,Rosé had then picked Ussop up and carried him to the village following the captain "Dalton",they had then taken ussop to his house where he told them that the Dr Kureha lives at the top of a tall mountain and there is no way to contact her ,Luffy then carries Ussop on his back and climbs the Mountain while sanji helps him , Rosé then goes on to talk to Dalton and apologised for his behaviour before , Dalton shakes his had saying it's okay , Rosé then offers him a cigarette and sits down with him ,Dalton then tells him about how Black beard and his crew of 5 pirates destroyed thier entire country ,Dalton was then informed that wapol had returned and then rushed out ,a landslide had occurred and everyone was running for thier lives and escaping , Rosé not bothering went back to the ship where Nami and Vivi were ,Zoro was training and then lost his way and was roaming around ,Luffy had made it at the top of the mountain with great difficulty and had passed out as soon as he reached the top , he was then taken into the castle by the doctor and treated along with Ussop and Sanji ,luffy Sanji and ussop had then met chopper and decided to make him join them ,while this was on Wapol had reached the top of the mountain and was standing before the castle , Luffy seeing him went down to fight him,Wapol then try's destroy the flag that chopper's father made ,luffy went on to protect the flag ,chopper then Joins him , chopper with his seven form transformations defeats Wapol and his men easily .

Rosé was laying on Nami's lap while Fang was sitting on his stomach and sleeping ,the others were playing ,Rosé was watching the fight and it was really fun fight to watch, after the fight everyone from the village had gathered at the castle on the mountain where Dalton along with everyone from the village went on to thank chopper , Luffy was chasing him around asking him to join the crew , in the evening chopper finally was ready to have a conversation with them,Chopper then went on to tell them that he is not a human but a monster , Luffy then convinced him it doesn't matter ,Chopper had then gone to tell doctorine that he was going to become a pirate ,the doctorine was unwilling or that's what she acted like , she then chased chopper out ,Chopper then went on to escape with Luffy and the others while she threw weapons at them ,Doctorine had then gone on to Fire Cannons in the air which when burst produced cherry Blossoms , Rosé was hugging Nami behind and was watching this beautiful sight with her ,The whole sky was pink , the snow that was falling was dyed pink it was amazing .

The crew then came back to the ship , Luffy then introduced chopper to Rosé and Nami , Rosé then showed Chopper to his room and the medical clinic , They then went on to host a party in celebration of chopper joining them ,They party went on for the whole night , they drank , danced and had enjoyed themselves .

They were on their way towards Alabasta , Luffy and ussop were using Karoo as bait for fishing and instead of catching a fish the No 2 ,he didn't know them and was acting all friendly with them ,his ship had then returned to pick him up , Luffy , ussop and chopper were crying when he was leaving,when he left only then did they come to know as his men called him by his code name .

When they were approaching the island they came across the 200 elite subordinates of Baroque works that were going to gather in Alabasta ,they then tied a band on thier arms so they can make out foe and allies.

They ignored it and made their to island, as soon as they reached Luffy had rushed out , the others infiltrated and went to by provisions and clothes that will help them hide thier identity ,Sanji and chopper were in charge of the shopping while the rest waited in cover not wanting to draw attention .

Sanji had gone ahead and bought dancer clothes for Vivi and Nami ,They looked really pretty ,Rosé was wearing a white jumper as was not affected by the heat , Leaon and Sacr were following him while the other two were guarding the ship ,They then headed into the town where they saw Ace inquiring about Luffy ,"they even saw smoker around ,Rosé watched Luffy being chased by smoker with his mouth full of food ,Marines had gathered and were chasing him , Luffy then brought them straight towards them along with smoker , Ace then blockes Smokers attack stopping him ,they then retreated while Ace held them off ,while they were running Luffy told them that he was his Brother ,they Boarded the ship and were about set sail towards The city of green "Erumalu",but Luffy was missing ,Rosé then checks on them and sees Luffy is with Ace , Rosé then tells them to set sail and he'll get Luffy , Rosé arrived and saw that Luffy and Ace were surrounded by bounty hunters , Rosé then deals with half of them while Those to deal with the others , Rosé then shouts" Luffy we need to leave soon or we will miss the ship , Luffy then pulls Rosé and arrives at the ship ,Ace then arrives at the ship admiring it and ask him how he got such a masterpiece , They all looked at Rosé who was playing with his pets , Ace then approaches Rosé and shakes hands with him and says " Please take care of luffy ", Rosé nods with a smile ,Rosé then Spots Baroque works ship that are following them , Rosé unsheathed his sword and infused it with Haki and then gose on to Slashes towards the ships that cut them in half ,Ace seeing this approaches Rosé again and asks him to join his crew , Luffy then appear in between of them and starts arguing with them , Rosé seeing this laughs,they then share a drink with ace and start planning ,after Rosé and Ace had a conversation ,Rosé had used [Mind control ] on him.

They they reached thier destination,they were stopped by Kung fu Dugongs , They were saying that if they wanted to get on land they would have to beat them ,Rosé then sent fang to Take care of them , After fang beat them up they all started Following him ,Fang then told them to guard the ship while the went ahead,the other three were left on the ship and only Fang Followed them ,they then ventured into the desert, Fangs was carrying Nami and vivi , while the others walked ,Ace was captivated by Fang and tried to touch him every chance he could get but failed as Fang kept dogging him , Rosé looked at Ace and said " All the best ",while they were venturing forward Vivi shared details of what had occurred in the past and how her father was framed for using Rain summoning powder that was illegal,The group them headed towards Yuba the oasis town to stop the Rebel army ,they had set camp once the sun went down , the full trip was so exhausting because of the crew constantly fighting ,Rosé was sitting on a Small mountain and smoking while looking at the moon , Vivi was talking to Ace about how Luffy was so careless and easygoing and how he enjoys every moment of life ,Ace then Looks and Rosé and asks vivi about Rosé, Vivi then looks up and says " I haven't really interacted with him much but he is very caring and is the strongest among them , Being next to him gives a comforting and safe feeling , I heard from Nami that he was the First member Luffy Recruited and is the Vice captain of the crew , I heard that his dream was to explore everything that this world offers ", Ace hearing this smiles and says I see .

The next they continued their journey,Luffy had runaway somewhere and then came back with a monster lizard chasing him and a camel, Rosé looked at Zoro and said " cut it up Zoro", and he did just that , one of them had appeared behind them which Fang took care of ,they then went on to cut them up and cooked them ,Nami and vivi then sat on the camel, Fang then sat on Rosé's shoulders Resting , Ussop had told Luffy to eat a cactus which he did , chopper then informs them that those cactus are used to make drugs and cause hallucinations, Luffy was going crazy thinking a Tsunami was coming , Rosé was laughing at his behaviour,Ace, Nami and Vivi had gotten lost ,They then saw a pirate ship that was sailing in the desert , Nami and vivi were caught by them , They crew then rushed over to save them and get caught instead , Rosé then gose on to beat up the Barbar sand Pirates , He uses [Mind control] on the leader and then gose and rescues the others, They then cleared the misunderstanding and were attacked by another pirate group , Rosé told Fang to go wild and enjoy himself, Fang then went on to destroy the pirates group with such speed and cruelty that it had struck fear into everyone who watching , Fang then let out a Roar that shook the whole desert , Luffy was Next to Rosé Jumping in excitement and saying " so cool …".

They then continued their journey,while approaching a town they ran into Ace who brought supplies for them ,They then continued their journey,They hunted many beasts on their way , they had them set up camp next to a giant rock where they meet two children who were looking for scorpion , a bounty hunter named Gallant Scorpion and Ace then go onto fight but it didn't last long since he was using tools and Ace was just that strong ,

the two children then stop the fight ,they call scorpion thier Father, the children stop scorpion from fighting and they then head back ,Ace also parts ways with them and continues his search for Blackbeard ,The crew then continues on their journey , Zoro chopper and luffy get separated from the group and get lost ,Rosé was keeping an eye on them and saw them find a Poneglyph Rosé seeing this decided to go towards the Zoro and the others, Rosé teleports there and watches from the shadows and once they leave he uses [sukunahikona] to shrink the Poneglyph and stores it away, he then goes back to Nami and the rest and tells them he couldn't find them , Rosé and the others then continued on and meet Luffy and the rest later that evening and continued forward,After another day of travelling they arrived at the city of yuba that had been struck by a terrible sandstorm , they then entered the town and it was abandoned, ahead they found a old man digging trying to get back the oasis , They had taken shelter in an inn in the town ,it was late at night Rosé had gone out and saw that Luffy was sleeping in the hole he dug trying to help the old man , Rosé had picked him up and taken him inside,Rosé then went and helped the old man dig ,and had dug up water reviving the oasis,They next they left and continued on thier journey before leaving the old man had provided water form the oasis for them and thanked them again, while they were travelling Luffy suddenly sat down not wanting to go ahead , Luffy and vivi then go on to have a fight but it is resolved and they move on ,there next destination was Rainbase which was a day away,they arrived at the town and luffy and ussop ran away and brought back by bringing the whole marine after them ,The whole town had people who had thier pictures and were ready to hunt them ,Everyone split up and went different ways ,Rosé had at least 300 people of the Baroque works after him , Rosé had swiftly dealt with all of them painting the alley red with bodies laying all around, Rosé then went on to use Sakura Flame Release to clear the place up, Rosé then went on to look for Luffy who was being chased by smoker , Rosé went on to watch them enter the casino from the Roof , Rosé then jumped down landing infront of Smoker ,Rosé then Coasted his had in Haki and went on to land a punch sending smoker flying .

Rosé then took out a cigarette and smoked it while listening to Robin report to crocodile , Robin was telling Crocodile how Luffy and the crew were in town and how the had lost mor that 300 of their subordinates , Crocodile enraged shouted how , Robin put her head down and said it was the vice captain Rosé, crocodile was distressed because he never thought that Rosé was part of Luffy's crew and had not taken him into account, Crocodile had heard a lot about him and how he is ruthless towards enemies, crocodile then ordered Robin to go and distract them , Robin then went on to take them into the vip room ,Rosé was watching all this sitting on the giant Crocodile that was made on top of the casino ,Smoker who was angry and bleeding then rushed back and was also taken to the VIP room ,they were then dropped into a hole and looked into a prison made of sea prism stone , smoker who was with them gose on to catch Luffy and ask him where is Rosé while coughing , Nami then says " Rosé will never fall into a trap like this and something like this wouldn't be able to hold him anyways ", Somker then goes and sits down trying to recover ,they were then met by Crocodile who was sitting on a chair infront of them , Crocodile was nervous because no one had seen Rosé , he then says Smoker I will have you die and then report to the government that you Died fighting Luffy , Rosé had then made his appearance and sat on the chair which crocodile was sitting on before walking up to the prison gate ,Rosé was smoking a cigarette while watching them from behind,Luffy then shouts at crocodile to fight him and crocodile tell him to wait a little and he will kill them all , Rosé hearing this felt irritated because he threatened Nami and Luffy , Rosé then goes on to activate [No Longer Human] and then grabs Crocodile by the Neck and slams him against the Prison bars and says who did you say you will kill ,Rosé was releasing such immense pressure that it scared even smoker , Rosé had tightened his grip choking crocodile and then put a [seal ][mind control ]on him and then threw him aside ,Smoker was shocked at seeing Rosé display such strength , the others were used to it ,Crocodile then escaped and had triggered the trap that lets water inside the room they were in along with all the Banana crocodiles that he was taming ,Rosé then went on to knock some off them out and had thrown them into a portal that led to his dimension into the ocean realm ,Rosé had planned to collect all kinds of sea kings and throw them into the ocean realm to breed ,Rosé then gose back and Cuts open the prison bars and gose onto Say Luffy I will leave it to you ,call me if you need help , Rosé then gose onto disappear , Luffy then look and smoker and says " isn't he cool , that's my vice captain for you ",Nami and the others smile looking at Luffy brag ,Smoker then walks away and says "this is the only time I will let you go ",Crocodile who was running away meets Robin who brought vivi with her , he tells her to throw her into the prison with the others and speed up the the preparation for the plan ,Rosé had gone ahead and cleaned up all of crocodiles subordinates that were in the town and then teleports away ,No 2 was acting as the king and was stirring up trouble with the citizens of the country but was caught and beaten to a pulp by Rosé,he then put a [seal ] [mind control] on him and left ,after Rosé had prevented No2 from causing chaos , a giant ship that was being controlled by No1 and her partner had crashed into the town destroying it and causing a massive fire that was enveloping the entire town.

Rosé then went in to fly above the Town used Water Dragon Technique , more that 100 huge water dragon then shot up into the Sky Catching everyone's attention and then Exploded Causing heavy Rainfall to envelop the entire Town putting out all the fire ,Everyone then looked at sky and celebrated, some people had recognised Rosé and voiced his title which lead to everyone in the town chanting "The pink Haired Demon Rosé ",Everyone including the Rebel army were now aware that someone was trying to manipulate them as they watched Rose beat up the king who then transformed into someone else,The rebel army had then gathered and Decided to hold off the Rebellion ,until they gathered more information about what's happening Rosé then gose on to beat No4 and his partner and uses [mind control] on them ,he then freed the king who was kidnapped and introduces himself , Rosé the leaves him thier and disappears ,Luffy and the others then Regroup , the crew after beating rest of the Banana crocodiles go after crocodile who was heading for the capital "Alubarna",crocodile seeing Rosé is not with them makes a move against them,luffy stays back to confront him while the others go on ahead,Luffy then gose on to Fight crocodile,Luffy was unable to land a hit on him,Luffy had received a lot of damage and was even stabbed ,Luffy was then trapped in' sinking sand and was left there ,Rosé then appears and helps him out and heals his wounds , Robin had then the approached them and asked why are you'll fighting , Rosé then looks at her and says "Because his friend asked him for help ",Rosé then asks "why did you come back Robin ", Hearing her named called out shocked her and she was about to attack , Rosé then says I have no intention of hurting you ,she then stopped and stared at them , Rosé then got up and stood infront of Robin ,he took of the blind fold from his right eye and looked at her in thee eyes and then went back to treating Luffy , Robin stood there dazed but was pulled out of it when Rosé said you should leave , Rosé then Gave Luffy a ton of food so he could recover after that Rosé left him with one of Cobra's men "Pell",Fangs along with his pupils help Nami and the others reach Alubarna.

It was the next day No1 and her partner were standing infront of Alubarna waiting for the others who should have arrived ,No 1 and her partner then spot Nami and the crew approaching ,Zoro gose on to fight No1 while Nami fights her Partner , While the rest of them head to the castle ,when vivi and the others arrived at the castle they were informed that the Rebels had stopped thier Movements because Rosé had exposed some who was mimicking the king and they suspected some was manipulating this war ,Vivi then gose on to contact the leader Koza and informs him about what happened,the rebellion was called off,Cobra had returned to the castle ,Zoro had beaten No1 who had eaten the Blade Blade fruit,Zoro and No1 had a fierce fight but at the end zoro won ,because of all the training he did with Rosé he was able to cut through his blades and beat him, Nami had somehow managed to beat his partner with her new weapon which she had ussop make,she was beaten up badly Rosé then gose on to hug her and he then says well done ,Rosé then kisses her on the cheeks and then rubs his hands over her wounds and heals them while she let out soft moans,Nami was holding on to Rosé and was biting him on the neck ,Rosé then sat there holding her by the waist while they kissed , Rosé then breaks out of the kiss breathing heavy and says we will continue once it's over , Nami blushing nods Rosé then kisses her on the forehead and disappears,Crocodile and Robin forced their way into the castle as they saw all the plans falling,Crocodile had gone and crucified cobra on the wall while Vivi tried to stop them , Crocodile then revealed his plans of acquiring pluton through the poneglyph, crocodile also tells them that he ordered a powerful cannon to be shot into the squad in 30 minutes ,Everyone had regrouped infront of the castle ,Luffy had come with Pell and was prepared with a lot of water so he could beat crocodile ,Luffy and crocodile then go on to fight,The rest of the crew were running around the square trying to find to cannon ,Luffy had landed the starting few blows sending crocodile flying but then crocodile got serious ,They then go on to have a fierce battle,Rosé then gose on to free Cobra and heals him ,Robin then tells Cobra to take her to the Poneglyph,Rosé follows them ,Luffy and crocodile continue their fight ,They had already destroyed half the castle ,while they were walking they were stopped by the Marine,Robin seeing them got angry and decided to knock them all out and then continue on,they then arrive at the Royal tomb where they enter hidden stairs and go deep underground ,Cobra then looks at Rosé and asks why is he not stopping her , Rosé looked at him and says "I can stop him but I'm am curious as to what the poneglyph has written on it , Don't worry I won't let you be harmed ,"they then reached the poneglyph and Robin started deciphering it , After a few minutes crocodile appears and ask Robin what is written ,She then gose on to tell him about the history of the country , Crocodile hearing this becomes enraged , Robin then tell him that only the history of the country is written on it ,Hearing this crocodile then decides to kill Robin ,he then decides to attack Robin , Crocodile then stabs Robin in the stomach,Rosé rushes crocodile catches him and throws him towards the wall smashing into it ,he then hold Robin in his arms and gose on to check on the wound on her stomach,Rosé then gose on to heal her ,Rosé then sits her up against the wall ,the king had then gone ahead and triggered a trap that was going to collapse the whole Tomb on top of them , Rosé then looked at him and Robin and said Don't worry I will protect you'll ,Luffy had then come into the tomb and had gone ahead to fight crocodile beating him , While this was on Rosé had used [sukunahikona] and shrunk the Poneglyph and had stored it ,Rosé then takes the king and Robin outside informs Luffy about it ,Rosé had come out and checked on the situation he saw that everyone in the town was looking for the cannon and were unable to find it , they then revealed themselves, They were hidden inside a clock tower ,Rosé then told them to wait here I have something to deal with and disappears ,When Rosé arrived there he heard vivi say that there was a timer on the bomb. And it was going to explode , Rosé then heads towards her and takes the bomb from the cannon and heads up into the sky , Rosé then covers the Bomb in Sakura flame Release and throws it high Into the sky , a explosion then occurs that covers the end sky and dyes it Pink , the flames that Rosé had wrapped around the Bomb swallow all the flames from the explosion and convert them into Cherry blossom that Rain down upon the Town ,Everyone was Mesmerised by the sight of the sky being dyed pinks and cherry blossoms raining down on them ,Every one was looking up into the sky , Nami and the others were cheering for him which caused the whole Town to Chant his Name ,Rosé then comes down to the group , Vivi then gose on to hug Rosé thanking him for everything he did , Rosé patted her head and said " Everything is alright now ",Luffy had managed to beat crocodile up even though he was severely wounded and poisoned ,Luffy had punched Crocodile so hard that he was sent flying through then under ground tomb straight into the Pink sky where everyone was able to witness his fall ,The crew the celebrates Luffys victory ,Rosé heads straight towards Luffy to help him , The cherry blossoms was then washed away by heavy rainfall ,Rosé then went on to Rescue Luffy who was still in the underground tomb , Rosé carry's him out saying "You did it captain ",Luffy smiles and says "yes ", and then faints ,Rosé then tells The king cobra that they are heading out , Rosé then carries Luffy back where they meet Vivi and tell her go ahead ,Rosé then carries everyone who fainted after acting tough infront of vivi , While Rosé was carrying them back he spots the Marines trying surround him , Rosé then releases [Conqueror's Haki] knocking them all out , Rosé then went on to Heal those who were injured and prepares food for the others that were exhausted and passed out,Vivi after addressing the people of Alabasta along with the king came to the ship and helped Rosé watch over Luffy , Nami and zoro who were injured and Sanji , chopper and ussop who were passed out because of exhaustion.

After they had all recovered they were invited to a banquet by the king ,everyone was on to doing their own stuff , Luffy was still unconscious, Sanji and ussop went shopping,Nami and Rosé were sitting with the king , Zoro was training and chopper was busy with the doctors of the Alabasta ,after Luffy had woken up they went in to have a Banquet where they ate food like the had been starving for years , Rosé and Nami watched thier behaviour and covered his was not wanting to be associated with them ,everyone in the room then started laughing,they then went on to have a bath in the place hot spring , everyone was staring at Rosé's body that was perfect , they then went on to peep into the girls bath , where Nami flashed them and everyone had fainted and had blood coming out of thier nose , Rosé looked at them and " perverts " , they then went on to have a discussion in the room about leaving the island and had left before night ,as the Marines had gone on to block all the harbours , Rose had commanded the ship to come to the upper reaches of the Sandora River , when the arrived they saw bon clay sitting on the sand next to the ship as he was scared of going up because Leon ,Fang,Scar and Nala were guarding it ,Luffy , Ussop and chopper completely forgot that he was their enemy and went on to dance with his like the did the first time they met ,As soon as Rosé had arrived on the ship he was stromed by the Four pets so he was busy playing with them .

They had set sail in the morning , They were stormed by Navy ships from every Angle,Ussop and chopper were responsible for firing the cannon, Zoro and Luffy were destroying the ships that were coming at them from behind, Rosé his sword covered in Pink flames, He had already cut more that 20 Marine ships in half setting them ablaze with pink flames, Every Marine that was watching this was shaking in fear Looking at Rosé cutting ships in half as if they were Flys , Zoro was Admiring this from the back ,Ussop with his Superior aiming had destroyed 5 ships with the cannons , Zoro and luffy and Sanji had taken care of 10 ships each them self's ,they were having a competition on seeing who will destroy more, Nami was shouting at them from behind, Bon Clay and his crew were also following them , Finally the on responsible for all this had made an appearance "Black cage Hina ", she was was accompanied by 15 ships while she lead a massive ship of her own ,Rosé seeing this ,He had seathed his sword ,he then went on to Condense the Pink flames around his sword and then used

laijutsu a combative quick-draw sword technique,A Curved Horizontal slash that was Dark pink in colour then went toward those ship's while they were going they left Behind a trail of pink flames which did not go off even after touching the water , the slash then passed through all the ships , seeing that nothing happened they celebrated but Hina who had Fine senses shouted and told everyone to jump of , only a few of them had managed to jump off , all the ships were then set ablaze by pink flames that Burned everyone and everything turning them into Pink Roses that scattered around , this was a [Skill/ Ability ] which, Rose created [Rosy Flames of Carnage ]:ability to create hot pink flames,The darker the colour of the flames Hotter and more destructive they become while the lighter the colour the colder and more destructive they become,The Flames The Flames has the power to burn absolutely anything and everything -- be it physical (matter, energy, the space-time fabric, etc.); or metaphysical (soul, mind, life, death, logic, aspects of reality, and even concepts),The flames will only bring harm to those the user sees as an enemy,The flames produce will not stop Burning till when the user orders it to stop or when the target is destroyed completely erasing them out of existence, After a traget is destroyed instead of turning them into ashes they bloom as pink Roses and scattered.

Hana looking at this said what a beautiful at the same time deadly and cruel technique , see then looks at Rosé and says " so that's why he was called a demon ",she then looked at the surrounding and was shocked to see all the destruction caused by only a small fleet of pirates.

The crew then made thier way towards the point where they told Vivi to come if she wished to join them, Vivi was having her coming of age ceremony and was addressing the people of the country,Vivi was there at the spot with Karoo ,She was not there to join them but say goodbye,they then waved goodbye to her and set sail towards thier next adventure .