
The Journey Of A Treasure Hunter

Devin loves adventure and treasure hunting. He almost traveled the world and also found many treasures. But, because of covid, he dies and goes to another world. He finds that this world is also the same as his previous world, but just all the countries aren't the same and are also less advanced. But it didn't stop him. Like his previous world, he wanted to be an adventurer and a treasure hunter. He wanted to travel all over the world, to search for unknown places. He wanted to find the unknown. But one thing he is unaware of is that this world is not as simple as it seems. Then what will he do in this world? Will he be able to fulfill his dream or will he become lost in finding the unknown? __________________________ Well, guys, English wasn't my first language and I am not that good at it. But this would not stop me from writing. I just hope you all will like this novel. If you find any mistakes, please ‌tell me so that I can correct them. Also, if you like the novel, don't forget to review it, add it to your library, and share it with your friends. ------------------------ Hey guys, if you want you can also join my discord. https://discord.gg/C5kUjxVwMC https://ko-fi.com/smallotaku You can donate your support here. paypal.me/SmallOtaku You can also support me here.

Small_Otaku · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 18 - Devin finally arrives. 

"Oh… boy, you finally woke up." Suddenly, I heard the rough voice of someone. I instantly looked at him. This was the person, short of heights. He was the one who followed us. Also, I think he is the leader of this group.

"Good, now tell me where the map is," He asked me about the map.

"Who are you? How do you know about the map?" I asked him.

"You don't need to know who I am. If you want to save your life, tell me about the map," he threatened me.

"I don't know about any maps. I don't know what maps you're talking about." I told him. My question is how did they know about the map? Me, Devin, and Uncle Steven never told anyone about the map, so how did they know about the map?

"Don't try to play tricks on me. I know very well that you have come here in search of treasure. I repeat, tell me where the map is, or you will know the consequences now." He threatened me again. But I am not a boy to be afraid of his threats. If I give him the map so easily, then what is the point of coming here?

"I honestly don't know what map you're talking about. Please leave us alone. I honestly don't know anything about maps," I begged him again.

Actually, my main purpose is to waste time. Devin must have figured out by now that we weren't in the cave, and that someone had kidnapped us. He must be looking for us and will be here in a moment. Uncle Steven must have left some clues for Devin to find us. As far as I know, Uncle Steven isn't a man who gives up so quickly. He has a lot of experience in these matters, and I believe he must have left some clues for Devin. I'll just have to waste time until Devin gets here.

I took one look at Uncle Steven. I see you are still lying on the ground. He looks like he is still unconscious. But when I looked at him, I saw that one of his fingers suddenly moved. I realized that he had not lost his senses.

The man named Han, who was standing in front of me, saw his eyes turn red with anger. He pulled out a gun and put it in my head.

"Listen, I'm not in the mood to make fun of you. Are you going to say it or not? "I stood silently saying nothing.

Suddenly, this man shot Uncle Steven in the leg. Immediately, blood began to flow out, but Uncle Stephen still did not move.

"Stopp!!!!!!! Why are you hurting uncle Steven? If you want to hurt, you can hurt me. Why are you hurting uncle Steven?" I told him angrily. He dares to shoot Uncle Stephen. If Devin finds out, this man won't be able to save his life. Devin will definitely kill him.

He asked again, putting the hot gun into my head.

"This is your last chance. If you don't tell me where the map is, I will kill your Uncle Stephen. Don't think I'm kidding you." He said this and pointed the gun at Uncle Seven again.

"Stop!!!!! Please stop. I will tell you about the map. So, please don't hurt uncle Steven," how can I let him hurt uncle Steven? Uncle Stephen's life is worth more than this map. I don't want this map if uncle Steven needed to get hurt for it.

"You can find the map in my jacket's inner pocket. There is a special pocket in the jacket. You will find the map there." I told him about the map's location.

The man ordered one person to search in the brown jacket. They already searched our bags thoroughly. The man quickly took the brown color jacket and checked its inside. And after a while, he pulled out a map.

"Boss, I got the map," said the man.

"Hahaha, I got the map. Hahaha," instantly, Han began to laugh like a madman. He quickly takes them in his hand.

"Haha, finally I can become rich. Hahaha,"

At this time, I didn't worry about the map. Because my only focus is on Uncle Steven. He is still bleeding from the leg. This makes me panic.

"Hey!!!! Let us go. You got the map, so let us go." I suddenly told him. I needed to treat uncle Steven's injury quickly or it could be dangerous for him.

"Oh, hahaha. Yes, yes, I will let you. Hahaha, I did promise you that." He said and suddenly pointed his gun toward the uncle.

" What are you doing? You already got the map. You promised me that you will let us go," I asked him angrily. This person still wanted to harm uncle Steven.

"Haha, you are right. I did really promise you that, but do you know? That I never really care about the promise. Haha," he once again began to laugh.

Hearing his words made my blood boil, but seeing uncle Steven's situation made me panic. I was about to beg him when I suddenly heard a gun sound. Someone fired a bullet.

"Ah!!!!!!!!" Suddenly the Han person began to scream. The gun dropped from his left hand, and I can see blood coming out of his hand. So, someone definitely shot at his hand. I just needed one moment to guess that it was definitely Devin. He is here.

Once again, I heard the gun sound.

"Ahhh!!!!" A person fell down on the ground. This person previously came to Han's side after seeing him bleeding. But now he is dead.

"Hula… Hula… Hula." I also suddenly began to hear this type of voice. Many people are approaching us are making such noises. It didn't take me a minute to realize that these people were from the Nimu tribe. They are coming here to hunt, making a noise like that. Some time ago I read in a book that when they go out hunting, they make this sound.

To be continued….,

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