
The Journey Of A Treasure Hunter

Devin loves adventure and treasure hunting. He almost traveled the world and also found many treasures. But, because of covid, he dies and goes to another world. He finds that this world is also the same as his previous world, but just all the countries aren't the same and are also less advanced. But it didn't stop him. Like his previous world, he wanted to be an adventurer and a treasure hunter. He wanted to travel all over the world, to search for unknown places. He wanted to find the unknown. But one thing he is unaware of is that this world is not as simple as it seems. Then what will he do in this world? Will he be able to fulfill his dream or will he become lost in finding the unknown? __________________________ Well, guys, English wasn't my first language and I am not that good at it. But this would not stop me from writing. I just hope you all will like this novel. If you find any mistakes, please ‌tell me so that I can correct them. Also, if you like the novel, don't forget to review it, add it to your library, and share it with your friends. ------------------------ Hey guys, if you want you can also join my discord. https://discord.gg/C5kUjxVwMC https://ko-fi.com/smallotaku You can donate your support here. paypal.me/SmallOtaku You can also support me here.

Small_Otaku · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 19 - Rescue. 

Devin POV:

Those people capture my friend Jack and uncle Steven. I made an interesting plan to save them. Those people have guns, so it can be risky if I carelessly go there and try to save Jack and Uncle Steven.

Some time ago when I was searching for food, I saw some footprints. At that time, I suspected that those footprints belonged to those Nimu tribes. Because I don't think that those people who captured Jack and Uncle Steven will work around the forest in their bare feet. Jack and uncle Stephen also did not work around the jungle in bare feet. If you walk around the Jungle in bare feet it can be dangerous, there are many things that can harm you. Like any poisonous snake can attack you.

Because of this, I suspect that those footprints belong to the Nimu tribes. Only those people still did not use any type of shoes or slippers. They walk around the Jungle in bare feet. But previously I did not want to meet them so I avoided going in that direction. But now, to save Jack and Uncle Steven, I needed help from those people.

My plan is very simple. I will attack one man from the Nimu Tribes. It will anger those people, and they will come after me to kill me. When I am chased by them, I will go in the direction where uncle Steven and Jack are right now. Now, this is the plan.

I am going in the direction that the footprint indicates. It did not take me that much time to notice a village. I can also see many people there. They all are wearing dresses that are made from animal skin. This is the Nimu tribe.

I did not recklessly approach there. I need it to find the chance to attack one man. I think my luck is also good because a few minutes later I saw a man holding a sphere and a dead rabbit going toward the village.

Now, this is the chance. I quickly came out of my hiding place and ran toward the person. The person's back was facing me, so he did not notice me, but the other people in the village noticed me. They are already ready to attack, but yeah, how can I give them the chance to attack me? I quickly came behind the person and punched him. It made the person sent flying. I did not waste any time and quickly ran from there.

All the tribe members that saw me attacking their member and then runway got very angry. Wasting no time, they also chase after me. Spears, bows, swords with these types of weapons, they were chasing me. If you are wondering how they did get these Weapons, then king Alexander gave them these weapons.

I was running in the direction where Jack and uncle Steven were right now. I didn't run at my full speed or they won't be able to follow me. Like this, I came close to the place. Suddenly, I increase my speed. I finished from their sight and hid myself. From where I was hiding, I could clearly see Jack and Uncle Steven. Those Nimu Tribe's people still need some minutes to reach here. From there I saw that uncle Stephen was bleeding from his leg. The medium-height guy was pointing the gun toward uncle while Jack was begging him not to shoot. I can see that he already got the treasure map, but it wasn't that important right now. That guy dared to harm uncle Steven, so wasting no time, I brought out my gun and shot in his direction.

Instantly, that guy was hit by the bullet, and the gun fell down to the ground. He began to scream, but I was still angry. So I once again shot a bullet toward him. This time I plan to kill him. But suddenly a person came in front of that guy and he died after being hit by the bullet.

A few seconds later I hear the voice of those Nimu Tribe peoples. It made all of them alert. All the people who had guns were ready to shoot anytime.

I saw Han get up from the ground slowly and quickly told all of them,

"Retreat!!!!! These were the Nimu tribes." He said to everyone. He then turned around and saw said to Jack,

"Haha, you two just die,"

Well, how can I let this chance go? I once again shot a bullet. This time, the bullet hits Han's right leg. He once again fell down and began to scream. Those Nimu Tribe's people already came there and ran toward them. Those archers already shoot arrows toward those people.

"Quickly pick me up and run," Han suddenly said to his subordinate. One person came to him and picked him up, then they began to retreat. Many of his subordinates already fired guns toward those Nimu tribes. Instantly, many of the people from the Nimu tribes drop dead.

This is the right chance. With my full speed, I instantly appear in front of Jack and cut the rope. I quickly pick up the medikit box and then throw it toward Jack. Then quickly pick uncle Jack and then we both start running. It all happened very quickly, so those Tribe's people weren't able to react in time. We did not go in the same direction as Han. We run in the opposite direction.

I think some of those tribes' members recognized me, because of the 10 tribes' people were chasing after me, while the others were chasing after Han.

Uncle Steven suddenly opened his eyes and shot bullets toward those people. Instantly, all of them died. But we still didn't stop running.

The direction we are going is the direction of the Sathadal mountain.

"Uncle Steven, how is your condition?" While running, I asked uncle Steven.

" Don't worry, young master. I am fine. This type of pain is nothing for me." Uncle Steven said with a smile. But still, just thinking about his injury made me angry.

To be continued...….

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