
The Jestèr

A beautiful princess meets a handsome Jester but her father doesn't allow her to marry the Jester Izuku her brother who's a prince wants her sister to be happy and her mother Inko wants the same what will Y/n do? This story is copied and pasted from Wattpad! Wattpad: nevaek09

Taeleftpinkietoe · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs



MY BIRTHDAY is in 3 days and I have no idea how I'm going to tell my father that I want to marry our Jester.

It was 2 in the afternoon and I went horseback riding. I only decided to go horseback riding was because I had time to kill.

Also when I go horseback riding it clears my head, to be honest, I wish I had a partner to horse ride with.

When it was time to get off the horse I saw Izuku coming up to me "Hey Y/n how's horseback riding?" he asked.

"It was going great until you came," I told him.

"Ouch! Why are you so mean to me Y/n?" he said sarcastically.

"What do you want Izu?" I asked the green-haired male.

"Well, shouldn't you start thinking of ways to tell father that you want to marry Denki?"

"No, because we are using your plan and hoping it works" I looked over at him "also why are you here in this kingdom shouldn't you be with prince Shoto? He is your husband after all" I said.

"You know I can't"

"Oh I forgot probably because you got secretly married to prince Shoto when you were 18 and now your 20 and it's been 2 years since y'all seen each other," I said causing Izuku eyes to widen. "Oh! And lastly, father would never approve of you marrying a male"

"Okay! You win but I will see him on your birthday why? Or how? You may ask, well before we parted ways I told him that he could act like he wants to marry my dear sister and come to your ball when your 18 so since your turning 18 in 3 days my husband will come and see me" he proclaimed.

"What happened to my sweet and shy little Izuku? When you were younger you were never this bad boy-ish" I said.

"Oh please, I just grown-up is all stop acting like I'm a little kid if anything you are," he said chuckling.

"Alright let me get changed and then we can have dinner it's about dinner time anyway," I said putting my horse back in their stall.


When I went back inside the castle I went into the bathroom to take a shower.

When I was done I grabbed my f/c towel and wrapped it around myself I went into my room and grabbed out a classic dress I started to put on my dress.

"Hey Y/n what are you going to serve at your ball?" Izuku asked walking into my bedroom.

"GET OUT!" I said throwing a bottle of my perfume at his head.

"Ow! Okay okay! By the way, when you were little I literally bathe you just saying plus I didn't see anything" Izuku said closing the door back.

"I don't care it's still weird next time knock," I said annoyed.

When I was done putting in my dress I opened the door. "Now you come in you perve"

"Sorry, but I wanted to know what food are they serving at the ball because Shoto is allergic to peanut butter," Izuku asked.

"How should I know? I'm not a chef ask our chef I don't even know why you would even think I would know what they are serving" I said pinching the bridge of my nose out of frustration.

"Ok," he said then left.

"I bet he just wanted to bother me but for what?"

'I wonder what Denki is doing?' I said in thought.

I decided to walk next door to Denki's room to see what he is doing I gently knocked on his door.


No answer I knocked again.


"Hello it's me," I said hoping he could hear me.

"Sorry, I'm coming!" he said running to the door I could hear his footsteps.

Denki opened up the door "oh! Hello m'lady didn't think you would even consider coming by my room" he said smirking.

"A-ah well I wanted to see h-how you are doing," I said stumbling over my words.

"Well, I'm doing great now that I'm talking to you how are you, princess?" he asked.

I started to blush from his flirtiness "i-i well I am doing g-great" I managed to say.

"That's good is that all you wanted to say?" he asked.

"Um yeah that was all," I said about to leave until I felt him hold my wrist "u-um"

"Are you sure?" He asked whispering in my ear.

"U-uh" I was blushing so hard right now I could feel my ears heat up.

"Just kidding haha I'm such a tease unless that wasn't all," he said chuckling.

"Uh I g-got to go," I said going into my room and closing my door.

'What am I going to do with the boy?'