
The Jestèr

A beautiful princess meets a handsome Jester but her father doesn't allow her to marry the Jester Izuku her brother who's a prince wants her sister to be happy and her mother Inko wants the same what will Y/n do? This story is copied and pasted from Wattpad! Wattpad: nevaek09

Taeleftpinkietoe · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


"Y/N WAKE UP!" Y/n father said opening her door.

Y/n jolted awake "yes father?" she asked now sitting up.

"Your birthday is in 2 days and you haven't even help plan your ball yet?" he said crossing his arms.

"What are you talking about? They already planned out everything for 'my' ball" she said while sitting up on her bed.

"Did you choose a dress to wear for the ball? It must be beautiful and elegant for the men to love you or to fall in love with you" he said walking back in forth in the princess room.

"Okay father I will," Y/n said in an annoyed tone.

She didn't care about the dress, the makeup, or the hair she just wanted someone to love her for just her not just because she had her hair done or if she had the fanciest dress.

And that's the reason why she wanted Denki her own Jester she didn't want a boring prince she wanted something different to change the story all of the fairy tales she would told always the princess ended up with a prince.

But she never heard of a princess marrying a Jester that was different that was something that was never heard of.

And Kaminari was cute and funny just the perfect guy for her but the question is did he like her back?

Yeah, he would tease her here and there but did he have feelings for her, or was he just playing with her?

There were so many unanswered questions what would he do if she proposed would he say yes or say no, if she told him she liked him would he like her back or no just so many questions that she wants no, need answers to.

She got up from her bed and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower after her shower she brushed her teeth and put on a casual dress.

She walked out of her room she looked over to her left and saw Denki also exiting his room Y/n waved to him he waved back with a smile.

Y/n walked over to him "good morning Denki how did you sleep?" she asked the Jester.

"I actually didn't sleep as much as I would have liked because I had to practice some of the tricks I learned," he said with a toothy smile.

"You should at least take a nap to catch up on the hours you missed" she suggested.

"I can't the day is too nice to just sleep in I have to do something but I don't know what," he said rubbing the back of his neck.

She had an idea "what about we go to the archery field and shoot some arrows?" she ask hoping he said yes.



After Kaminari said yes to archery we went to the field when we arrived we grabbed our bows and some arrows.

"Do you know how to use a bow and arrow?" I asked looking over at him as he had the arrow the wrong way.

"Not at all but I can try," he said about to shoot the arrow.

"WAIT DON'T SHOOT IT!" I shouted at the male "are you trying to stab your eye out? Turn the arrow around" I said sighing.

"Like this?" he asked turning around the arrow but the position was off.

"Here lemme help you," I said standing behind him grabbing his bow and arrow.

"So you position the arrow in the middle of the bow and you position the end of the arrow in between your finger I usually use it between my pointer and middle but it depends on the person and after your, down with that you try to aim at the red dot and when you line it up you pull back the arrow using your other hand," I said now holding his hand so he can follow my motion.

"Then after you pull back and line it up you let go of the arrow" I let go of the arrow and it went right on the red dot " bullseye!" I said with a smile.

I looked over at Denki and saw him staring at me in the eyes "your eyes are beautiful you know that?" he said leaning closer.

He kept leaning closer until our lips touched my eyes widened in shock at how he just suddenly kissed me.

I melt into the kiss the once small kiss turned into a long passionate kiss he had his hands on my waist bringing me closer to him and I had my hands around his neck also try to bring him closer.

He fighting for dominance I also was to but I let him win when he used tongue I as soon followed, my heart was pounding the kiss felt like I was on cloud 9 even though this is my first kiss.

"Mmm Denki," I said falling deeper into the kiss.

I now had my hands in his hair, his hair was surprisingly soft we kept moving our lips in sync I started not being able to breathe.

We soon broke the kiss we were out of breath panting with a string of saliva connecting us, I looked into his eyes all I saw was hunger and lust I could tell he wanted more and I wanted more too.

"D-Do you still want to do archery?" I asked the male trying to change the subject.

"Yeah," he said grabbing his bow and arrow.

'Best first kiss ever' I said in thought

Denki shot his arrow and it landed on the blue line of the board 'Amazing first kiss ever' he said in thought.


Little did they know someone was watching and they were furious.