
The Internal

A teen named Jake discovers he has a power that he later finds out that only a a specific lineage of royalty had while using his powers strange and terrifying event follow

screech · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

The ride home

On the ride home Jake looked out the carriages window thinking to himself when he is struck with the sudden idea to practice using his energy. First he slowly rose energy to his face again and randomly moved his energy through out his body but when he looked to his father he noticed he had the energy inside him as well! He was shocked at first, a little panicked he swiftly drew back his energy into his core he noticed his father had no reaction to his action and wanted to test him a little, he grew his energy very small and very large in a small span like breathing into a balloon, Jakes father had no reaction he just kept sitting there with a glassy look over his eyes so Jake assumed he couldn't see his energy. So Jake just kept practicing moving his energy to place to place, but then he realizes, his energy isn't just in his body it has out grown his skin it almost like it leaking into his clothing. Jake's curiosity is cut short they have arrived to there home, Jake and his father walk inside, while Jake's mother is sitting at the dinner table surprised there back so soon. The maids welcome them back home while they bring out two plates for them to eat, they served them mashed potatos, salad, and pork stew, Jake wasn't Hungry at that point in time or maybe he just didn't want to eat with his father either way Jake turns down dinner and goes to bed even though it was only the afternoon.