
The Internal

A teen named Jake discovers he has a power that he later finds out that only a a specific lineage of royalty had while using his powers strange and terrifying event follow

screech · Fantasy
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9 Chs

forced labor

"I... I think I'm just gonna stay in bed today" Jake thinks to himself on a hot morning with the sounds of bugs buzzing outside but his train of thought is broken by his maid coming in to wake him up but to her surprise he was already awake or was never asleep. Jake was almost immediately angered by some one walking in without knocking this early in the morning but then he remembered what happened to his father yesterday so that killed any mall intent in him and almost made him a little sad. the maid told Jake breakfast is ready down stairs and to be ready for school. "I'm not going" "what" "I said I'm not going." "w-well your father won't b-" "I dont care I'm still not going I will not be disturbed again" "bu-" "dont care" the maid seemed a little shook as she left. right after the maid had left Jake had passed out from the lack of sleep. as he was woken by his irritated father Jake quickly wakes up and stands to meet his father eye to eye. his father had told him to meet him in the carriage out front in 10 minutes. Jake gets dressed and quickly eats something and gets in the carriage with his father. "eleven" "what?" "eleven minutes your late" "that doesn't seem to be that much of a difference." it doesn't matter If your late by a minute or an hour your still late." "whatever why have you brought me here?" "you'll see". as they are being driven to there location no one says a word Jake is off looking out of the window and his father smoking out of a pipe and eating a pickle oddly enough. an hour passes and they finally arrive Jake's father and Jake get out of the carriage and see nothing but over grown fields next to a farm Jerald (Jake's father) walks to an old and almost run down farm house and knocks on the door Jake behind him. a red head buck tooth looking hill Billy answers the door. Jake looks at his father with a strange look on his face wondering how he knows these people. the girl has a look of glee on her face as she shouts "uncle Jerald" as she hugs Jake's father, after, a big hairy man walks behind her and says "Jerald" in a stern but comforting voice Jerald says "Carl" in return in the same kind of voice. "who is this" Carl says "that is your nephew" Jerald says. Jake gives a half wave to Carl and the girl. "what brings you two rich boys to a farm like this" "well my son skipped school and was awfully rude to one of our maids so I'm going to make him harvest your fields for you. if it's alright with you." "of course it's alright actually I was wondering how I was going to make the harvest this year three of my workers are out of commission and I'm a little fat to pick up three mens work load and still make the harvest." Jake realizes why he's out here and is not very happy about it either but doesn't cause a scene because there is family here even though Jake doesn't think to highly about them. so Carl hands Jake a scythe and points at three fields and says "harvest those fields at least but if you want to make and old man proud and make a little money you can do those two extra fields do you know how to use a scythe?" "no" says Jake. after Carl show's Jake how to properly use one he shows him to the field and Jake starts cutting not even a quarter through the first field Jake is about burnt out so he sits down for a minute while catching his breath he hears "get back to work!" from the distance Jake looks. it's his father Jake picks up the scythe and keeps on cutting Jake is bored as he is tired so he comes up with an idea for something that might be fun so he pushes some energy to his face and see's what shapes he can make with energy in his arms so he pushes his energy into his four arm... but then his arms don't feel as heavy and he's not as slow as before, so he puts some into both arms and it seems he Is getting stronger by the minute as much energy he is putting in his arms he's getting that much faster and stronger its about early mid day Jake keeps putting more energy as he works by the time he is done its lunch time so he quickly finishes his last field and walks in the house. his father looks at him and says "shouldn't you be working" "I just finished" "stop joking and get back to work" "I'm not" "you have to finish all three fields" "I did" "there's no way" Jerald looks outside the window and is shocked as he tells Carl to come look as they both stare at him in shock Carl says " that would have taken me a day and a half to finish" "really? it didnt seems like that much work" Carl shouts "lllllucy" his daughter comes down and asks "what is the matter" "look at This" Carl says as he walks outside and points to the freshly cut fields "and" Lucy asks Carl "Jake only started two an a half hours ago" "oh my goodness really?" Lucy exclaimed "what's the big deal" Jake asked "boy three men could barely take all this out in a day" Carl shouted "oh" Jake said almost embarrassed he asked. "have you ever thought of working as a farm hand" "no" Jake answered Carl "well here's my address if your looking for work just send a letter to me. " oh and I finished those extra fields" Jake said "oh I see that give me a moment and I'll give you your money." Carl said walking into the house as Jake tucks the card he gave him into his wallet, after a moment Carl comes back with a sack of silver coins and hands it to Jake and says " there 13 silver and 25 copper in it" Jake thanks Carl and him and his father leaves. on the ride back his father says " hey that was really something" that's as much pride in Jake his father has ever shown in the past 18 years.

sorry I haven't uploaded in a while (edit) still sorry I ahvent updated in a while it's just this whole year is really draining sorry (;

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