
The Internal

A teen named Jake discovers he has a power that he later finds out that only a a specific lineage of royalty had while using his powers strange and terrifying event follow

screech · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

contemplation and experimentation

Jake was rolling around in his room bored with seemingly nothing to do except day dream. Jake just slowly lets his thoughts pass by as he focuses on taking deep and steady breaths. Jake was just barely starting to dose off into a light nap until he feels unsatisfied, "but with what?" Jake couldn't answer as he thinks to himself he feels some kind of feeling or a need like an itch in the back of his brain. he starts to sweat and his heart rate is beginning to become apparently faster by the moment. Jake's breath starts to be more frantic and heavy unlike his steady and deep breaths. Jake begins to panic as a boost adrenaline courses threw him, his head feels like it's being crushed and the back of his eyes are on fire, he feels sick to his stomach... then it fades and slowly comes to a stop just as fast as it came. Jake just lies there in his confusion trying to understand why he felt so awful just a moment ago he laid there for a good 18 minutes and come to the theory that it was because he used his energy with his muscles "yes that must be it" Jake though, "it must be some kind of withdrawal, kind of like how I would drink coffee and then stop that explains the headache at least!" Jake felt like testing his theory so he pushed his energy to his eyes first and watched as the energy seeped into his legs and arms. he started to push ups his push ups were very precise for the first 13 and then slowly deteriorated by about push up 22 he was slouching his arms were shaking and he notice there wasn't as much energy in his arms as before so he pushed more in them and same as his legs. his legs weren't tired and his arms felt stronger then before Jake, kept repeating this until he reached 45 push ups then he took the energy out of his limbs and back into his core he laid down and took a nap even though it was already seven thirty.

yeah I know I haven't posted in a while idek who I'm writing these for

screechcreators' thoughts