
The Internal

A teen named Jake discovers he has a power that he later finds out that only a a specific lineage of royalty had while using his powers strange and terrifying event follow

screech · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

consequences and reinforcement

Jake wakes up in his bed it's "it's still dark outside, to early to get up" Jake's says seeing the firm bluey moonlight coming in through his window his curtains making a shadowed pattern on his wall. this thought doesn't last long as Jake realizing his entire body is throbbing as pain quickly eases into him "I can't move" Jake thinks. "I CANT MOVE I CANT MOVE!" Jake panics fighting with every will in his body trying to get the smallest movement, he heard his door creak open. a quick blur moves to the foot of his bed an almost to long pause until two small hands grip his bed frame at the bottom. Jake's heart is raising this is the worst fear he has ever felt but all he can get out are tears. his bed starts shaking as a tall shadowed figure stands up still holding onto his bed. the figure is impossibly tall but he can't make out a single feature about it. it's pitch black now Jake still can't move but his bed stopped shaking, still Jake is terrified of what could be only inches away from his face but a strange sounds comes from his window. it's birds "that must mean morning is almost here then the maids will help me" Jake though with hope but hours go by waiting for daylight finally after what seemed to be centuries of waiting in fear the sun started rising. as the warm glow of the sun filled his room revealing what was lying on wait in his room... there was nothing, there was nothing out of the ordinary his door was closed and no sign of what ever that was and to Jake's surprise he can move again although he was to scared to only wiggled his fingers under the blankets. he waited until the maid came to wake him up. the maid came in as if nothing happened this was the only time Jake felt safe enough to move again. Jake sat up in his bed before the maid even called his name he stood up when she started to speak "oh ma- "I'm awake" Jake said with a shaky voice and trembling legs. "why is your shirt torn and scratches on your chest" the maid asked worried "I don't know I must have done it in my sleep" Jake replied after a long pause. Jake just barely made it to school without passing out from exhaustion. "oh hello Jake how are you this fine morning" David asked cheerfully not noticing the death in Jake's eyes "fine" Jake groaned David didn't seem pleased with Jake's answer and asked "what's wrong? did you punch the maid again!" "quiet yourself others may hear!" Jake shouted in a whispery tone "no I'm just tired today I didn't get much sleep last night. is that alright with the all inquiring David Curtson" Jake said cockily "don't use my last name like that" David said unentertained Jake stayed quiet and just went to class without responding.