
The Internal

A teen named Jake discovers he has a power that he later finds out that only a a specific lineage of royalty had while using his powers strange and terrifying event follow

screech · Fantasy
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9 Chs

classroom foolery

Jake is sitting in his English class and is getting increasingly more uneasy for an unknown reason like he's running out of steam he chalks it up to not sleeping that night but he knows that's not why. he's not paying attention just staring out of the window and into the gardens hedge maze. Jake goes through his mind numbingly boring routine until free time comes around he is almost running to the hedge maze. he gets to a remote place in the maze, he lies done on the bench and closing his eyes he slows his breathing going in through his nose and out through his mouth focusing on his core and slowly creating energy inside himself he gets to build up more energy then he usually does. his energy is almost like its leaking into his chest not by sight but by the feeling of it. Jake is slightly peckish but would rather spend time making energy then eat something. he keeps building and building for over a half an hour his energy is inside his neck and shoulders now and slight into the upper half of his leg it's like it's a puddle the more you add the bigger the puddle. Jake hears something like heavy breathing but more wet then usual. Jake opens his eyes and looks where the sound is coming from it's coming from the wall of bushes right next to him he spread some branches apart. shuffling and branches snapping comes from behind the wall. Jake is unnerved and his calmness has been taken, his mind plays through all the scenarios that could have led to that but he kept getting drug back to the idea of that monster was waiting for him to fall asleep again. Jake quickly gets up and goes to the mess hall and tries eating something he didn't get much down.his free time is almost up and he'll have to go back to his classes. he waited his fleeting time up and sadly went back to class. he only has a couple hours left until he gets to go home although home isn't any better then school now a days there's nothing to do there that would interest him. Jake is more paranoid then ever his eyes darting around the classroom almost breaking out in a cold sweat. he's breathing shaky as pain slowly grows through entire body Jake wincing in pain on his desk trying to be as quiet as possible to not draw attention good thing he's in the back of the class. sweat drips on his desk as Jake's body shakes as he turns pale and feels like he's over heating. but just like last time the pain and sickness just dissipates as the color comes back in Jake's face. he takes a deep breath and calms himself thinking to himself "don't worry that just proves my theory" referring to him thinking he's going through withdrawal from his energy. Jake has to sit through his painfully boring classes until he can finally go home.

I'm going to try to wright longer pages

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