
The inhuman Blood king

Brian, who was only 7 years old wakes up and finds himself transported into the world of one piece by mistake. Fortunately, Serra's family found him and adopted him as one of them despite his unique ability he did not want to conquer any world or become the king of the world, yet fate had other words after 8 years of living with the Serra family, an accident happened that changed everything _______________________ [ I own the cover copy right ] [ IMPORTANT : All artwork belongs to its rightful owners  ] Well this not my first novel , I have several ongoing novel on other platforms like M.E.G.A.N.O.V.E.L com . ( Heavenly werewolf system) Anyway I write this fanfiction a year ago and I want to share it with you, so enjoy reading this novel that will contain several worlds such as Naruto/ one piece / marvel comics/ DC comics. I don't awn any of this works , except my characters and the others

MAT_10 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Meeting Jiraya and Naruto

"So! The current world events are around when Orochimaru killed the Third Hokage. He most likely came to this place to ask Tsunade to treat his injury..."

He shook his head and continued his way upstairs, he found many corpses that were victims of the wreckage, but he didn't touch any of them, his breath still wouldn't allow him to do this, these were the corpses of an ordinary human though he would gain some physical strength but he refrained from Suck their blood and continue on his way.

When he arrived at the site, Brian looked at the piled up debris and murmured, "Hmm!, I'm late…"

There was no one else on site, he sighed and was about to leave but stopped in his place after he heard someone calling out to him

"Excuse me, young man, what happened here!?"

Brian turned to look at the source of the voice, his eyebrows raised in surprise when he saw the identity of the person he had asked

"Jiraya! Hmm, the person next to him…" Brian thought while looking at both Jiraya who was looking around frowning, before turning his gaze to the person standing next to Jiraya.

"Hmm, Naruto…" Brian stared at the yellow-haired kid in front of him and thought

"Who can imagine that this kid has enough chakra reserves to supply thousands of ninjas?" Of course, Bryan meant Naruto inside his body.

He shrugged and answered

"I don't know, I heard an explosion and I was curious, but when I got here, I didn't find anything but destruction..."

Jiraya nodded and thanked Brian, "Thank you, young man…"

Then he turned to look at Naruto and said

"Naruto let's go..."

"Excuse me sir , you're a ninja right!?" Jiraya's steps stopped when he heard the red-haired youth's question.

Jiraya raised his eyebrows and said with a smile,

"What do you think!?"

Although Brian knew the identity of the two people in front of him, he pretended not to know them. After all, even if Jiraya was famous as a legendary Sannin, Brian couldn't refer to him by name, which would make Jiraya vigilant towards him.

Brian showed an expression of joy on his face and said while looking at the forehead guard on Naruto's forehead

"As I expected, sir you are a ninja, although I noticed the Konoha Village's forehead guard on this boy, I wasn't sure…"

Jiraya spoke while holding Naruto by his side who was grumbling

"Oh! Now that you're sure! Tell me what you want, I'm in a little hurry."

"Okay! Since you are a ninja, you probably have a chakra refining technique!? If you don't mind, I want to buy the chakra refining scroll from you."

Although Brian had given that man the task of bringing the chakra refining scroll, he didn't have enough confidence in that man's credibility, so he now tried to take advantage of Jiraya's presence and ask him to buy the chakra refining scroll.

Jiraya looked at Brian curiously, he didn't expect that Brian would make such a request

"No problem here, cheek..." Jiraya threw a small red colored scroll to Brian without hesitation, although the chakra refining scroll wasn't something common, it wasn't something secret.

Brian grabbed the scroll with a surprised expression, he didn't expect Jiraya to agree to it so easily, he nodded his head satisfied and then threw a small bag to Jiraya

" thank you I appreciate it , Here, keep the rest " He immediately left.

Jiraya looked at Brian's back, then opened the small bag and murmured with a happy expression

"I don't know if this kid is rich or naive!?, to pay this price for the chakra refining scroll."

Naruto looked at Jiraya and grumbled

"You perverted hermit, let's go."

Jiraya put the bag in his pocket, threw his thoughts aside and then said while patting Naruto on the head

"Okay, let's go and find Tsunade."

In the other hand, Brian was looking at the scroll in front of him with a strange expression

"I am really overestimating things, The principle about chakra extraction is very simple, even very simple for someone like me who has the ability to control his own body with the help of the ability to manipulate blood."

He put the fascia inside the pocket space and murmured

"Cells are the key and the secret behind chakra production and storage. As for blood, it helps the chakra flow into a person's body…"

He closed his eyes and focused on making the cells of his body produce chakra, the results were immediate, he felt his chakra level increase by a small margin had it not been for the amazing control of his body that he would not have noticed.

He opened his eyes that were filled with satisfaction

"Now I just have to make sure if this guy keeps his promise…" He thought as he headed toward the tavern to meet the man he had assigned to fetch the chakra refining scroll, even though he got the scroll from Jiraya, he has other plans and other demands, Now he only hoped that the man would not deceive him.

Brian arrived at the bar and walked in, looked around, a smile formed on his face when he caught sight of the familiar man's presence.

"Unexpected, but it's good …" Brian thought as he walked over to the man, because of all these events in his life his trust in people had become low and he had become extremely suspicious of everything.

"Hmm, you're finally here !" The man looked at Brian while sipping a drink in his hand

Brian nodded and sat on the chair across from the man, then put two gold coins on the table and put his hand on them.

he asked while looking at the features of the man in front of him that changed when he saw the gold coins

"Did you bring the thing!?"

The man nodded and commented, " direct to the point , I like this…" He placed a small black roll on the table and said

"Here is your order, you can check before you pay the rest money..."

Brian took the scroll and opened it, nodding his head in satisfaction after he finished reading the content

He pushed the gold coins towards the man and said

"Very good, you didn't disappoint me as I was expecting , consider that other coin as a bonus…."

The man took the coins and said while checking them out

"It's a pleasure working with people like you..." He pocketed the coins and added as he extended his hand towards Brian

" You can call me Ramos "

Brian shook his hand and said

"You can call me Brian, Ramos, I have another mission for you, do you accept!?"

Ramos raised his eyebrows and asked,

"Well , It depends on what kind of mission you want me to do ! "

" I want you to ...."

Are you alive !?

MAT_10creators' thoughts