
The inhuman Blood king

Brian, who was only 7 years old wakes up and finds himself transported into the world of one piece by mistake. Fortunately, Serra's family found him and adopted him as one of them despite his unique ability he did not want to conquer any world or become the king of the world, yet fate had other words after 8 years of living with the Serra family, an accident happened that changed everything _______________________ [ I own the cover copy right ] [ IMPORTANT : All artwork belongs to its rightful owners  ] Well this not my first novel , I have several ongoing novel on other platforms like M.E.G.A.N.O.V.E.L com . ( Heavenly werewolf system) Anyway I write this fanfiction a year ago and I want to share it with you, so enjoy reading this novel that will contain several worlds such as Naruto/ one piece / marvel comics/ DC comics. I don't awn any of this works , except my characters and the others

MAT_10 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Deal with Ramos , Again

"Tell me how much the ninjutsu costs!?" Brian asked while staring at Ramos

Ramos raised his eyebrows and said

"It depends on the ranking of the ninjutsu…"

"rank!?" Brian asked with a frown

Ramos shook his head and explained

"Ninjutsu is divided into seven levels, from F rank which is the weakest ninjutsu to S rank to the strongest ninjutsu, S rank ninjutsu has tremendous destructive power…"

Ramos added after seeing the expression on Brian's face

"Man! Just forget about ninjutsu of this level. I can't bring it to you. As for the rest, it is possible, although it will be a bit difficult and very expensive…"

"Good…" Brian nodded and added,

"I told you before, money isn't a big deal to me …"

He clasped his hands together and moved closer to Ramos slightly and whispered,

"I have a deal for you, I won't ask you how much the ninjutsu costs, I will offer you for every ninjutsu you bring ... Half a million Ryu!! "

Ramos' eyes widened, for a moment he thought he was hallucinating

"Man, are you serious!?" Ramos asked suspiciously.

"What do you think!?" Brian replied sarcastically and then added in a sharp tone

"But Ramos, don't try to play tricks on me. As I mentioned earlier, I'm willing to pay half a million for any ninjutsu you bring even F-ranked ninjutsu, but don't even think of tricking me into bringing only F-ranked ninjutsu !!"

Ramos regained his former calmness and said while patting his chest

"Don't worry man I won't play any tricks against you, but as for the time…"

Brian interrupted him, saying in an inarguable tone

"You have one month, if you're late you can consider the deal cancelled..." He smiled and added after noticing Ramos' facial expressions getting ugly.

"Of course, the faster you are, the greater the bonus you will get…" He got up from the chair after he finished speaking, a bag appeared in Brian's hand out of thin air, he placed it on the table, then extended his hand towards Ramos

"here ! , A 10 million ryu there. You can take this as a first payment , so Do we have a deal!?"

Ramos looked at the bag with excited eyes and then stared at Bryan and said while shaking his hand

" Deal ... "


Brian was currently on his way to the hotel, he was absent-mindedly thinking about his next step, as for the agreement he made with Ramos, it is part of a big plan, of course Brian wanted to learn as many ninjutsu as possible, so he did not put conditions on the task that Ramos assigned to him.

As for the nature of the chakra, with the help of the ability to manipulate the blood, Brian is confident that he can obtain all the elements of the nature of the chakra, which are, the earth he obtained in advance, wind, fire, water, light or lightning, and the last thing is the elements of yin and yang.

The second goal was that after he thought carefully, he found that he alone, no matter how strong he was, could not overcome the people who harmed him and took his family from him, so he decided to form his own forces and he will start implementing this plan after he gets enough strength to suppress this entire world.

Brian arrived at the hotel and went up to his room, but suddenly his steps stopped. He looked at the door of his room and his eyes narrowed, because of the ability to manipulate blood.

Brian currently senses that about ten people are inside his room.

"A familiar blood frequency…" He raised his eyebrows in surprise after sensing a familiar blood frequency among the people inside the room

"Heh!, All of this just for a gold coin, this guy never knows when to give up , but this time I will make sure that he doesn't run again !!…" he sneered, then opened the door to the room.

Well , is the events speed is good or you want to speed it up !?

Any idea or suggestions are welcomed

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