
The inheritance

.... "Bella" Ray called her name with so much melody. Pulling her hand close to his chest to allow her listen to his heart beat. See. My heart beat for only you, Ray assured his girlfriend Raymond Williams a successful singer and novelist is in a twist between the past that hurt and uncertain present. When an ex girlfriend comes back, knocking with a child. Can he trust the woman that hurt and broken his heart three years ago. Or the woman who has never giving him a reason to worry. "You have no brains, you have no talent, you are useless just like your mother this is what Bella hears from her adopted mother for the past seventeen years of her life. Bella wisdom a nineteen years old lady who trys to survive in a world where she felt had no place for an orphan like herself. After two years of trying to get into college to become a lawyer Bella find a new part to become a writer but first she will need to get admitted into Mount Wing where only the very talented and wealthy students are welcome. The new part opens a new world of opportunities but challenges for her as she trys to find her new happiness. "Life will always have new challenge but when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Bella Wisdom Wealth repeated her motto to herself. Blinking back the tears that were about to drop as she looked at her reflection in the full length mirror.

Juliet_Omuadona · Urban
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305 Chs

Are you with Carl


I woke up the next day around eight am feeling hungry and lazy. I wish Gladness was here I thought, as I push myself off my bed and went to the bathroom. I need to go to the wealth mall today. I was always there on Saturday to take a look at things. Basically, take records of stock and balance accounts. I learned how to do that in the first year Mrs. Wisdom prevented me from writing my entrance exams. It makes things so easy now that I was running the places.

After having my bath I dressed up and got set to go. I will get something to eat along the way. I was feeling too lazy to cook or do anything. I stepped outside and noticed a black SUV park outside. I wonder who it belonged to. As I walked past it, going to my car I heard my name, Bella.

It was Carl's voice he wined down the tinted glass and signal me to join him. I wonder what he was doing here but I did not ask. I am looking for inspiration for my new song he said. As if he read my thought. So I thought to try something different. I have a feeling you will be of help he said.

Me? I asked in surprise what do I know about music? I asked. You don't have to know much, you are a creative writer right? he asked. I nod my head. Then you will be able to help he said before asking where I was going. Wealth shopping mall I replied. Going to get some groceries? he asked. No, I answer he thought for a while going to meet someone he asked. No, I need to get some work done I said.

Oh, you work there? he asked. I am still getting used to the fact that I owed the places so I said kindly of. Nice, he said. How long will you need to be there he ask, I usually stay there almost all day on Saturday but it take three hours to be done with what I have to do I replied. What else are you doing today? he asked. I joined the small group of people to have Bible studied, I said. By what time he asked. One pm to three pm I answered. So what else? he asked. No other specific plans I replied.

That means you will be free from four to help with my song he said. It was more like a statement than a question but I answer yes I should. Nice, how about I be your chauffeur and in return you help with the song. But I know nothing about writing a song I said. I have a feeling you will be of great help he said. So deal he said holding out his hands. I took them and said deal. As he started the car I begin to wonder if he needed help or it was just an excuse. Of course, it had to be an excuse to spend time with me. But why would he want to do that?

We went to the shopping mall together. Hope you enjoyed yourself at the party yesterday? he asked as we entered the gate to the mall. I did plus my phone has not to stop beeping since morning. I may have had over a thousand new follows on Instagram plus numerous private messages I said. he smiled then park the car. He put on some dark shade eyes glasses then a face cap. Would you recognize me if you saw me like this he asked? Maybe I said, let just use the employee's entrance your chances of meet any crowd there are close to zero. Everyone on duties should be busy already I said.

Would that not get you into trouble, taking a none employee through that entrance. I laugh no I am sure my boss will understand why I said smiling you know it Carl am sure they would not make any report I said. Then we drove down to the employee entrance how do you manage I mean your millions of followers I asked. Trust me, I have someone for that he said as we come out of the car. You should consider getting one too he said, then move closer to me and took a selfie of both of us.

As we walked in he posted the picture and tagged me. I thought you said you don't manage your social media accounts yourself? I ask. Yes, I did but I have access to it he replied. I smile then lead him to the office. This looks like the boss's office he said. Yes, you can wait here, while I get on with what I have to do. It may take three hours or less so make yourself comfortable I said. Are you sure your boss won't mind? he asked. I am sure, I thought it was a good time to tell him that I was technically the boss but then his phone started ringing? I have to take this he said. Sure just make yourself comfortable and if you need anything just call me I said and walked to the store.

My phone started ringing, it was Elizabeth. I just saw Carl's post. are you guys together? she asked. Maybe and if you get here in another 30 minutes you may meet him I said. What! She said excitedly and before I could say anything else she hangs up. I looked at the footage from the security camera I could see he was done with his call. So I asked one of the staff to take the wine I saw him drinking at the party to him. I started taking stock and crosses checking accounts. 45mintues later a call come to me from the security that there was a lady there to see me. I took a look at the CCTV it was Elizabeth let her meet me in the store I said. Elizabeth walked in with a big smile which disappears when she notices only me and two other staff were there. Where is Carl? she asked. I told you to be here in 30 minutes it 45 minutes he just left, like five minutes ago I said. Oh my God, she was disappointed. Why don't you wait for me in the office while I get done. don't worry I will take you to lunch for the stress. She smiled and one of the staff lead her to the office. I quickly tune the cc television to the office where Carl was and put on the volume there was no way I was missing the look on Elizabeth's faces when she saw Carl there.

Carl was taking a sip of his drink when Elizabeth steps in. For like a minute she looked at him. its looks like she did not believe her eyes. Carl turns to her, you are Bella's friend the one I saw with her at the cafeteria? he asked. She nod. Nice to meet you again what's the name he asked stretching forth his hand. Elizabeth she answered taking his hand. She was blushing and smiling. Bella…. Carl was trying to say. Yeah I know I saw her already she ask me to wait here if it okay with you. Carl smile of course it is, at least we could share my drink he said. Elizabeth got herself a cup and I turn off the voice and continue with what I was doing.

When I was done with what I was doing, I went back to the office. Elizabeth and Carl were engrossed in the conversation they were having that they did not notice I walked in. I am done I said to get their attention. So what next Carl asked. hungry, I need to get something to eat I said taking a look at my watch. it was a few minutes past twelve I guess we have like an hour to do that before your Bible studies time he said.

The three of us eat, then went to the Bible studies together. Then we went to the studio together. We went to their rehearsal room. Where there was one guitar and three piano. That true only Ray plays guitar Elizabeth said maybe that why he is different she added after a pause. Carl laugh. Then sat at one of the pianos. He played for a while then he sang parts of the song he was writing. Elizabeth was more useful to him than I was. I never even knew she could sing that well.

What the hell are you doing in creative writers' class with a voice like this? he asked when they were done singing. I just like singing for fun. I want to be a writer she answered. We dropped Elizabeth home and he took me home.

Thanks for today he said as I was about to get down from the car. I should be telling you to thank you I said. No, you brought your friend to keep me company in the office and she was also a big help at the studio so thank you he said. I nod.

When I got to the room I look at my phone and realize I have over ten missed calls from Jace. I had put my phone on silent at the fellowship and forgot to take it off after the fellowship. I called him and he picked before the phone had the chance to ring.

Am sorry I missed your calls I said.

That's ok I was getting worried, are you okay? he asked.

Sure I am fine, I replied.

You never told me you were friends with Carl he said.

I smile as I could perceive he was jealous from the way he said it.

We meet people every day I said. And to end the conversation I asked him if he was free tomorrow so that we could hang out.