
The Incomparable

You know, looking back into my life, it was horrible. No one had thought to tend to me. No one gave a second glance once they walked past me. Father’s dead... Mother’s dead... Same as everyone around me, but all that changed when I was chosen. Chosen by who? “HIM” of course.

Sectra · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

(*This is where I die huh?...*)

(*In a hospital room*)

(*At least I can die in pea---, wait what is that ringing*)


(*ugh I guess the angels are calling*)


(*who is that?*)


(*Stop calling my name*)


"Yo WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME" I yelled as I jumped up in what looks like the same hospital I was in, and before my very eyes was a small Lizard.

"Are you finally awake?" The lizard said, he sounds kinda mad

"What do you want?"I replied

"Doesn't matter… first you have to heal yourself." the lizard replied

"Heal myself?" I asked while looking at him like a crazy ma-- no lizard

"Didn't you get the message… In your head?" He asked as he looked at me like he had seen a ghost.

"Uhh, what message… If you think this is funny then please stop"I replied while trying to give him a ¨your crazy right¨ look.

"Okay… Say AWOKE… Loud and proud" He said while scanning his surroundings.


Nothing happened

"Say it again, but with more oomph," he said


Then in my head, I could hear a voice talking in my head, it was different from when I thought about something.

"Am I going crazy right now?" I said while staring at the stupid lizard

"Just listen to what it's saying" the Lizard hollard back

" Congratulations!! John, you are an Awakener, and as an awakener, there are specific things we need to go through. First, do you see the animal that's in front of you?" the mysterious voice said

"You mean this?" I replied as i pointed at the lizard

"That is your Soul, what is a Soul? A Soul is an animal (mythical or custom-made) that is made from the user's wish before you die. A soul is what makes an awakener an awakener. In your case, your Soul is custom made and its name is the Death Star, and let me warn you he is a lot to handle. Now shall we go on with your skills be default you get

1. Recover

2. Black flames

3. Fireball

These are your basic standard set of skills, a normal Soul is able to keep 10 skills alone while a custom soul can go up to 15, but Death star can do 20 because of some special characteristics. Now we don't want you dying on us so please use the recover skill, just activate by saying recover in either your mind or out loud"


At that moment all my wounds were healed and I felt great but felt sleepy right after.

"Next is the basic Awakeners class testing, Please say class so we figure out your class"


" Class is being selected, would you like to know the name of your class?"


"Displaying class, Class classified would you like to try again?"


"Trying again, Class Identified. The class name is Dragon Warrior Unique Class. Choosing class Soul skill… Warp Skill applied. Now it is time to explain how to activate your class Soul skill… To be a full-fledged Awakener you have to link with your Soul, but depending on the Awakener you also pick the way you want to bond the faster you can do it. There are 2 different ways to bond with Souls

First, is the Dominating way

Second, is the Peaceful way

I believe that the two ways are self-explanatory.

So Awakener, Which shall you choose?"

Chapter 3 End

Hey, guys Sectra here:

I wanted to thank the people who have read my work and will love it if you posted a review or even comments on what I need to work on as an author, this is my first piece so I hope you enjoy the ride