
The Incomparable

You know, looking back into my life, it was horrible. No one had thought to tend to me. No one gave a second glance once they walked past me. Father’s dead... Mother’s dead... Same as everyone around me, but all that changed when I was chosen. Chosen by who? “HIM” of course.

Sectra · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Location: Awakeners Headquarters

"Signal on a new Awakener sir"

"Where's the location?" a mysterious voice asked

"Wuxia private hospital sir" another voice answered

"Are there any corrupt energy readings?... Check for those" said the same mysterious voice.

"S-sir… these readings… they are all from negative energies" another voice answered.

"Ignore it. Just keep a close eye on him" a deeper voice said


"So Awakener, Which shall you choose?" the voice finished up in my head.

(* I sincerely doubt this lizard will openly give me his loyalty so i guess i will just dominate him.*)

"Hey Lizard," I said while I poked him

"What kid… Can't you see I'm busy" the lizard said while rolling his eyes.

I hate when people give me an attitude for no reason whatsoever, I mean i did nothing wrong so I don't deserve an attitude. RIght?

(* voice how do you absorb a Soul?*)

"All you need is their blood" the voice answered back

(* ooo right where's the knife I used to stab myself?*)

So I picked up the lizard from the tail

"Hey kid what do you think you doing?" said the lizard annoyingly.

Then I sliced its tail off and drank some of its blood.

"Awakener absorbing soul… 10%... 20%... 30%... 40%"

"So you decided to use dominance huh?" the lizard said weakly

"Was the only way" I added

"70%... 80%... 90%... 95%... Error!!, Trying again 95%... Error!!" the voice kept saying this until it said…

"More blood needed"

So I reached for the tail and drank more blood…

"95%...97%...99%...absorption complete"

And before my eyes, I saw the lizard fade away into nothingness

"Let us continue with your training Awakener------"

Basically, there are 9 stages before you can transcend into a higher world, and we humans divided it up into stages and right now I'm a stage 9, since I just became an Awakener, we also know when we have learned new skills because it will just pop up in our head and we will be able to use it, any other information was classified till I reached a higher level.

"Test complete." the voice said as it wrapped up everything it went on about.

"Goodbye," the voice said

And with that 1 sentence, I couldn't hear any more voices in my head.

Then out of nowhere -----

"Doctor, I swear I know what I saw," a familiar voice said through the hall

"Okay okay let's check on the patient" now that was a voice I didn't know


The door opens and I see a woman with a pink dress and another figure with a blue top and pants and a white overgrown just like the doctors

"Well here's your patient-nurse… He's alive" the doctor said with an I told you so tone.

"Impossible… There was blood everywhere" the nurse said in a panic

(* Am I supposed to be dead?... Whatever*)

"Umm… Do you mind if I check out the doctor I feel better?" I said while thinking about what to do next

"I don't think you can since you were just brought in 2 days ago… also how is your eye?" the doctor asked curiously

(* Damn… I forgot to make sure 1 was closed*)

"All better doc" I replied

It was a really awkward moment between the doctor and I

"So how come the slash mark isn't there?" The doctor asked even more curiously

"My friend healed it" I answered

(* Sry James you are my excuse now*)

"Ohh… Really?" the doctor said as if he didn't believe what had just been said

"Can I please just leave this place?" I asked with more courage now

"Sure… go check out, system says you are all goo----"


"What was that?" the nurse asked

"How should we know" I answered

"Let me go che-----



Chapter 4 Ends