
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

*beep* *beep*

*beep* *beep*

*eyes open*


"Where am I?"

I turn my head sideways to get a layout of my location.

"Hospital" Someone answered

"Why not How?" I asked

I was in pain all over then I tried to move my legs.

"And what's wrong with my legs?"

"Answer to your first question is that you were found in an alleyway with broken bones and a fresh scar on your left eye. I believe that explains the second question." She replied with an attitude.

( *how could I forget, those bastards i can't believe they did this to me*)

"Will you be able to fix this?" I asked the nurse just as she was about to walk out.

"I don't know. Ask the doctor" She replied with an even bigger attitude

( *so I'm crippled huh? This sucks I mean why should I live like this because of something I didn't do. Makes no sense, If only I could get out of this bed I would kill all those bastards... ALL OF THEM. If I can't walk then what good am I alive? Might as well kill myself to end the suffering, I wonder if James got home safely? That idiot owes me one for helping him* ).


"John… JOHN… you alive buddy?"

That voice I would recognize it anywhere, it's that idiot James

"Barely" I replied weakly,

"Why did you do it?"

"Why did you take the blame?"

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!" James yelled

"Yo, what the fuck?" I yelled back

"I saved your ass"

"And this is the reply I got?" I said with an attitude

"You didn't have t-t… You didn't have to do this John… ?"

James was crying and I could see his eyes filled with guilt like someone who just killed a person.

"Have you eaten?" James asked while he was wiping his tears away.

"No… Just woke up"

I answer while helping him with the napkin on the table next to the chair.

"Here, I brought you some food" James reached in his back and brought out some steak, not the fancy kind, just the local steak.

" I Have to get going, make sure you get some rest, and eat that food before it gets cold" James yelled running down the hall.

I opened the bag and started eating breakfast, I reached for the remote and asked myself, do I really have to continue like this?. It's 1 thing to have an accident with your legs and have them healed but to have them crippled?. Out of nowhere, a thought crossed my mind.

(*I want to die*)

(*I want to die right now*)

(*This world does not belong to me*)

Then I picked up the knife… And

*stab* *stab*



Chapter 2 END

Next chapter