
The Illusion Within

The discovery of a colossal alien artifact leads to the untimely demise of Arthur Lasley, However, the encounter also leads to him being sent into another world by the artifact. With the sleeping artifact constantly demanding energy from him, the fate of Arthur's adventure is bound to be wavy.

Boolean · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 9 : The Door

As the morning sunlight filtered into the cave, Arthur felt a renewed sense of clarity and purpose. While his water pump design had proved unnecessary for the shower, it sparked a new idea in his resourceful mind. The gears and mechanism he had created could serve a more practical purpose than just providing a simple shower. His thoughts swirled with possibilities as he contemplated what he could use them for within the confines of the cave.

His gaze settled on the crude rubble blockade at the entrance of the cave. It had been a necessary measure for safety, but Arthur couldn't help but feel that there had to be a more efficient way to manage the cave's access. Constantly moving the heavy rubble in and out of the entrance was time-consuming and laborious. It was time to devise a solution that would not only streamline this process but also offer more substantial protection.

The concept of a door took shape in Arthur's mind. With his newfound understanding of gears and mechanisms, he could create a sturdier and more practical solution for securing the entrance. The idea excited him, and he couldn't wait to put his skills to the test.

Thus, Arthur embarked on another routine of hunting, ensuring he had enough energy to fuel his simulations and designs. He continued to hunt hamsters for sustenance and snakes for the crucial energy needed for his creative endeavors. In between meals, he would immerse himself in the simulated world, exploring various door designs, experimenting with different materials and configurations.

With the most significant obstacles already overcome through his shower designs, Arthur was now focused on creating a compatible door that would integrate seamlessly with his existing tools, gears, and ropes.

Maintaining his routine of hunting and designing, Arthur spent the next three days honing his design. He successfully hunted five snakes, but something peculiar caught his attention. The presence of hamsters and snakes seemed to dwindle each day, forcing him to venture further into the plains to find his prey. It appeared that his actions had instilled a sense of fear among the snake and hamster communities, leading them to avoid his immediate vicinity.

During the three days, the 5th snake he killed brought an intriguing revelation. A large transformation had taken place within his 'Poison Fangs' skill. Eager to explore this newfound power, Arthur was tempted to experiment immediately. However, considering the diminishing availability of prey nearby, he chose to postpone this venture for a more opportune time.

On the morning of the fourth day, Arthur made a decision – he chose to remain within the confines of his cave, foregoing his usual routine. The reason behind this deviation from his daily activities was a significant breakthrough he had achieved the previous night. In the simulated world, he had successfully completed the design for the door that had been occupying his thoughts for days.

Unlike his earlier shower creation, which he meticulously crafted in the simulated world before replicating it in reality, he hadn't attempted to physically create this new door design in the simulated world yet.

Pondering over the intricacies of the door design, Arthur assessed his energy reserves, which amounted to a promising 175 units. He calculated that this should be sufficient to complete the project without the need to venture out for more prey.

Stepping into the simulated world, Arthur's focused mind set to work on bringing his door design to life. With a clear vision in mind, he carefully assembled the door using raw materials at his disposal. The concept was ingeniously simple—a rotated garage door mounted on a sturdy rail, operated by a gear system to the right. Small holes in the door served dual purposes, facilitating both smooth movement and ensuring sufficient ventilation for the cave.

As he meticulously crafted each component, Arthur's sense of determination never wavered. He was determined to bring this practical addition to his cave into reality. The design required precision and attention to detail, much like the gears and ropes he had woven together for his previous projects.

Hours passed, and the virtual door took shape. Arthur's excitement grew with each turn of the gears in the simulated world. He noted every step, learning from his experiences, and mentally compiling a list of the materials he would need to recreate it in the real world.

After dedicating 136 units of energy to the virtual construction, Arthur finally completed his masterpiece. The door stood tall and functional, a testament to his ingenuity and adaptability in this wild environment.

Emerging from the simulated world, Arthur's focus shifted to the task ahead. With a list of necessary materials in mind, he ventured out into the plains, combining his hunting expedition with a scavenger hunt. He searched for rocks, ropes, and other materials that would be crucial for bringing his door to life.

As the sun began its descent once more, Arthur returned to the cave, with the last of the required components in his mouth.

In the fading light of the setting sun, Arthur commenced his ambitious project—the construction of the door. Knowing the difficulties that lay ahead, he focused his attention on the most challenging aspect—the rail system and the door itself. Creating a large flat object from rocks proved to be no simple feat. Unlike the shower's bowl, which he had crudely carved, this door demanded precision. Any imperfections would lead to energy loss, a luxury he couldn't afford in this wild world.

Arthur understood the potential of a sturdy door, realizing the time and effort it would take, he had wisely skipped this step during the virtual construction, completing it in a mere two hours. However, translating that virtual success into the physical world required patience, skill, and a keen eye for detail. With determination fueling his efforts, he began carving a large rock, intending for the door to be half a meter tall and a meter wide—perfect dimensions to cover the circular entrance of the cave, roughly 30 centimeters in diameter.

The carving process proved more time-consuming than he anticipated. Every strike of the rock required careful consideration, ensuring the surface remained even and smooth to facilitate seamless sliding along the rail system. Despite the encroaching darkness, Arthur's unwavering determination kept him focused.

As the last rays of sunlight disappeared, plunging the cave into darkness, Arthur's light source expired. With twenty centimeters of the door's one-meter length complete, he knew it was time to rest. Lying down on the cool cave floor, he took a moment to catch his breath, ready to resume his work when daylight returned.