
The Illusion Within

The discovery of a colossal alien artifact leads to the untimely demise of Arthur Lasley, However, the encounter also leads to him being sent into another world by the artifact. With the sleeping artifact constantly demanding energy from him, the fate of Arthur's adventure is bound to be wavy.

Boolean · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 8 : The Shower

For the past six days, Arthur's daily routine had settled into a somewhat predictable pattern. Each day, he embarked on the same series of tasks to sustain himself and work towards his goals. His mornings were dedicated to hunting hamsters for breakfast, followed by searching for snakes to gain energy and upgrade his 'Poison Fangs.' After a hamster-filled lunch, he would ponder and brainstorm shower designs while relieving himself.

During the evenings, Arthur would enter the simulated world to test and refine his shower designs. This process consumed a significant portion of the energy he had obtained from hunting snakes. By the end of the 6 days, he had managed to slay ten snakes, providing him with a total of 600 units of energy. However, the constant experimentation and pondering cost him 360 units of energy, and the fights with both snakes and hamsters claimed an additional 162 units.

With these deductions, Arthur found himself left with a measly 137 units of energy. Despite the energy-consuming trials, he remained undeterred in his quest to create a functioning shower in his cave.

Today, however, marked a breakthrough. After relentless effort and determination, Arthur had finally achieved a breakthrough in his quest to create a functional shower in his cave. His ingenious design centered around a water pump, which would elevate water from the small pool on the ground to the large bowl suspended above him. The shower itself was a simple structure, featuring a bowl with controllable holes, operated by a second sliding rock mechanism. This aspect of the design came together with ease, but the real challenge lay in finding a way to transfer water efficiently into the elevated bowl.

For over six hours, Arthur labored over his creation, devising an intricate system of ropes made from leaves, gears fashioned from rocks, and small bowls to collect and pull water upwards. The rotation force needed to operate this mechanism came from a cleverly constructed treadmill-like structure, designed to fully utilize his feline form's muscle strength.

As Arthur gazed at the fully built shower within the simulated space, a sense of accomplishment washed over him. Like the skilled engineers of the past, he had tackled a problem that couldn't be solved with sheer manpower alone. The realization that his cat form wouldn't have the strength to lift a fully filled large bowl to the top of the shower had led him to explore this complex solution. And now, as he beheld his creation, he knew it was a testament to his resourcefulness and determination.

However, in a sudden moment of clarity, Arthur's thoughts were interrupted. A realization struck him like a lightning bolt. Why hadn't he simply considered using a smaller bowl to transport water into the larger one? The refilling process might have taken longer, but it would have been a far more straightforward and energy-efficient solution. His complex machine, built over those six laborious hours, now seemed completely unnecessary and wasteful.

Embarrassment and frustration washed over him as he facepalmed with his paw, coming to terms with the time and energy lost on a now proven useless endeavor.

After a few minutes of self-blame and contemplation, Arthur decided to focus on the positive aspects of the situation. At least now, he no longer had to wipe himself on the ground, and the prospect of finally being able to clean his fur brought a sense of relief. His once sleek black fur, adorned with small purple hairs, had become dirty and matted due to the challenges of survival in the wild. Even his once fluffy tail had almost solidified, tangled with dirt and dust. With embarrassment fading away, Arthur set his mind to the task at hand.

He ventured close to the forest's edge, gathering leaves and branches to be used in his project. Returning to the safety of his cave, Arthur skillfully tied the leaves into small ropes, a process that required careful manipulation of his claws, as his cat body lacked the thumbs needed to handle tools. After attaching rocks to a stick, he successfully fashioned his first tool – a hammer.

After tying his makeshift hammer onto his paw, Arthur skillfully smashed a large rock into sharp pieces, which he would later use to craft the components of his shower. With unwavering determination, he spent the next seven hours carving out a sizable shower bowl, a smaller water bowl, and a dotted sheet of rock, essential for the shower's functionality. It was a laborious process, but one that brought him closer to his goal.

Finally, after meticulous efforts, Arthur assembled the different pieces of the shower. He placed the large water bowl atop a carefully constructed showering space and positioned the smaller water bowl nearby. With a deep sense of satisfaction, Arthur admired his creation – a fully functional shower. The sense of accomplishment filled him, knowing that he had overcome challenges and obstacles to achieve this feat.

With a sense of pride and anticipation, Arthur stepped into the shower he had painstakingly crafted. As he opened the lid, a gentle stream of water began to flow from the small holes in the large bowl. The cold water made his feline body tremble upon contact, but he welcomed the refreshing sensation. Until now, he had refrained from jumping into the pool of water to avoid contaminating his water supply. However, with this shower draining to a separate crevice in the cave, he could finally clean his body thoroughly without any reservations.

For a long 30 minutes, Arthur relished the cleansing cascade of water, thoroughly washing away the dirt and grime that had accumulated during his time in the wild. The shower offered him a much-needed reprieve, rejuvenating both his body and spirit. As he stepped out of the shower, a contented purr escaped him, a clear sign of his satisfaction.

The exhaustion that had accumulated over the past week seemed to have melted away with the stream of water. He felt revitalized, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. With a relaxed attitude, Arthur ventured out to catch a hamster for his dinner. The newfound sense of comfort and cleanliness fueled his energy and focus during the hunt.

Returning to the cave with a successful catch, Arthur settled down for the night. The comfort of the shower and the fulfilling meal provided a sense of security and contentment. As he closed his eyes, a peaceful sleep enveloped him. The sound of gentle purring filled the cave, a testament to the small victories and triumphs that had made this wild world feel a bit more like home.