
The Idol

Change is the only constant- we all have heard this. But what if God takes this a little too seriously and changes the whole reason of your existence. Stacey is a nerd who loves books and has a little something against KPOP. In the era of KPOP, everyone wants to be a star. But what if your soul is trapped in a KPOP star’s body in a time when KPOP was not in the trend! Wait! There is more- The idol you are trapped inside will die in six months. You are stuck with a murder mystery to solve! You can see ghosts! That’s it maybe. What! There is more? You have an angel at your beck and call! And you fall in love with that angel who has direct links with the king of hell- Lucifer! Now that’s it! Join Stacey in this supernatural ride and fly over Seoul with a black winged devil from heaven!

stuti_saini · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Who Am I Mr. Angel?

Destiny was something I never believed in. But right now, while I am stuck in a stranger's body, travelling the memory lanes very literally and standing face to face with a person who calls himself an angel, believing in destiny seemed the sanest thing to do. I held onto Jung Suk's sleeves really tight and closed my eyes. I could still feel dizzy and slowly I felt the sleeves slipping out of my hands. "Miss Song! Miss Song are you okay?", I heard a very familiar voice. Trying hard I finally opened my eyes and I was blinded by the sudden rush of light inside my eyes. I blinked frantically a few times to get my sight to normal. I looked around to find Chan was standing beside me holding me up by my shoulders. "Bring a chair and a glass of water. Fast!", Bella yelled. Things were still a little blur for me. After a few seconds, I was seated in a chair and someone handed me a glass of water. "Drink it, ma'am, you will feel better.", Chan said. I looked at his reassuring smile and took the glass. "What happened here?", I asked. "We were shooting and then you were about to faint. But before you could fall Chan caught you.", Bella narrated the whole scene to me. "How long was I out?", I asked again after mouthing a small thank you to Chan. "You didn't faint, you were about to faint.", Bella replied all confused. "I guess she is not feeling well. Maybe we can postpone the shoot?", Chan asked. The crew nodded in agreement and the person in charge scheduled the shoot for the next day.

After causing nice huge chaos at the shoot, I was finally left alone for changing and packing my stuff. I went inside the changing room and the moment my eyes landed on the reflection in the mirror my mind raced back to the image of Kim Song crying beside the dead body. All the events replayed in my mind including the kind visit of my angel. Wait! Where did this angel vanish? All this while people were around me checking if I was okay that the thought of Mr Angel completely slipped from my mind. Where could he go? Was he just a part of my imagination? Yeah, this makes sense. Angels are not real. I checked myself for one last time in the mirror before stepping out of the room. The moment I opened the door I was welcomed with a very heart-warming smile. As soon as my eyes landed on his pretty face all my happiness of solving the angel mystery went down the drain. He was standing by the counter smiling at me. "What are you doing here?", I asked walking pretty fast towards him. "What could I supposedly do here? Wait I am cooking. Oh no maybe I am driving a car.", he said amused. I wasn't in the mood for a joke at that time. "I am serious!", I whisper yelled. "Oh! You make me tremble in fear kitten.", he faked and laughed at me. I scowled. "Okay! Okay! Obviously, I am here to pick my little damsel.", he said now munching on a chocolate bar that was supposed to be eaten by me. "Pick me up? Are you insane? I'll go with Chan.", I said and picked up my bag. He shrugged his shoulders and followed me. I thought once I get into the car, he would stop following me. Outside the door, Chan was already waiting for me. "Miss Song, the car is parked right outside. Let's go.", he said taking my bag from me. I noticed that Chan completely ignored this strange man's presence who was still busy enjoying my chocolate bar. I followed Chan and this guy followed us the whole way.

The car was right there and Chan opened the gate for me. I stepped inside relieved that now I can be alone and not be followed by some creepy angel. Chan closed the door and sat in the driver's seat. "Wow, you've got a nice taste in cars.", I heard a voice from the seat next to mine. To say I almost had a heart attack would be an understatement. I jumped in surprise and banged my head into the roof of the car. "Miss Song! Are you okay?", Chan asked worriedly. Meanwhile, Mr Angel was busy laughing. "Chan ask this person to get off the car.", I said. "Which person Miss Song?", he asked looking directly at the seat Mr Angel was sitting in. "This person right here!", I almost yelled pointing towards the seat next to me. "Miss Song there is no one here. Did you hit your head hard? Should we stop by the hospital?", he asked showing a mix of fear and worry. "Chan stop joking! You can't see him?", I asked one last time. Chan looked at me and then looked at the seat. "It is only you and I in this car Miss Song.", he said. "He cannot see me kitten.", finally the very amused spectator said. "Miss Song shall we make a stop at the hospital?", Chan asked again. "No! just take me home.", I replied completely annoyed and maybe a tiny bit scared. Okay! I was damn scared. I didn't speak another word the whole ride while Mr Angel seemed to enjoy looking out of the window.

Chan pulled over outside my apartment's building and he opened the door for me. Before getting off I looked to my side to find the seat was empty. I frantically started to look around for my unwanted companion to find him waving towards me from inside the building. How did he even get there this fast? "Miss Song is everything okay?", Chan asked visibly worried. I realised I was still sitting in the car. I nodded and got off. "Miss Song you go upstairs, I'll bring your bags.", he offered politely. "No Chan. I'll carry them. You go and rest. I want to be alone for a while.", I said taking my bags from his hands. Surprisingly Chan didn't insist on helping and nodded in agreement. I walked inside the building while Chan left to park the car. "Smart move kitten.", Mr Angel said. I ignored him. Maybe if I ignore him, he will actually leave. That is what people do while hallucinating. They try to ignore the unwanted presence. What if he is just a hallucination? While I was busy thinking all sorts of theories behind the existence of Mr Angel, he was whistling and looking around the reception area with a happy smile. He followed me inside the elevator and before I could click the floor number, he clicked floor 52. I gave him a questioning expression. "What! I like to do my homework before taking on a case.", he defended. "Why are you following me?", I asked as we were alone in the elevator. "I am your guardian angel, that's why.", he said with a shrug. "You are not staying inside my house.", I stated. "Pfft! That is not your house Stacey.", he said in a know-it-all tone. My heart skipped a beat hearing this name after so long, hearing my name. I looked at him and he was already smiling at me. And if it was possible his smile made my heart go in a little frenzy. "Y…You know me?", I stuttered still not believing I heard the name right. "Yeah! You are Stacey Morgan who lives in Baltimore, USA.", he said still holding my eyes. "H-How do you know that?", I was full-on smiling now. "I told you kitten, I do my homework well.", he said with a smug face. I looked down, almost on the verge of breaking down. I finally found someone who knew this soul and not the body outside. He knew who I am. I found someone who knows I am Stacey and not Kim Song.