
The Idol

Change is the only constant- we all have heard this. But what if God takes this a little too seriously and changes the whole reason of your existence. Stacey is a nerd who loves books and has a little something against KPOP. In the era of KPOP, everyone wants to be a star. But what if your soul is trapped in a KPOP star’s body in a time when KPOP was not in the trend! Wait! There is more- The idol you are trapped inside will die in six months. You are stuck with a murder mystery to solve! You can see ghosts! That’s it maybe. What! There is more? You have an angel at your beck and call! And you fall in love with that angel who has direct links with the king of hell- Lucifer! Now that’s it! Join Stacey in this supernatural ride and fly over Seoul with a black winged devil from heaven!

stuti_saini · Fantasy
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40 Chs

One Useless Angel

Life's only constant is indeed change. If someone would have told me a few years back that I would soon be sharing a magnificent apartment with a handsome angel, I would have smashed that person's face. I would have believed living with an angel for a moment, but a magnificent apartment is beyond my imagination. Every time I enter this apartment, I sense fear of losing it once things go back to normal. My dear apartment.

I was about to close the door when a hand stopped it. I looked up and it was Mr Angel. "Going in without me Song?", he asked with a smile. "You are not allowed here. Get lost.", I said and tried hard to close the door. "This is not your apartment.", he was eerily calm. "For now, it is!", I was not calm at all. People must have heard me yell and one of my neighbours came out. "Miss Song, is everything okay?", he asked looking around to see whom I was talking to. "No! nothing is okay. This guy is trying to enter my house without my permission.", I said pointing at Mr Angel, who was busy smirking. "Uhm…Miss Song, which guy are you talking about? There is no one here.", he asked confusion etched on his face. I looked at Mr Angel who shrugged his shoulder with a smug face. Oh! How I wished to punch that beautiful face. I huffed in annoyance and went inside the apartment followed by a very happy angel. I heard my neighbour make a comment on my deteriorating mental health and how I need treatment. This added to my anger and I slammed the door hard. "Ouch! You just made my ear bleed kitten.", the uninvited guest said faking the gesture. "And if you stay here any longer, I'll make your other parts bleed as well.", I threatened him using my scariest expression and an intimidating posture. "Oh! Look this tiny kitten is trying to roar, but all I can hear is purr!", he mocked. I huffed. I can be intimidating, but I am tiny, making my power posing classes go all in vain. I went into the kitchen and took out a packet of ramen. "One for me too, please.", an annoying voice followed. I rolled my eyes but took out another packet nonetheless.

Holding bowls in our hands we both were busy enjoying the Korean delicacy and for a moment there was no useless bickering. "So, angels need to eat?", I asked curiously because his hunger didn't seem to vanish with one packet. "Not in heaven, but here, yes we do need to eat.", he said walking into the kitchen to cook another packet. "That didn't fill you up?", I asked following him and taking a seat on the kitchen counter. "I am still starving.", he said turning on the stove. I took that moment to admire him. If he was not an angel, he could have easily passed the auditions for being a model. Such sleek physique, sharp jawline and light brown beautiful bangs, could easily get him any job in the entertainment industry. "Why are you here?", I asked for a millionth time today, expecting an honest answer this time. "I am here to help you and also help Kim Song.", he said still busy with his cooking. "Kim Song? Where is she?", I asked the most obvious question. "In your body, of course.", he said, his eyes scrunched as he tried to figure what should be added first, water or the noodles. "Wait! So, she is living with my family?", I asked a little taken aback. "No! your body is still in shock and Kim Song's soul being a stubborn one, refuses to accept the new form. So, you are still in a coma.", he said this time making eye contact. I sighed in relief. I don't want that devil living with my family and giving them a tough time. I jumped down from the counter and took the packet from the novice cook. He didn't seem to care and very happily took my place at the counter.

After making two more packets of ramen, I was now watching him munch on an energy bar. How can a person eat this much? Oh wait, how can an angel eat this much? "You said you came here to help Kim Song?", I asked. I knew my question was a little incomplete, but I was certain he would give me answers to the hidden questions. "Kim Song will be facing a lot of challenges. I am sent here to not let her lose this time.", he said. "Lose this time?", I was more curious now. "Why do you ask so many questions? Some answers are given with time.", he said and switched on the TV. My mind was still stuck on that question when I heard my name being called on the television. Mr Angel was switching between channels when I heard my name. "Go back Mr Angel.", I said. "Ew! What is this name, Mr Angel? Call me sir.", he said holding the remote away from my range. I glared at him showing my utter disapproval. "Okay, just call me Jung Suk Oppa.", he said and flipped the channel back to the previous one. It was a news channel and the reporter was showing a filming set. There was a shrewd looking man in the middle of a dozen reporters and he was walking beside a girl. She was tiny but beautiful. The reporters were pushing them trying to get some answers. And that is when I heard one of the reporters ask, "Sir, does Miss Song know about your affair?". Another one asked, "Sir are you and Miss Song still together?", and many more similar questions followed. But who is he? "Who is this guy?", I finally voiced my thoughts. "You don't know?", Jung Suk asked in disbelief. I shook my head saying no. Before he could extinguish my curiosity, my phone rang, it was Chan. "Yeoboseyo!", I answered the call. "Miss Song, don't come out of your apartment at any cost. There are tons of reporters waiting outside to talk about your boyfriend's scandal.", he was clearly panicking. "My boyfriend's scandal?", I asked. "Miss Song, didn't you watch the news? All news channels are talking about this juicy gossip right now. Your boyfriend was found having lunch with his ex, near the filming set. And some of the paparazzi even clicked pictures of them holding hands and being a little intimate.", he said. I looked at the screen and those pictures were being shown to the whole of Seoul right now. "Yuck! That is my boyfriend?", I asked very disappointed in Kim Song's taste for men. A lady owning such an exotic apartment and such a beautiful collection of cars chose to date this guy, it is unacceptable. Momentarily I forgot Chan is still on the phone. "Miss Song what do mean by yuck?", he asked a little shocked. "Nothing Chan. I am a little pissed at him for doing this, that's all.", I tried to defend my very honest comment, unknowingly making it more of a trap for me. "Miss Song, it is not an unknown fact that Mr Sung Ho is dating his ex. Your and his relationship is just on paper. Now the issue is that the public might know about our little secret.", he said. What! Kim Song is fake dating a guy who is already in love and in a relationship with someone else. How empty-headed do you have to be to take such decisions in life? As my life was going on a beautiful roller coaster of chaos and disaster, one person was sure enjoying this all. Mr Jung Suk 'oppa', was sitting there laughing at my expressions as this new chaotic side of Kim Song's life was revealed to me. I abruptly cut the call and looked at a very amused angel. "You are here to help right? Is laughing at someone who is actually innocent helping?", I asked controlling the sudden urge to shout at him. He tried to control his laughter but ended up laughing even louder. Wow! Now I have a fake cheating boyfriend, a beautiful public image to deal with, a scandal I am unknowingly involved in and a very useless angel at my hand. No doubt destiny was sure enjoying writing my miserable life.