
The Idol

Change is the only constant- we all have heard this. But what if God takes this a little too seriously and changes the whole reason of your existence. Stacey is a nerd who loves books and has a little something against KPOP. In the era of KPOP, everyone wants to be a star. But what if your soul is trapped in a KPOP star’s body in a time when KPOP was not in the trend! Wait! There is more- The idol you are trapped inside will die in six months. You are stuck with a murder mystery to solve! You can see ghosts! That’s it maybe. What! There is more? You have an angel at your beck and call! And you fall in love with that angel who has direct links with the king of hell- Lucifer! Now that’s it! Join Stacey in this supernatural ride and fly over Seoul with a black winged devil from heaven!

stuti_saini · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The Help

I was about to get in the bed to read and discover a few more horrifying truths about my new life when the doorbell rang. Annoyed I stomped my feet all the way to the door and peeked from the side to find it was my sweet assistant, Chan. I rolled my eyes and opened the door to find him giving me a cheeky smile. "What?", I asked in a serious tone. His smile vanished and he looked down and mumbled sorry. I turned around and walked inside while Chan came inside and closed the door. "Miss Song why have you not changed your clothes?", he asked still scared of Song's mood. That is exactly when an idea occurred to me. These people are terrified of Song. All I have to do is raise my voice. "Can't you see I am not well.", I yelled at him. He shivered in fear. "B…but I received your vitals an hour back. It says you are healthy.", he stuttered. What! How did he receive the vitals? This machine not only checks the vitals but send them to this annoying human. I was exasperated. I sighed and fell on the couch. "Miss Song! Are you okay?", Chan came running to me. I held my hand up and he stopped where he was. "I am not okay! And what does a machine know?", I said with my face buried in the couch. "Miss Song, you literally believe every word these machines say. What is wrong with you?", he asked. This stupid lady believes every word these machines say? Why? "Chan", I called and sat straight on the couch. He came and I motioned him to sit next to me. "When was the last time I visited a doctor before?", I asked. "Miss Song we went to the doctor yesterday.", he said confused. "No, before that. When was the last time when I went to get a regular check-up?", I asked. "Never! You never go to a doctor. When you are ill these machines do a good job at prescribing you the meds. Why are you asking me all this? Do you not remember anything?", he said now panicking. "Calm down Chan. It is just some chunks of memory that are missing. I guess I'll soon catch up but you need to help me.", I said. He nodded and smiled at me. "I will help you Miss Song.", he said. I smiled back. At least I have one friend here now. "Now tell me where do we have to go?", I asked pointing towards the file. He smiled and picked up the file in haste, maybe afraid that my mood could change anytime. "We have a photoshoot planned in an hour with the company's magazine.", he said. "Will the other members be there today?", I asked a little scared to meet them. "No. After what happened at the concert yesterday the company has planned to give you some alone time. For the next two days you have individual shoots.", he said. I sighed in relief. All I need are 2 days to know everything about my so-called best friends.

I went inside got and opened the wardrobe to pick out the perfect outfit for the day. The moment the sliding door moved to the side my senses collapsed. This was not a wardrobe; it was a whole garment store! I had never seen a wardrobe this beautiful and this stocked ever in my life, not even in movies. I touched the fabric and it was just so soft. This girl was living with style. Even though her personality was messed her wardrobe was too organised. I picked a normal work outfit, a baby pink suit matched with a white blouse and a pair of pink sneakers. After spending a good half hour messing with her clothes, jewellery and makeup I walked out all set for the day.

We reached the site where the photo shoot would take place. It was an indoor photoshoot and there were lots and lots of people running here and there. I didn't know it takes this many people to click photos. I entered the site and the area went all quiet. All the eyes were on me and then the whispers started. I heard people say, 'Is that Miss Song?', 'Why is she on time today?', 'This is the first time she is punctual!'. All the comments were followed by gasps and astonished expressions. I got a little nervous as I was not used to being the centre of attention. I looked at Chan who was confidently walking beside me. It seemed he was used to all this attention. "Miss Fiona will be here after the shoot Miss Song and I will go and get you your chocolate milkshake.", he said to me. Before I could ask where should I go a cute young girl came to me. "Aneyong Hasseyo Miss Song. I am Bella. I'll show you your green room and then explain to you the theme of the shoot for today.", she said and smiled at me. I nodded and followed her. "So, are you Korean Bella?", I asked curious because of her name. "No, I am from Forks.", she replied. "Woah are you Bella Swan?", I said and laughed. She laughed as well. "I get to hear that all the time. But sadly, no I am Bella Cortney. And I don't date vampires.", she said still smiling. She was sweet. "Then how come you are in Korea?", I asked. "My mom is Korean and she wanted me to spend some time with my nana. Plus, I am a makeup artist and Korea is the best when it comes to cosmetics. So here I am.", she said still guiding me to the green room. She didn't seem to be afraid of Kim Song, she was rather comfortable. Maybe this was her first meeting with the so-called obnoxious star and Bella was lucky that it was me and not the real Kim Song in this body.

I was sitting in a chair with three people putting weird stuff on my face, hair and nails. After about an hour of torture, they finally let me breathe. Chan came ahead and gave me the chocolate milkshake I was looking forward to for so long. "What took you so long?", I asked. "You never interrupt Miss Song's make-up process, rule number 23.", he said. "Rule number what?", I asked all confused. He handed me a book which had 'Rules 101' written on it. "What is this?", I asked flipping the pages. "Your rule book. Every employee working for you has this.", he whispered trying his best to not let the eavesdropping ears listen. "Seriously!", I couldn't help but laugh. What exactly is wrong with this person Kim Song. I read a few rules which were about how much milk is needed in the chocolate milk, what company cosmetics to be used and also when and where to sneeze. Like was this human even normal?

I could again feel my heart racing and my mind going into a frenzy, as now not only all the eyes were on me but the camera was also facing me. I was standing in front of a green background wearing a black dress and black heels. "Start", the cameraman shouted and people waited for me to do something. But what exactly am I supposed to do? I remember Bella saying the shoot is for our new album. The theme was a natural beauty. Ironically, I was asked to show natural beauty with my face caked in tons of beauty products. I tried to pose, and maybe this would have worked with the Kim Song but I was born awkward. My mom used to tell me that when I was born even the doctors were a little taken aback by the way my hands and legs were folded in an awkward pose. These people were expecting me to not only pose but also pose for a camera. "Miss Song! Miss Song what are you doing?", the person behind the camera yelled. "I...I am sorry.", I said meekly. he sighed and motioned the people on the side for a touch-up. Two girls came to me and started putting in even more face powder and lipstick. "Miss Song, feel the beauty. You can do it.", Bella encouraged me. "1, 2, 3 START", the cameraman yelled again. I was still clueless but I did try copying a few poses I had seen in a few magazines back home. Thanks to Kim Song's athletic body and photogenic features the pictures were a little decent than I had expected. "The feel is still missing. We will give it another try.", the cameraman said. I sighed and after getting more powder and lipstick I was again facing the camera.

The lights were blinding me and suddenly I started to feel dizzy. It was happening. I was entering another dream. I closed my eyes tight trying to stay in my senses and then the world around me stopped spinning. I slowly opened my eyes to see I was in the same studio. There was a man lying on the ground. He had a hole in his head. A gunshot! The man was dead. I was still petrified seeing a dead body in front of my eyes when I heard a girl scream. It was Kim Song. She came running towards the body and sat on the ground wailing. "Oppa! Wake up Oppa.", I heard her shout and she was shaking the lifeless body searching for some hope. I wanted to console her. Even though she was a maniac I wanted to hold her while she drowned in the ocean of sorrow. Oppa, I knew is used for big brother. But I don't remember seeing any picture of this big brother in that album. I stepped towards her wanting to help but as soon as I put my hand on her shoulder it went through her. I was taken aback. I stepped back frightened. Am I a ghost?

"No, you are not a ghost!", I heard a new voice. I turned around afraid to find yet another gruesome turnout of events but in front of me was a beautiful young man. His green eyes and cheeky smile were enough to make my heart race. He was wearing white pants with a golden design and a beautiful white coat. The one thing that caught my eyes was the necklace he was wearing, or must I say flaunting. "W-who are you?", I asked. "The help you demanded last night.", he replied walking around the murder scene. The help I asked for? I did say I would have appreciated it if God sent some help, but who is he? "I am a messenger, now an angel helping a damsel in distress. Thanks to you.", he said faking a bow. "An angel?", now I had no doubts that my destiny is being written by some crazy fantasy lover. "Yeah. I am Lee Jung Suk. And I am here to help you.", he was still searching for something. At that very moment, I realised there was not even a single person moving around us. Uhm, actually the only alive person apart from us. Kim Song was frozen in her pose. "What is happening here?", I asked pointing towards Kim Song. "Oh! This is a time freeze. We need to take our time and look for evidence in all your dream before the bomb explodes.", he said rather nonchalantly. "Huh! I didn't get a word you said Mr. angel.", I asked and followed him. "It is sir to you and you don't need to understand anything right now.", he said without even sparing a glance. I kept observing his every move while he walked around the room searching for something. "Ah! There you are.", he exclaimed and bent down to pick up a beautiful red stone. "Wow! What is this?", I asked mesmerised by its beauty. Before I could touch it, he pulled the stone away and kept it in his pocket. "No touching!", he said sternly. I huffed in annoyance. "Let's go now.", he said. "Where?", I asked the obvious but the expression he gave me was pretty rude. "Obviously back to the photoshoot. We have a shoot to complete.", he said. "Wait! We?", I asked. "Yes, we. Have you seen the way you pose? Kim Song never poses this awkward. Now we don't any suspicions raising.", he said. "Yeah and with you mysteriously appearing in my photoshoot clearly no suspicions will be raised.", I mocked his genius plan. "They never told me you are this stupid. Just wait and watch. They call me an angel for a reason.", he said and with a click of his fingers, the world around me started to spin again but little did I know this time the wheel of destiny also did a little spin for me.