

COLD LIES is a thrilling story, about Kelly a rich spoilt brat whose focus was using her body to get what she wants while Blake is a discipline sweetheart who does not believe in love based on his previous relationship. Let's see how these two will come together and find LOVE.

ElliePearls_7084 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 4

Blake and Jay got there just in time. Kelly was in the car getting ready to drive off. Seeing them she put the car into gear. Over the purr of the engine, she heard Jay yelling at her to stop, that she hadn't paid him yet.

Blake managed to put the top half of his body inside the driver's window, pulling out the key he opened the door, dragging her out.

"Get your damn hands off me you pig," she screamed. She managed to break free and attempted to run.

Blake grabbed her from behind. She kicked and screamed as she struggled to break free. But Blake's body was pressed so tightly against her back. His arms around her, holding onto her wrists which were pinned against her chest.

He could feel her br**sts heaving rapidly up and down, could hear her heavy breathing as she continued kicking and squirming. "Where do you think you're going? You can't skip town without paying. So pay up and I'll let you go."

She stopped struggling, it wasn't getting her anywhere. He had too tight a grip on her. With his body pressed right into her, she could feel every muscle on his body. She screams out. "I can't pay."

"What do you mean you can't pay?" he asked.

"Why do you think you dumb country hick? I have no money." She could feel his warm breath on her neck, it sent tingles racing through her body.

"I don't believe you. Look at you, gold jewelry, designer clothes, a sports car. How can you not have any money?"

She lifted her foot and brought the heel of her boot down hard on Blake's foot. He cursed out in pain, shoving her down into a chair.

Jay looked at the young woman before him, she was so beautiful and he became sympathetic towards her. "Why don't you have any money dear?"

Giving her best sad puppy dog look replied sadly. "I was mugged, and my money and credit cards were stolen. Please, Jay, let me go and I promise as soon as I get it I'll send it to you."

Jay looked at Blake. "Maybe we could give the girl a break, she's just having some bad luck."

He knew that Jay was a sucker when it came to a pretty woman. He had heard enough as he sat, rubbing his foot, thankful that nothing was broken. Putting the boot back on he stood, after listening to Kelly he knew she was lying.

"Oh please lady you don't fool me, you're making that all up." He looks at Jay. "Don't you listen to her, she's playing you. If you let her walk out of here you'll never see her or your money."

He then grabbed her purse, she stood up, trying to get it back from him. But he held it up, out of her reach. Putting the palm of his hand on Kelly's chest shoved her back into the chair.

"Give me back my purse you pig," she screamed at him.

"Sit there and shut up," he barked.

He then dumped the contents of the purse onto the desk. There was a variety of makeup, comb, gum and a wallet. Opening the wallet he found no money or credit cards, the only thing inside was a picture of a woman. She looked a lot like the woman before him, and they were wearing the same necklace.

"Well, there's no money in here," he said, looking at Kelly.

"I told you I had no money you pig," She cursed him.

Blake touched the necklace. She felt the heat from his fingers when they brushed against her skin.

"This looks real. Could be worth a lot, maybe enough to pay your bill."

She slapped his hand away, clutching the necklace in a protective grip. "You leave this alone." She snapped at him, her voice sounding shaky.

"Who's the woman in the picture? She's wearing this necklace, is it your mother?"

"None of your damn business," she hissed.

There was something in the way she clutched the necklace and the way her bottom lip quivered when she spoke that had him thinking there was a story here.

Kelly put everything back into her purse, cursing Blake as she did so. Leaning down he put his hands on both sides of the chair, trapping her between his arms. He was so close to her face when he spoke.

"What's your name? And don't even think about lying to me."

She looked back into his eyes and blinking she answered in an icy tone. "Kelly Adams."

He backed up. "OK Miss Adams. Call someone and get them to wire you the money, then we'll let you go." He held the phone out to her.

She glared at him and hesitated for a moment, then snatched the phone from him. There was only one person she could call for help. Not wanting to call him, but she had no choice.

Blake watched her dial the number, her hand shook and she bit her bottom lip. She was obviously very nervous.

Seeing him staring at her she cursed at him. "Do you have to stand there staring at me, you @ss?"

"Yes I do, I don't trust you lady." He listened to the conversation she was having with the person on the other end.

"Hi daddy, it's me. I'm in a bit of trouble. I need you to send me some money right away. Please, daddy, my car broke down and I'm stranded. What? No, I can't. You know why, no I won't. No wait, don't hang up." Kelly stared at the phone, her bottom lip quivered and she hands Blake the phone.

"What's the matter, Ice Princess? Won't daddy bail you out?" he asked sarcastically.

"Shut up you pig," she cursed.

"Well, there must be someone else you can call for the money."

She shook her head no.

Blake stood back, staring at her, then he smiled at Jay. "Well Jay, If Miss Adams can't pay us then she's going to have to work it off." His hands went to his belt.

When she saw where he placed his hands her eyes widened in fear. Jumping up and grabbing the closest thing to her, a tire iron, began waving it at them. "Don't you lay one hand on me or I'll kill you," she screamed.

Both men were taken by surprise and they looked at each other. Then Blake realized what she was thinking and started laughing. "Did you think I meant by working it off I was talking about s£x?"

"That's what it sounds like to me you sick bastard."

He could only shake his head in disbelief, then pointed to the tire iron in her hand. "Put that down before you hurt yourself. And s£x is not what I'm talking about."

Her eyes were blazing with fury. "No. I don't trust you."