

COLD LIES is a thrilling story, about Kelly a rich spoilt brat whose focus was using her body to get what she wants while Blake is a discipline sweetheart who does not believe in love based on his previous relationship. Let's see how these two will come together and find LOVE.

ElliePearls_7084 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 5

She still held the tire iron, ready to use it if she had to.

"What I was talking about was that you'll work for me in my bar, till all the money is paid back," Blake said as he edged closer.

"You moron, I only owe you twenty dollars," she hissed.

He stared into her eyes, her name calling was getting old and he was tired of it. He turned his head toward Jay. "What does Miss Adams owe you for the car repairs?"

"Nine hundred and ninety-five dollars."

Blake pulled money out of his pocket and handed it to Jay. Then he looked back at Kelly. "There, now you owe me one thousand and fifteen dollars."

"Go to hell, I owe you nothing. And I sure as hell am not going to work in that dump you call a bar."

Blake's anger flared. His eyes blazing with fury he grabbed the tire iron out of her hand and tossed it across the room. "You'll work for me or I'll call the sheriff. I have a feeling we aren't the only ones you've done this to."

Kelly sat back down in the chair in defeat. She had no choice but to do what this man was demanding. Her lips trembled a little when she looked at him. "Alright, you win." She gave him an icy stare and gritting her teeth hissed. "But I"ll make you regret your decision."

"Oh, I just bet you will, Miss Adams."

Jay was standing back, watching as the two glared at one another. He could almost swear he saw sparks flying between them.

"Jay, hide the car keys. We don't want the Ice Princess taking off before she pays me back." Then he looks at Kelly. "Now grab your bags and come with me."

Pouting, and with her hands on her hips started whining. "Well, aren't you going to help me?"

He tilted his head, giving her a weary stare.

"What?" She brushed the hair away from her face. "I've got a lot of bags. I can't carry them all myself."

He grabbed her bags and headed out.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"Back to the bar, there's a room upstairs where you can stay while you're here," he answered.

"I don't know anything about working in a bar," she said, grumbling behind his back.

"You'll learn." He stopped, turned and looking her up and down smiled. "If you don't learn, then maybe you will have to work it off in bed."

"Over your dead body Mr. Knight."

"Yeah, I better not. I'd probably get frostbitten sleeping with you." He started walking with his back to her.

Dragging her suitcase behind Blake she made a face at him.

Joe was serving a table full of men when he saw Blake and the woman walk in. They went into the back room where there were steps leading to the upstairs. She followed behind him.

They stepped into what she figured was someone's apartment, it was quite large. She went and walked around, checking out the large kitchen, living room, it also had a nice size bathroom, very modern. And two bedrooms.

"Who's lives here?"Kelly asked.

"I do. You can use this bedroom," he said as he put her bags on the bed.

Skeptical, she looked at him. "And your wife or girlfriend?"

"No, just me."

"I'm not staying here alone with you. God, you could be some kind of sexual pervert."

"There's nowhere else for you to stay Princess."

"I could stay at the bed and breakfast."

"You don't have any money and I'm not paying for it. Hey, wait one minute. If you have no money how were you able to afford to stay there the last few days?"

Kelly went deadly quiet and turned her head, avoiding his eyes.

He swore. "Damn it, you skipped out without paying, didn't you?" His accusing eyes burrowed into hers when he grabbed her chin, making her look at him.

"Yes," she mouthed the words.

"That's just great. Now I'll have to go pay for it. Don't be mistaken, I'll be adding it to what you already owe me. Get settled, tomorrow you start work."

As he was walking out the door she stopped him. "Where are you going?"

"I've got to get back to work, I have a business to run."

"You can't leave me here all alone. What am I suppose to do? And I'm hungry." She started whining.

"I don't care what you do, watch TV, read. If you're hungry there's plenty of food in the fridge. And tidy up the place."

She scoffed. "Oh hell no. I may have to work in your bar, but I'll be damned if I'll be your personal maid."

Kelly was driving him crazy with her constant whining. He walked over to her and roughly put her up against the wall. His arms on both sides of her, trapping her between him and the wall. His eyes moved down to her breasts which were heaving rapidly up and down, he smiled. "Your room and board are not part of the deal. You have to pay for it one way or another, your choice."