

COLD LIES is a thrilling story, about Kelly a rich spoilt brat whose focus was using her body to get what she wants while Blake is a discipline sweetheart who does not believe in love based on his previous relationship. Let's see how these two will come together and find LOVE.

ElliePearls_7084 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 3

Two men walked into the bar and gave her a friendly smile when they walked passed her. But she did not return their smile, instead, she rolled her eyes and looked away.

The men sat at the bar and started a conversation with Blake."Hey, Blake, who's the pretty lady sitting over there by herself," asked Stan.

"Don't know, don't care. She's waiting for her car, it's in the garage being fixed."

Stan looked over at her, then back at Blake. "Take a drink over to her for me will you Blake."

He poured a glass of wine and walked over, setting it down in front of her. She looked at it, then at Blake. "What's that?" she asked.

He sarcastically replied, "It's called white wine."

" I know what it's called you fool. What I meant is that I didn't order it."

"I know you didn't. It's from the man sitting at the bar," he pointed at Stan.

When Kelly looked over at the bar Stan winked at her, she looked back at Blake. "Well give it back to him and tell him he can go to hell," she said as she waved him away.

He shook his head and glared at her, "The guy was only trying to be nice. Do you have to be such a bitch?"

He picked up the glass and went back over to the bar, telling Stan what she had said. He felt bad for the guy when he saw the hurt look flash across Stan's face. "Don't feel bad Stan, the woman is a snob, cold as ice. She'll be gone soon."

More people drifted in, saying hi to her as they passed, but she ignored them all.

She soon became bored and wished now she had accepted that drink. But she also knew how to get others to buy her a drink. So going over to the jukebox dropped a quarter in and selected a song. The men all turned to watch as she swayed her hips to the music, seductively.

She knew the men were eyeing her and would buy her a drink. She was right, back at the table sat a couple of drinks. Smiling to herself, her plan worked. Men were so easy she thought, as she took a sip of her drink.

Blake kept his eye on her, he knew she was going to be trouble. He hoped she would be gone before the truckers started rolling in. Before trouble started, he felt it would happen if she didn't leave soon. The woman was nothing but trouble, he thought to himself.

Finally, after she had a couple of drinks, Jay, the man who was working on her car came in and sat down next to her.

"Car's all done, Miss. Here's your bill." He hands her a slip of paper.

Kelly looked at the invoice and swallowed the egg size lump that formed in her throat. Panic was threatening to overcome her, and for a moment was unsure of what to do. "Nine hundred and ninety-five dollars. That's more than I thought it would be, I don't carry that much cash on me. Would you accept a cheque?"

She shifted her legs over to the side and crossed them, making sure Jay noticed. And giving him the sweetest smile she could.

Jay could hardly take his eyes off her legs, her skirt short to begin with was hiked up, showing a lot of her legs. he finally looked up into her eyes. "I don't usually accept cheques from people I don't know. Oh hell, you look honest enough, alright Miss."

"Oh thank you so much," she purred. "Why don't you go over to the bar and get yourself a drink on me and I'll make out the cheque."

So Jay headed to the bar and ordered a beer. "This is from that young lady."

Blake looked over Jay's shoulder to where Kelly had been sitting. She was gone, and so was her bag, he cursed. "Shit, she's gone."

Jay looked, then turned back to Blake. His round face turning red. "You don't think she took off stiffing me, do you?"

"Where did you leave her car?"

"Over at the garage, damn, I already gave her the keys," he said, panic sounding in his voice.

"OK, let's get over there," Blake said to the distraught man.