

COLD LIES is a thrilling story, about Kelly a rich spoilt brat whose focus was using her body to get what she wants while Blake is a discipline sweetheart who does not believe in love based on his previous relationship. Let's see how these two will come together and find LOVE.

ElliePearls_7084 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 2

Kelly sat back and smiled as the man approached her table. He was even better looking up close, very muscular and every bit a man.

He looked down at her and in a gruff voice snapped at her. "What do you want lady?"

Kelly was taken by surprise by his tone when he spoke to her. Most men smiled and flirted with her. But not this man, he sounded angry with her. And his attitude annoyed her, so with ice in her voice, she answered back. "I want a coffee and a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread. A touch of mustard with the crust cut off. Oh, and by the way, I want milk for my coffee, not that cream garbage."

Blake frowned as he looked down at her. What a snobby bitch, he thought to himself as he listened to her rudely giving her order.

When he didn't reply she looked up at him, her eyes showing contempt. "What's the matter? Are you deaf? Hum-do I have to repeat my order?"

He felt his temper rising, he snapped back. "Are you kidding me, lady? I don't know where you think you are, but this is a bar, not a restaurant. There's one of those down the street, I suggest you go there."

She sat back in her chair, making it obvious she was checking him out as her eyes moved slowly up and down his body. "Well you must have coffee and food here, don't you know it's the law to have food available for the customers when you serve alcohol? I could report you."

"I know the law lady. For your information, I just opened and my cook hasn't arrived yet."

"Well, how long do I have to wait? I'm hungry now," she said sarcastically.

Rolling his eyes he crudely answered back. "Alright, let me see what I can get you."

Ten minutes later he returned with a burger and coffee, dropping it in front of her.

She looked at the plate with disgust, then up at Blake. "This isn't what I ordered."

"It's all I've got right now. Eat it or don't. Either way, I don't give a damn." He wasn't being honest with her. There was plenty of other things he could have made her. But the truth was he didn't want to, not for her.

"It looks greasy," saying as she made a face.

He was getting close to his breaking point, she was definitely getting on his nerves. "Then don't eat it. Look, why don't you pay your bill and leave. I'm sure you can find somewhere else to eat."

"You're an extremely rude man. Who is the owner of this dump?"

Crossing his arms he hissed. "Blake Knight."

"Well get him, I want a word with him." Pushing her plate away she glared at him.

"You're looking at him, lady."

Kelly raised an eyebrow. "You're the owner?"

"Are you deaf lady? Do I have to repeat myself? he sneered.

"Oh, that's really original. What are you, twelve? No wonder your business is doing so poorly, what with that attitude of yours."

Blake felt like pulling his hair out. This woman was driving him crazy with her smart ass comments on everything. "Why don't you eat your burger and be on your way."

Kelly scoffed at him. "I'd be happy to leave now. But I'm waiting for my car to be fixed. I might be here for a while. You got a problem with that?"

"I guess not, as long as you don't get in the way."

Kelly laughed and waved her arms around. "You've got to be kidding me, in the way of what? There's no one in here."

She watched him as he walked away, smiling as she checked out his backside. He looked as good leaving as he did coming, and she felt herself getting a little turned on.