

COLD LIES is a thrilling story, about Kelly a rich spoilt brat whose focus was using her body to get what she wants while Blake is a discipline sweetheart who does not believe in love based on his previous relationship. Let's see how these two will come together and find LOVE.

ElliePearls_7084 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 1

Kelly Adams, a spoiled daughter of a rich millionaire found herself stranded in a small town in Arizona, called Luxor. It was nothing like she was accustomed to, being from the city with its bright lights, and nightlife. This town had no fancy restaurants or shopping malls. There was only the one restaurant, a bunch of small stores, one bar. A school, a hospital, it looked more like someone's home, and a few other buildings.

When her car broke down she had no choice but to book into the town's only bed and breakfast which was run by an elderly couple. The rooms were small but very clean. Her car was in the garage having repairs done, and would take a couple of days. Having overslept she missed out on the breakfast that the place offered.

She was hungry and thirsty, and the only restaurant in town was busy so she decided to go to the bar. It was simply called Blake's Bar. She picked a table right next to the exit. She looked around the place and was not impressed with it.

It was a typical country bar. Reminded her of the ones you would see in the old western movies. It had wooden floors. Paneling on the walls, several tables, and booths. A nice size bar, a couple of pool tables, and a jukebox in the corner. There was even a dance floor off to the side, the place was rugged but clean.

Kelly liked the bars in the city, they were modern, loud and classy. Everyone in expensive clothes, paying ten dollars a drink. Oh, how she missed it all.

The only other person in the bar was a man, but not just any man. He was extremely handsome, with dark hair, tall and muscular. He looked to be in his mid to late twenties. And she couldn't help thinking that if she had more time she might have stuck around, have some fun with this ruggedly fit stranger. But her car would be done any minute now, and she would have to leave in a hurry. ----------------------------------------------------

Blake Knight, the owner of the bar saw Kelly when she walked in. His heart skipped a beat when he looked her over. She was slender with long blond hair, and a nice rack. Her legs were long and shapely, the nicest ones he had ever seen on a woman. She wore long black leather boots, a short black mini skirt. A pink cashmere top with a deep V neckline that showed off an amazing cleavage. Around her neck was a gold necklace with a diamond heart on it.

It was obvious the woman was not from around these parts. He also saw the look of disgust on her face when she was checking out the place. This angered him a great deal, he was proud of his bar and had put a lot of time and energy into making it his. And for this rich woman to walk in, with her nose looking down at the place did not sit well with Blake. ---------------------------------------------
