
The Ice Crystal

The world is in grave danger of falling under the influence of Chaos. Two countries have already been corrupted and are at war with each other for no reason. Rias, a traveler looking for the legendary Ice Crystal that can end the wars and destroy Chaos's influence, goes on an amazing and tiring journey to find it and then another journey to defeat the evil clouding the land. *****Hey if you enjoy the story, support it here: https://www.amazon.com/Ice-Crystal-Kameron-Wright-ebook/dp/B07X81JKVK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=316A4O4WF2AMK&keywords=the+ice+crystals+kameron+wright&qid=1671404107&sprefix=the+ice+crystals+kameron+wrigh%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-1

CrystalStormGV · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 3

Finally at the foot of the mountain, we take a break and rested up. I listened to Yomon and Tosta talk about their travels throughout the land while munching on some venison. They pass around jars of some sort of alcohol. In their drunken state, they tried to get me to drink it. I ended up slapping them and eventually knocking them out. Serves them right! I put another log onto the fire and lay down next to it. The fire didn't warm me since the cold mountain air buffeted the fire, keeping the flames from growing any hotter. I fell asleep keeping the golden sword in my grasp.

The next morning came and Yomon and Tosta were still knocked out. I kick both of them until they wake up. They both had headaches from the alcohol. I laugh at them and tell them that they deserved it for trying to get me to drink. They apologize and we move on to the next tomb which is in the neighboring village. The bad thing is, is that the tomb is underground and we will have to turn the city upside down to find the tomb. We enter the village with all eyes on us. It's a small farming village. Rolling fields of crops extend for miles.

"I feel like we don't belong here." I whisper to Tosta, "Maybe this tomb isn't important."

"We have te fin' it!" Yomon shakes me, "You stay he'e while me an' Tosta go to t'e pub fo information."

I sit outside on some empty barrels. It's boring sitting around doing nothing while Tosta and Yomon get drunk. I did have a few kids who are younger than me walk up to me and sit down in front of me. They told me to tell them some stories. Instead of telling them about my journey thus far, I tell them of the ancient war that tore the fragile country in half. It was a war for the Ice Crystal itself. Scion wanted the power for himself and captured the Crystal. He used its power to raise a massive army of the undead and declared himself ruler of the land. The other three tribes combined their strengths and defeated Scion. Legend has it that Scion was put into a tomb with the Ice Crystal. Pretty ironic if you ask me. Then I told them a sad story of how the dragons were hunted to near extinction. They went into hiding with very few numbers. Nobody has made the trek to the Speaking Stones since then in fear of the dragons. The kids' parents came to get them when the sun starts to set. It must be close to their bedtime. Yomon and Tosta are still in the pub drinking. I peek my head in and find that they are speaking to a very important person.

"Sorry no minors allowed." a grizzly man pushes my head out.

"I need to talk to a couple people now!" I stomp my foot and glare at the man.

"When they are ready to come out," He steps out, "then you can speak with them later. For now, stay out here and wait for your friends."

"I need to speak with them NOW!" I push through the man and march over to Tosta and Yomon.

I am surprised when I find out that they weren't drinking much at all. They are having a meeting with the village leader. I was embarrassed when the pointed out to me that they were having an important meeting and doubly embarrassed when I was carried out by the man I shoved into a barrel of water. He didn't like that at all and didn't handle me with care at all. The sense of some people! And so I sit outside on the barrels until night arrives and more people enter the pub. I never see the two idiots come out yet. It's really starting to piss me off! I hate waiting. I am very impatient! Sitting down all day and doing nothing is not in my blood. Not to mention that I haven't eaten anything since last night and the smell of food from the pub is making my mouth water.

I couldn't take it anymore. I march past the man guarding the door and take out a pouch of gold.

"Bread, veggies, and water." The bartender didn't move, "NOW! I'm a paying customer, so you better make me something to eat!"

"Want me to throw her out boss?" The guard appears behind me.

"No no," the bartender holds up his hand, "she's a paying customer and hungry. I'll be happy to make you something to eat."

"Thank you." I turn around and give the man a smug look. He scowls and returns to guarding the door.

The food tasted great! The bread is moist and the veggies steamed to perfection. Better than sitting around a fire eating week old meat. I pay the bartender and walk outside. I was so into eating my food, that I didn't notice Yomon and Tosta leave the pub.

"We tapped on your shoulder," Tosta starts to laugh, "but you were just eating away!"

"Keep ea'en like tat and you be big jus' like me!" Yomon breaks out laughing.

"Yeah yeah." I roll my eyes, "Come on let's find a place to stay and you guys will tell me what the meeting was about."

"Fine with me."

We scour the small village and find nowhere to stay. Tired and worn out, we set up camp just outside of the village and get a small fire going.

"We found out that their is an old abandoned mine at the other side of the village." Tosta begins, "The villagers are afraid to go any deeper in the mine because of the instability of the mine. I think that their is a tomb at the end of the mine. We'll go down it tomorrow and then head back to Icelia to give our report to Vizion. One tomb down, thousands more to go."

"I'm going to sleep." I yawn, "Long day tomorrow."