
The Ice Crystal

The world is in grave danger of falling under the influence of Chaos. Two countries have already been corrupted and are at war with each other for no reason. Rias, a traveler looking for the legendary Ice Crystal that can end the wars and destroy Chaos's influence, goes on an amazing and tiring journey to find it and then another journey to defeat the evil clouding the land. *****Hey if you enjoy the story, support it here: https://www.amazon.com/Ice-Crystal-Kameron-Wright-ebook/dp/B07X81JKVK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=316A4O4WF2AMK&keywords=the+ice+crystals+kameron+wright&qid=1671404107&sprefix=the+ice+crystals+kameron+wrigh%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-1

CrystalStormGV · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 4

The mine is certainly abandoned. It looks like it hasn't been used for years. The morning is cold with the village being next to a mountain. I shivered half the night despite the blazing fire we had going. We should've packed for this weather, but Yomon and Tosta says that enduring certain conditions will toughen me up. I believed them, but my belief is slowly fading away. The next time we go out, I'm bringing some decent clothes. The royal guard clothes aren't very thick and is ill suited for the cold weather. I'll have to either make some new clothes or just endure the cold weather.

Yomon goes in the mine first. He tests the wooden beams to make sure that they'll hold in case anything happens. He slams his fist into one and it doesn't budge. Maybe this tomb will be easy to get to. I might end up biting my tongue if this ends up going south. The mine is lit up by torches that seem a thousand years old and have been burning since the mine's creation. Old cracks in the walls made me think. How long has this mine been abandoned and why was it abandoned? Fear can make anything happen. I hope one day I have the courage to find my father and approach him. I know he's a dark wizard, but I want to know why he turned to those ways.

The mine began to curve in several directions. How far down is this tomb and what will we find when we get to it? The torches began to come and go. We have to feel our way until we find the next torch. It seems that the people didn't go down this far or some brave soul put these torches here to light the way for travelers. No matter, at least when we see the torches, we know that we're getting closer or going further away from the tomb. I hope that we don't get lost down here. Further on, ancient writings covered the walls. I could understand a little of it. My father taught me a little of the ancient language in hopes of making me a magician like him, but that was before he went crazy and lost his mind. The writing tells of the ancient war that drove the new country near extinction. Ancient names of great kings and dragons fighting alongside the three tribes. Ancient powerful spells and symbols cover the walls. I think we're getting close to the tomb. One word caught my eye, Seengato, the most powerful spell in the world. It has the power to bring the dead back and can end the life of any that the spell is directed towards. Father used that spell many times during his attack on the sanctuary.

Light filtered in the cave and the mine began to drift upwards. Now it's going to be a long climb up! My legs are already stiff and tired from walking from the castle to way out here! I can't wait to sit down and rest! After minutes of climbing, we exited the mine and into sunlight. Finally! The tomb is out in the middle of a grassy field. The field however has mountains on both sides. How far have we gone? Is it easier to climb over the mountains or go back through an endless maze? I look over at Yomon and Tosta who shrugs and sits down on the soft grass. I head over to the tomb. The lid of the tomb is broken in several pieces. Somebody may have already made it to the tomb before us! I uncover the tomb and inside, are some clothes, freshly made. I look around to see if I'm being watched. I can feel a presence and it isn't a good one. The dark presence then disappeared as if it was just a breath on the wind. I look around for another moment and take the clothes out of the tomb. I dust them off and study them. They are a perfect fit for me. Someone has been spying on us! I unsheathe my golden sword and look around. Maybe the spy is still around.

Yomon and Tosta appear beside me and lower my blade, "There's nothing here but an empty tomb!" Tosta kicks the tomb only to hurt his foot, "Damn hunt! Why couldn't we go and fight the war? That would have been much better! It'll take years to find that damn Crystal. The war will be over by the time we find it!"

"Calm down 'osta!" Yomon says, "We need te report back to t'e castle."

"Yeah let's do that." Tosta rubs his face, "Let's get out of here."

I wait for them to get back in the mine and put on the new clothes. They are extremely comfortable and surprisingly warm. Either that's one good spy or one lucky person that he hasn't been seen yet. I hear Yomon calling my name and pick up the golden sword and head back into the mine.