
The Ice Crystal

The world is in grave danger of falling under the influence of Chaos. Two countries have already been corrupted and are at war with each other for no reason. Rias, a traveler looking for the legendary Ice Crystal that can end the wars and destroy Chaos's influence, goes on an amazing and tiring journey to find it and then another journey to defeat the evil clouding the land. *****Hey if you enjoy the story, support it here: https://www.amazon.com/Ice-Crystal-Kameron-Wright-ebook/dp/B07X81JKVK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=316A4O4WF2AMK&keywords=the+ice+crystals+kameron+wright&qid=1671404107&sprefix=the+ice+crystals+kameron+wrigh%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-1

CrystalStormGV · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 2

I trained for three years becoming very skilled at using a sword. I had began learning the ways of Iceltic. They weren't very different from the rules my father had, but they are more civilized with their rules. You can't steal anything, even the smallest object will get you sentenced to death. I thought that is a little severe for that, but I have to uphold the law. I was trained by the best swordsmen in the country, Yomon and Tosta. Yomon is big and I mean fat wise. He's strong though. He hasn't lost a battle yet. Tosta is tall and lanky. He's extremely fast with a blade and an expert archer. Tosta tried to teach me how to use a bow, but I ended up putting an arrow in Yomon's back. Thank the Goddess that he was wearing his armor otherwise, he would've been out of action for quite a while. I hung the bow up and never touched it again. Tosta agreed that I shouldn't touch another bow again. We all had a good laugh that day. It's really the first time I laughed in years.

When Vizion, the king of Iceltic, gave us three special permission to hunt down and bring the Ice Crystal back to him, we agreed immediately. That very day, the three of us got together and began to plot out course. Thousands of hidden tombs are hidden all across the land. It will take years maybe a lifetime to find the Ice Crystal. I knew if Vizion got a hold of the Crystal, he would be consumed with its power and would try to control everything and everyone. I made a promise that if we find the Crystal, that I will be the one to control it and put a stop to this disastrous war. Millions of people, mostly farmers and merchants, have been slaughtered without a second look. This made me sick. Both countries will drive each other to extinction at this rate.

So we set out on our journey. The first tomb we came across, is guarded by many men and women. The tombs must be important if they are guarded. We dive into the throng of warriors and defeat them in a matter of minutes. I take the keys off of the guard captain and march up to the mountain fortress. The gate of the tomb is built into the mountain. Very clever, but not clever enough for us. I unlock the gate and head into the thin hallway. I squeeze through the gap and wait for the others to catch up. Of course when Yomon tried to get through the hallway, he gets stuck halfway.

"Damn Yomon you need to stop eating so much!" Tosta strained trying to pull him through.

Eventually after minutes of struggling, I finally get a good look at the tomb. It's inside a giant illuminated cavern. Diamond crystals lined the cave walls. The sun's rays peaked through the small openings on the side of the mountain and hit the crystals. It's nearly a blinding light, but it's very beautiful. I go over to the tomb in the center of the cavern. The light from the diamonds all hit the tomb directly in the center of it. I lift the tombs top off with the help of Yomon and Tosta. That thing weighed a ton! Inside the tomb, is nothing but a corpse that has been sitting for hundreds of years and a golden sword laying on the corpse's chest. Yomon and Tosta are disappointed and go to the entrance of the cave. I hear Yomon trying to get through the opening and Tosta either trying to push him or pulling him. I laugh a little bit and look at the sword and back at mine. Mine is cracked from countless fights. Maybe it's time I replaced my sword. I pick up the golden sword and test it out. It didn't look light just sitting there, but when I pick it up, it doesn't weigh much at all. I strap my old sword on my right side and carry the sword out. The sword fits my hands perfectly and felt like it belongs to me.

"So you decided to take an old sword?" Tosta asks sarcastically, "It's nothing but a treasure."

"Really now?" I raise an eyebrow and flash forward cutting a large rock in half. Tosta is speechless and doesn't say anything else about the sword. We move on to the next tomb.