
The Ice Crystal: Chaos Storm

Chaos is beginning to take root and nothing can stand in its way. Rias and Myriani is amidst the destruction of a dying world. Now the Chaos has corrupted the minds of the Chosen One's army and all seems lost.

CrystalStormGV · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Light and Darkness have forever been at war with each other. Neither one getting the upper hand over the other. Without Light, Darkness could never survive and without Darkness, the hope that Light inspires would disappear. Locked in a perpetual battle, neither one can truly win a war. A perfect balance is needed and this generation intends to destroy that very balance we all hold dearly.

One twin wants to control the world through sheer force, whilst the other wishes for it to live on without the darkness in our hearts. Yes, we God's even need it to survive. We cannot step in nor can we even interfere with another's war. So many rules would be broken, but the balance in that realm will forever be broken.

"Deriose, what do you intend to do with the death of Kazle?" Meric, the God of Fire, asks. "If we help that girl defeat the corrupt God, we will break so many rules that we have set down. Once we do, we cannot go back to our old ways."

"Those rules are in place for a reason." Kysil, the God that rules over them all says. Despite her age, she's an able ruler for one so young. Since Kazle's death, they've had to replace him with a distant relative. They couldn't choose Relaria or Nada. The one who will inherit the Chaos Throne will eventually appear. For now, Kysil is their replacement, "If we don't abide by those rules, we're nothing."

"Relaria needs to win." Leonas steps forward, "If Nada defeats her, then no one is safe here. Nada would become too powerful for any of us to take out. If we don't do something, our way of life will forever be destroyed."

"That realm has forever broken the rules that we've set in place." Noric, the God of Earth, says. "Why would we help her? This is a family matter that we need to stay out of."

"As it stands now, Nada is too powerful for either one of us to take down." Lori, the God of Water, states. "We cannot hold our own against her. We have to put our hope into Relaria."

"Stop calling her that." Leonas sits down, "Her name's Rias. That's what her friends and family call her."

"Her given name is Relaria and she will forever be a God whether she likes it or not." Kysil says, "In this world, we will call her by her real name, not the name the humans gave her." She sighs, "Saria, why did you do what you did to this young girl?"

"The God of Time?" Eiri, the God of Air, asks, "She's the one who put her faith in Relaria? She's the one who accelerated her growth since she was awakened. The Goddess is a fickle one that's for sure."

"Relaria is as dangerous as her sister." Meric says, "We have to tread lightly with her. Despite her actions and feelings, she's still a God of Chaos and still a powerful ally if she can trust us."

"What makes you think she's going to put her trust in the world of the God's after an incident of this scale?" Noric asks, "As it sounds, she's not going to take the throne if she's victorious. If that happens, I'm glad we have Kysil to guard it until she's ready."

"And we already know what will happen if Nada defeats her." Kysil says, "If anybody wishes to interfere, say aye."

"Aye." Meric and Leonas say. The two have already met with Relaria and know of her capabilities as a person and a leader.

"Of course, I'd like to help the young girl." Deriose says with a toothy grin, "Although, I may have helped out more than enough already!"

"If there are no more votes, we'll close this-"

"She's a relative of yours and you'd rather sit back and watch her die letting Nada capture the Throne?" Leonas' flames spiral throughout the small room, "Have you no spine?"

"If that's what fate has in store for us, then we shall let it take its course." Kysil says closing her eyes in deep thought, "No one can go against fate."

"Relaria is." Leonas says calming down, "She's fighting against her past and her future. She doesn't care that she's a child of Chaos, she's fighting for what her heart wants. She's going against the fate that wants nothing but darkness from her. Do you really believe you can't shape your own destiny?" Kysil says nothing, "Then you're a useless God and even below the mortals. I'm helping her!"

"Leonas." Meric says calmly, "I love your conviction, but we cannot interfere no matter what. The vote has been passed."

"I'm sorry, but fuck you Father." Leonas says storming out of the room.

"This is why we don't allow our children in these meetings." Eiri says, "Their emotions run too high sometimes."

"If you had met Relaria, then you'd feel the same way." Meric says standing up, "I'm sorry for my daughter's outburst. I'll try and keep her in our home. She cannot be allowed to leave to help Relaria."

Meric takes his leave as Kysil sits back down, "I didn't stop this meeting." She says, "There are other matters to attend to."

"That dimension should no longer be under the control of two Gods." Lori says, "What were we thinking allowing that?"

Kysil remains silent as she watches Meric chase after his daughter. She sighs and looks at the floor. Can they really defeat fate? There's a reason the Unnamed God wasn't invited to this meeting. He's a fickle one that refuses to be named, yet is the God of Fate and Destiny. If fate and destiny can be changed, why are the others so reluctant? Kysil never came to the conclusion if they were going to help Relaria or not. She is a relative of hers, but only just.

When the God world was still in its infancy, Kazel and Saria, the Goddess, created all the Gods to create order for all the worlds. They then divided all the realms between each God. Kysil was eventually taken under Kazel until Nada and Relaria were born. Kysil may have been adopted at the time, but Kazel had completely forgotten her in place of the two newborns. She didn't regret leaving, but she does miss her adoptive Father.

Kysil was a God born without any powers. Kazle saw this and trained her little by little to harness Chaos. She learned the good and the bad of Chaos. It can create life as much as it can destroy it. Kazle saw the enthusiasm in the young girl and decided to adopt her as his successor unless a child was born. The most powerful form of energy in the universe and she was learning it. Now, she can't use the powers that she learned. She gained access to Deriose's foresight in his old age. For now, she has to figure out what to do with the Chaos Throne. The realms will be doomed if a victor isn't chosen soon.

"Milady?" Noric says snapping her out of her thoughts, "Did you feel that?"

"There was a shift in power." She says turning back to the group, "Open a mirror Eiri, please. You're the only one who can see into the other realms."

"As you wish." Eiri mutters a spell and a mirror peering into Relaria's realm appears over the group. In it, Relaria defeats a shade that housed the world eater, Abaddon. All the Chaos that had built inside that entity, flows into Relaria's body. With her own, the Goddess', and Abaddon's powers, she's grown far more powerful than Nada. Only time will tell if she can come out victorious and keep her sanity.

"The Chaos army has halted as well." Deriose smiles, "Seems they can't figure out who their true leader is."

"We shall see how this fight progresses." Kysil says, "If Nada nears victory, we'll interfere and help the girl, but for now, we will do nothing."

"Aye." They all say. This battle not only decides the fate of Relaria's world, but the fate of the universe itself.


As I stare up at the surprised Nada, a strange feeling of happiness rises within me. For once, I feel completely free of any burden, but I know that I must clear the hurdle in front of me so that others can live in peace. What I do with that peace however, is another story waiting to unfold! I fly up to Nada and glare at her. She's extremely cautious now. I'm surprised that she didn't see through my trickery. I had planned on using my Chaos powers, but not at the start of the fight. She had thought that I had completely forsaken my past and didn't want to use those powers. Thanks to her lapse in judgement, this fight is even.

"I guess you are my sister." She smirks, "That was a devious trick, Relaria."

"Call me what you must, I will bring peace to this world!" I say determined to defeat her more now than I was. "The distance between us has narrowed and I won't be defeated!"

We clash, sending waves of energy in all directions. I push her off of me and ready a light spell that could end this war. "Smite!" The clouds part and a beam of light streaks towards Nada. She tries to dodge, but I cast a Standstill spell to slow her down. The beam of light crashes into the ground with her in the middle. A shadow flies out of it with smoke rolling off of it. The spell dissipates leaving a scarred and burned Nada behind.

I tackle her to the ground, ready a blade of light, but am flung off of her with a Chaos blast. I flip and land neatly on the ground. Smoke rolls off of me as Nada appears through it holding a small sphere. Compact, but powerful, I've no choice but to guard against it. She left me no time to ready a counter. The blast tears the world apart around us leaving nothing but a large crater a line of burnt earth behind me. I feel the wounds healing, but I need to be more careful. She had two attacks up her sleeve and I was only able to dodge the blast. I'm still getting used to my Chaos powers and have yet to think of any spells. My conviction is true, but none of my feelings are heightened like they were in the mock fight with Leonas.

"Still not able to counter my spells." She says wiping blood off her face, "Physical attacks can only get you so far and you're useless without that sword."

"You barely scratched me." I say lowering my arms, "No matter how much damage we give each other, we'll heal nearly instantly. No matter how you see it, we're even."

"So you can't stop me if I go after your friends then?" She puts on a malicious smile, "You can't do anything!" She laughs maniacally as hundreds of Chaos spheres towards the army of Light. Everything seems to move in slow motion as I stumble to move. Everyone I've fought to protect...and I can't move fast enough to help them now!

"And for the finale!" She grins as a spear of darkness forms in her right hand. Through the smoke, I see Myriani, the Queen of the Elves...the one I love, all alone. Nada throws the spear and I'm frozen in place. Everything goes blank as the spear tore through the small Elf's body. I can barely breathe as tears roll down my face. "Did that hurt seeing everyone you fought so hard for die right before your eyes? I myself am happy that they're gone. Insignificant fleas shouldn't exist in my world."

"You're going to pay for every single one of those lives you just destroyed!" I say through clenched teeth. Purple and black flames spiral around me as my anger rises. I try to control it, but it's no use. I'm done holding back. My head flares in pain and I fall to my knees holding it. I scream out in pain as a beam of Chaos descends from above.

"Finally, you're awake."