
The Hunter

SamTH · Teen
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8 Chs


March 1, 2021, 6:15 PM

"Ok, let's get all of this into the trunk, the safe's a bit heavy, it kinda sucks that you didn't find any bobby pins, but we'll figure that out later, probably just get some from a store or whatever."


"You keep guard, make sure there's no cops, I'm gonna get some register money and buy some bobby pins, or a lock pick set if they sell them. Hold my gun, they might have metal detectors."


"Sorry that took forever, they only had a few lines open and the self-checkouts were packed, they were pretty packed, anyways, Walget sells everything, I got a lock pick set for under twenty bucks."

"Ok, let's open the safe, see what's inside, by-the-way, here's your gun."

"Thanks, we might want to get to a secluded area first though," Derik says, "don't want anyone to get suspicious."

"Good idea."


"Got it!" Derik's phone rings, "Hold on, someone's calling me." he answers it.

A masked deep voice says, "Give me that safe, I'm just around the corner, if you don't comply then I have thugs surrounding you that will kill you instantly." Derik gestures for Sam to get on the ground.

"No thanks." Derik drops to the ground on his stomach with his gun in his hands, just then bullets fly past the area he was just standing, "It seems they only got 1 guy," Derik says to himself, "and there he is." he shoots the thug in the hand, making them drop their gun, then in the leg partially crippling them for at least until the leg heals. After that, he goes around the corner and points the gun at the guy there and shoots him in the shoulder. He aimed for the head but it's pretty hard to aim at someone that you don't know the position of. The alley guy runs towards the thug clutching his shoulder, helps them up, and they walk away, Derik grabs the thug's AR-15 and shoots them in the back with his pistol then walks over to Sam. "That was exciting, did you get a look at what's in the safe?"

"Yeah, probably a few thou', I haven't gotten time to count it out yet though." Sam says.

"That's fine, just shove it back in the safe, I'll get it, and the guns, in the trunk, we got to find a place to stay for the night, it's getting dark so we might just have to sleep in the car."

"I believe there's a house for sale up the road, though the price is so high for this town, it's not going to be sold for a while, we could break in and sleep there for at least a few nights, let's just hope there's no alarm, otherwise we would have to sleep in the car and evade cops for awhile." Derik and Sam get in the car, Sam then directs Derik to the house, 2085 Säkert Hus Street. "And there it is. I'm going to check the house for alarms, the only way that I know how to find out is to set off any that are there, so prepare to run." Sam opens the door slightly, that, oddly, was not locked. In fact, the lock was broken. "What the hell is going on here?" She opens the door a bit wider. "Hey, Derik, come check this out." He walks over.

"The fuck?"

"That was my reaction."

"This place is trashed." Derik says, "I'ma go run some errands, get some food, drinks, and whatnot. I'ma need the car, so if you need anything, that's gonna suck. you got your phone?"


"Ight, call me if you need anything, I probably won't be much further than 10 or so minutes away." Derik goes to the car, "Oh, we might want to unload the car, I'll need some help too."

"Yeah, good idea." Sam and Derik unload the car onto the porch.

"Ok, now I'm gonna go." Derik gets in the car, "Can you get some cleaning done, at least enough to sleep comfortably and be able to get the stuff in."

"Good idea, see ya."


Derik's phone rings, a masked voice speaks, deeper but more casual than the guy in the alley's, " come to the alley next to 2192 Hunter Street."

"Why would I do that?" Derik asks.

"You killed one of my guys and injured another, my best, you owe me, I could've just sent a hit out the second I heard you so much as sniffed the wrong air, killing one of my guy's absolutely pissed me the fuck off, then I realized, you could be an asset, you're a pretty good shot, with combat skills of a cheeta, you got 20 minutes, I got my eyes on you." the person hangs up the phone.

"Fuck." Derik texts Sam saying that he probably won't be back until late, and not to wait for him to go to sleep, seeing as it's getting late. "Atleast, the place ain't too far."


A dark figure emerges into the streetlight, wearing a hoodie and a skull print full face tactical mask. "The fuck you want from me, eh?" Derik asks with a hint of anger, and exhaustion from the day's events.

"I want to hire you." the person says, with the same mechanically distorted voice as on the phone.

"For what?"

"You're going to be my new personal hitman, seeing as you killed my last two."

"What do I get out of it?"

"All of the money you could dream of."

"What's the catch?"

"You gotta dump your girl, you can't have any ties to the outside."

"Yeah, I don't think so." Derik draws his gun and cocks it, the masked figure grabs his wrist, trying to turn the gun on Derik, Derik pulls the trigger, it hits the side of the mask, breaking it, and grazes the person's head, shearing some skin of, but not much more, blood runs down their head.

"You," the person grunts in pain, clutching their head, "have made a very powerful enemy." the person runs off, Derik catches a glimpse of the person's face, he recognizes them from somewhere, but can't remember where. He put's the the gun's safety to the on position and holsters it in his pocket, he then gets in the car and drives to Walget to get some food and drinks.


"You got an ID?" Derik hands the cashier his fake ID, stating he is 21, when he is really 16. "Ok, your total is $83.15." Derik hands him a $100 bill. "And here's your change, $16.85. Have a good night."

"You too." Derik loads all of the items into the trunk and takes the cart to the rack, he then gets in the car and drives to Arzneimittel Street.


"Yo, how much can I get for 2 joints?" Derik asks the local drug dealer.

"200." the dealer says

"Damn. Ugh why's weed gotta be illegal here."

"No clue, but it's my #2 top seller, just behind the good ol' coke, so… you want em or what?"

"Yeah, here's the cash." Derik hands over 2 $100 dollar bills, the dealer hands over the joints.

"Pleasure doing business.

"Yep, well, I'ma be on my way." Derik drives back to the house. "Damn, you work quick, almost got the place cleaned up… where'd all of that money come from?."

"Those garbage bags weren't full of garbage, they were full of money; there's at least fifty K in each."