
The Hunter

SamTH · Teen
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8 Chs


March 1, 2021, 5:23 PM

"Ugh, why can't I find it?"

"Hey Sam, what can't you find?"

"My phone!"

"Oh, do you need any help?"

"That'd be nice, thanks."

"Alright, Where's the last place you had it?"

"On my bed, I just had it!"

"Oh, hey, I found it."

"Thanks mom."

"No problem."


"Please don't be a fake number!" Sam says as she calls the number Derik gave her. Right then, there's a knock at the door. Sam walks over and opens it. "Derik? What are you doing here, and how do you know my address? Also, I was just calling you, why didn't you pick up? And why do you have a gun?"

"I have a question, I live only a few blocks away and I watched you get off the bus, I wanted to surprise you, and I'll answer that in a bit. Anyways, back to the question. Do you want to go rob a gas station? That's what I brought the gun for, well, besides faking suicide, but whatever."

"What the fuck!? Who do you think I am? I just met you, I barely know you, and for all I know you're just gonna kill me!"

"Oh, alright, bye." Derik starts to walk away.

"I wasn't done talking, of course I would, either we get a ton of money or we die trying, I see that as an absolute win!"

"Ok, you might be more fucked up in the head than me, and that's saying something, anyways, get in the car, we're about to do some crazy shit."

"Race ya!" They sprint to the hot pink 1959 Catalytic boisson champêtre.


"Put the money in the bag!"

"Right away." The cashier says, oddly calm.

He pulls out a gun from behind the counter, Derik shoots the man, right in the head, blood and bits of brain and bone splatter the cigarette display behind him. Derik quickly hops the counter and grabs the plastic bag, he grabs the money out of the register, shoves it in, and grabs the cashier's gun, he calmly walks around the counter and walks up to Sam.

"We should get out of here." Sam says

"First we find the safe, it's full of cash, the cashier didn't hit the emergency button so we're good, I can't believe he actually thought he was going to be able to shoot me, speaking of shooting, you might want this." Derik hands Sam the cashier's gun.

"Thanks? Anyways, good idea, though how do you know he didn't hit the emergency button, plus, how do you know there's a safe anyways?"

"We aren't in handcuffs right now, and every store-like place has a safe," Derik says, "I'll go find the safe and you go find a bobby pin, or something like that, and meet me in the office, where the safe should be. I love these one-man convenience stores, they're the easiest to rob, some would even say it's… convenient, to rob ."