
The Human Princess and The Werewolf King

There was only one rule that every member of the crystal pack must obey "Never ever question the orders of your Alpha". Logan Anderson rules the Crystal pack with an iron fist. Rumors has it that he is a cold and ruthless man. Ever since Logan became the Alpha of his pack, for some reason he has always felt empty, not even the thought that he was feared and respected was able to fill the emptiness in him, that is until he met her, the girl who his wolf called out to. For some reason only her has been able to fill the emptiness in him. Logan thought he has found his light and savior, what he didn't know was that he has also found his only destruction.

Rosepetals456 · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Can't Stop It

"What do you think you are doing?." King Ford said angrily as he barge into Queen Rosaline chamber's.

After dismissing the maids helping her with her clothing, Queen Rosaline said to King Ford "Once again, you entered mine room without my permission."

"You went behind my back and arrange an engagement with the Duke of Baston for Elizabeth. How dare you Emilia?" King Ford said as he ignored Queen Rosaline.

"Since when do I need your permission to arrange a better future for my daughter. I did thought of making Elizabeth married lord James but you interfered, then I thought Liam would be a better match for my daughter."

"Liam is a man whose father has been eyeing my throne. Since you couldn't get Elizabeth married to the father you decided to married her off to his son." King Ford walked closer to Queen Rosaline and continued "What did you offer him in order for him to accept a pregnant woman as his wife? Was it my throne?"

"Don't be silly? Liam does not know about Elizabeth pregnancy, but lord James on the other hand is aware and have decided to keep it secret from his son."


"I made a deal with him"

"What deal was that Emilia?"

"First of all, my name is Rosaline and not Emilia, so let this be the last time you call me by that name ever again."

"What was the deal?" King Ford asked again.

"You do not need to know, all you need to know is that there is nothing you can do to stop this wedding from taking place." Queen Rosaline said unfazed by King Ford angry tone.

"I just don't understand you. Elizabeth is your daughter but yet you wish to get her married to a man who is rumored to be a barbarian."

"Those are just rumors spread by his enemies"

"Do you really believe that? You don't do you? but to satisfy your greed you would sell your own daughter and yet you dare to ask me why I haven't forgotten Karina even after all these years. You may think it is because she is the mother of my Ava and seeing Ava reminds me of her."

"Isn't that the case?"

"No Emilia it isn't. If you were to truly look at yourself in the mirror, then even you wouldn't fall in love with yourself. How you don't get disgusted with your actions is still a surprise to me but let me tell you something if Elizabeth oppose this marriage then I would do whatever it takes to stop it."

"Well you are wrong about me because all I want is for Elizabeth to have a bright future and she will only have that if she is married to Liam."

King Ford looked at Queen Rosaline disgustingly and said "You are sick"

After King Ford left, a few minutes later, Queen Rosaline heard someone coming into her room and without turning back she said "Have you come to throw more insults at me?".

"You had a fight with father?" Queen Rosaline stood up from her bed and saw Elizabeth. She looked at her daughter with disapproval and said "Do you not have any manners. How dare you enter my room without knocking."

"Oh please mother, do not pass your frustration on me. It is not my fault that even after twenty years of marriage you were still unable to make a man fall in love with you."


Elizabeth ignored her mother and continued "And besides according to your plan, every soon I will be the Queen of Aldia, since the palace will be mine it means I can enter anywhere without your permission including your room."

"You starting to get on my nerve, get out before I do something I will regret." Elizabeth looked at her mother without any emotion and left her room.


Inside a beautiful cabin was a middle size bed. Logan came into the cabin and smiled when he saw Ava sleeping on the bed. He walked quietly to the bed and laid down beside her. He hugged her from behind and whispered softly "Ava"

"Hmm" Ava answered sleepily.

Logan gave a soft chuckle and whispered to her ears "I knew you were awake the minute I walked in so if you don't open your eyes right now, I am going to kiss you and do a lot of naughty things to you through out the night and this time i won't stop even if you beg me."

After hearing his words Ava immediately opened her eyes and turned to face him and before she could say anything Logan captured her lips with his. He kissed her like a starving man and groaned when Ava let out a moan, his lips went down to her neck and stopped at the spot he mark her, he use his thumb to trace the wolf mark that is barely visible and said "No one can take your place in my life, you know that right?"

"How would I know when you have decided to spend all of your day with your precious Lia"

"Is that jealousy I am sensing from you Mrs Anderson?" Logan said teasingly

"Mr Anderson, if you still wish to have a wife then you better stop teasing me."

Logan gave a deep laughed, he gave Ava a brief kiss and said "You are the only one I love, you may not understand it but Ava only when I am with you do I feel truly complete." He took her hand and place it on his chest and said "Ever since you came into my life, I no longer feel empty. Give me four days and I will get rid of Lia for good."

"Do you think she believes that the both of us have become separated?"

"Yes she does believe it and besides the slap you gave me was more than convincing."

Ava blushed when he mentioned the slap and quickly said "I only did that because I noticed Lia watching us. "She looked at Logan and innocently asked "Did it hurt?"

Logan looked and Ava in disbelief and said "Of course it hurt. Who would have thought that a princess could pack a punch." Logan touched his head and dramatically said "Because of that slap you gave to me I have been feeling a slitting headache for days now, so you have to make it better."

Ava stared at the shameless man and saw the mischievous look in his eyes then she asked "How can I make it better?"

"A kiss can make any headache to go away" Logan said as he gave Ava a naughty smirk.

Ava changed to a sitting position and Logan sat along with her, She looked at him and whispered seductively "You know Logan, there are better ways to make headaches go away."

"Better than a kiss?" Logan asked.

Ava nodded her head with a serious expression on her face.

Logan gave Ava a suspicious look and asked again "What are these 'better ways'?"

Ava tapped her hand on her thighs and said "Lie down."

Logan gave Ava a disappointed look and said "How is this better than a kiss"

"Believe me when I say it is much better, and besides how would you know if you don't try it?"

Logan gave a defeated sigh and lied down on Ava thigh and then he felt a small hand massaging his head. It felt so good that Logan gave out a small moan.

"Now tell me, Mr Anderson, is this not better than a kiss?"

"Nothing can be better than tasting the sweet lips of wife but I must say, you really are good with your hands Princess."

Ava blushed at his words and said "Whenever my Dad is stressed out with kingly duties I always massage him until he goes to sleep."

Logan gave a small frown at Ava words and held her hands and said "From now I am the only man you are allow to massage"

"Wow I never knew Mr Anderson could get jealous of his own father in-law"

Logan raised his head a little higher inorder to look at Ava and said "Well, I do not like sharing what is mine Mrs Anderson and you are mine just the way I am yours."

Ava could swear that at that moment her heart skipped a beat, she quickly position Logan head and continued with her massage, then she said "When will you go back?"

"I will stay with you for the night." Logan replied without any hesitation.

"Will you one day tell me about your parents?" Ava asked again.

"Of course I will but not today"

"What exactly do you want from Lia. You could have gotten rid of her already but instead you chose to make her believe that you will get married to her." Ava finally asked the question that has been on her mind for a while.

"Lia was an orphaned child adopted by Serefina, she has loved Serefina and even saw her as her mother but Serefina has always put her needs before hers. Right now Lia thinks she loves me but the truth is, she just wants Serefina attention and if her beloved mother refused to give her that, then she will be the ticking time bomb for Serefina, meaning that if we play our cards right we will be able to make Lia, Serefina destruction."

"Wow, you really are terrifying, I do not wish to be your enemy"

Logan gave a small smile and said "I told you, I will make them pay for hurting you."