
The Human Princess and The Werewolf King

There was only one rule that every member of the crystal pack must obey "Never ever question the orders of your Alpha". Logan Anderson rules the Crystal pack with an iron fist. Rumors has it that he is a cold and ruthless man. Ever since Logan became the Alpha of his pack, for some reason he has always felt empty, not even the thought that he was feared and respected was able to fill the emptiness in him, that is until he met her, the girl who his wolf called out to. For some reason only her has been able to fill the emptiness in him. Logan thought he has found his light and savior, what he didn't know was that he has also found his only destruction.

Rosepetals456 · Fantasy
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68 Chs


"Are you leaving?" Ava said feeling disappointed. She was so happy when Logan spent the night with her but immediatly it was dawn, she saw him already dressed to leave.

""Yes, I have to. I stayed with you throughout yesterday so I have to leave now." Logan said but when he saw Ava aggrieved face, he walked closer to her and said softly "Don't look at me like that? I promise it will only take four days then me and you will be together."

"But what should I do without you? i have been here for days now and i feeling so bored."

Logan gave a light laugh and asked "Would you like to go somewhere?"


Logan smiled at Ava enthusiastic behavior and said "The forest is dangerous however if you go straight down from here, you will see a house, it is small but I assure you that it is neat. When you get there knock on the door and tell them that you are Logan wife."

"Them? I never knew anyone lives in this part of the forest because it looks so isolated."

"Two years after I became the Alpha of the Crystal pack, Amelia came to me and told me that she couldn't live in the pack house anymore and I understood her."

"Amelia?" Ava asked as she confused.

Logan saw Ava confusion and explained "Amelia was the wife of the former beta and also the mother of Jack and after the war that killed both him and my...." Logan stopped, even still now he found it difficult to accept the truth, if only his father had listened to him then he would still be alive. The memory of the war still torment him till now, just thinking about it still made him feel suffocated.

Ava saw the distant and sad look in his eyes and she knew that the word he couldn't say was his father. She placed her hands on his cheek and then hugged him.

Logan felt a warmth embrace on him and smiled, he wrapped his hands around Ava and whispered to her softly "I am alright." He kissed her hair and said "Thank you Ava for being with me. I promise you that one day I will tell you everything."

Ava smiled and said "I will wait"

"Alright, I have to leave now. Bye" Logan said and he was about to leave when Ava grabbed his wrist.

Logan turned and looked at Ava with confusion and was surprised when Ava tiptoed and kiss him but before he could deepen the kiss, Ava lips left his.

Ava saw Logan in daze and quickly said "I only did that so that you wouldn't complain of headache. Remember you said you said only a kiss can truly drive your headache away." Ava said as she blushed profusely.

Ava words was enough to make Logan recovered from his daze. His heart swell in excitement and he knew he couldn't control himself anymore, he held Ava waist and pulled her closer to him and he devoured her lips.

Ava immediately opened up her mouth and moan when Logan thrust his tongue to deepen the kiss.

After a few minutes of devouring each other with their lips and tongues they finally separated to catch their breath. Logan rested his forehead on Ava's and whispered seductively to her "I am going to get addicted to you" He placed his thumb on her lips and said "And these lips of yours drives me crazy every time I taste them."

Ava breathed heavily not only from the kiss but also his words, she felt Logan had the ability to set her body on fire and she knew he was too dangerous for her. Just a month from being with him made her to desire him and she could swear she has never desired anything the way she desired Logan.

Logan cupped Ava cheek and said "Oh Ava, my sweet Ava staying away from you is torture."

Ava blushed at his words and saw desire and love in Logan eyes but she also saw concern in his eyes. She knew he was worried about leaving her alone so she tried to assure him of her safety.

"I will be alright" She said.

Logan gave a deep sigh and separated from Ava, he said "Amelia lives with her older sister who is not easy to get along with, her words are usually rude but she means no harm and I will feel more assure knowing you are with them."

Logan gave Ava a kiss on her forehead and whispered "Take care of yourself."

then he left without turning back or even waiting for Ava reply because he knew if he were to wait, if he were to turn back and look at Ava one more time, then he wouldn't be able to leave.

Ava looked at Logan back and for some reason she felt he just ran away from her but remembering their intense kiss made Ava excited and scared, she was scared of Logan finding out the real reason she married him. Ava wondered if he would still love her if he found out that there was once a time she was ready to destroy him for the sake of her godmother. 'I shouldn't think of that for now, I think I should freshen up and visit Jack mother.'


Ava finally found the house, it was small and well maintained. It was not painted, and it reminded her of Serefina cottage but a little bigger than it.

It was a long walk from the cabin to here and Ava felt her feet was killing her. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door but no one answered, she thought no one was home but decided to try again and the door opened revealing a beautiful middle age woman with long black hair and hazel eyes and Ava knew that this woman was Jack mother, she could see the resemblance between her and Jack.

The woman looked at Ava suspiciously and asked "Who are you looking for?"

Ava saw the woman suspicious look and quickly replied "I am looking for Amelia"

"Sorry, there is no Amelia in this house" The woman quickly replied and was about to close the door when Ava quickly stopped her and said "Logan sent me, He said that I could find you here."

"Logan" Amelia said Logan name with a smile and continued "But who are you to Logan?"

"My name is Ava, I am his wife." Ava replied with pride as she announced that she was the wife of Logan.

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Happy New Year, I love you guys.

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