
The Hollow Zone (Dropped)

A man dies due to a earthquake and gets transported to a place where he thinks is "another world." Here he discovers that his species of creatures in this new world gets stronger the more they hunt and eat creatures to the point where their physical and mental form are enhanced. A month in this new life he sees humans, discovering that he wasn't in a new world but in a area on earth that was revealed thanks to the earthquake. Will he turn on the humans leading swarms of creatures to attack them or will he side by them and help them in this new world. (Hi, this is the author as you probably can see this novel has been dropped due to a major reason that impacts this novel, I do not know much about animal biology. I'm keeping the chapters up so authors who wish to use my novel as a inspiration could do so.)

ERROR16291 · Sci-fi
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23 Chs

The attack part 2

The remaining soldiers began to freak out as they heard the devilish laughter. Each cackle that came out of the woods sent shivers down their spines as they could only imagine what would come out of the woods to attack them.

"Don't falter, we will have back up arriving in a couple minutes. So we must hold out and kill any Holo that dares to attack us" Lex said as he gripped his gun hard and focused back into the woods. The soldiers regained their will to fight and prepared for any sort of onslaught that was to occur.

Not even a minute later they could hear a loud cackle just behind them and then soon one of their comrades was picked up by something invisible. The poor soldier was soon ripped in half and blood poured down onto the Holo that had easily tore their comrades in half. They could see a creature taller than all of them, having a bird's skull for a head, and its six eyes all staring back at them.

Though they could not tell why, they all felt as if the creature was smiling at them, enjoying seeing the fear that was scratched all across their faces. To secure this feeling the Holo began to make a devilish laughter before disappearing back into the woods. The soldiers quickly regained composure and began to shoot at the Holo. But by the time they regained their composure the Holo was already back into the dark woods.

The soldiers soon lost their steel will and began to fear for their lives. It didn't take a couple moments before several soldiers screamed, dropped their guns, and ran into the woods. Those that went into the woods soon disappeared for several minutes before their heads were soon thrown back at the soldiers that were hunkered down at the camp.

"They are playing with us" a soldier said as he stared at the head of his comrade, a man that he was friends with and someone he could call his brother. The soldier stared at the woods and saw a slight brush in the leaves. He soon opened fire on the spot where he saw the slight brush of leaves hoping for it to be the Holo that killed his friend.

The bullets hit the spot where the leaves slightly moved and no blood poured out, only shooting up branches and leaves falling to the ground. Lex grabbed the shoulders of the soldier, shook them, and spoke "Hey hey! Look me in the eye, soldier!"

The soldier focused on Lex's eyes, "now is not the time to freak out okay, for if we do, we will not be better than them." Lex said pointing at a ripped head that belonged to a soldier that ran into the woods and faced the same fate as the rest who did.

"Then when is!" The soldier yelled out "When is there the right time to freak out! We are going to die to those daemons, we are going to die a horrible death just like the rest!" The soldier soon began to breathe frantically as if he was short on breath or a psycho high on the pleasures of killing.

Lex tensed his grip on the soldier's shoulder and spoke in a calm voice as one would do when calming down a little kid who had a nightmare. "You will not die, I will not die, we all will not die a death that you believe we will. We will all return to base and mourn for the ones who have fallen, but right now is not the time. Now is not the time for us to freak out and pray, now is the time for us to focus and survive so we can mourn and pray back at base, you hear me?"

The soldier soon calmed his breathing and took a big gulp of saliva "we won't die here?" The soldier said as if he was a little kid again. Lex took a breath and spoke in a calm voice "yes we will not die here, so grab your gun tight and blast any damn Holo that attempts to harm any of us!"

The soldier gripped his gun hard and his eyes no longer belonged to that of a defenseless kid, but of a hardened soldier who has faced many death like situations. Seeing the gaze of the soldier Lex smiled and asked one more thing "what is your name soldier?"

The soldier stared at Lex for a bit before smiling. "Tyrone Blank, you sir?" Tyrone said, even though he knew the name of his leader, he still wanted to ask. Lex smiled at Tyrone's words and responded "name's Lex Abdi."

As if to ruin this moment several devilish cackles were heard from deep within the forest and soon they could hear the pitter patter of feet rushing at them. All the soldiers quickly raised their guns up and began to unload at the invisible Holos.

They could see the splatter of blood falling onto the ground before seeing devil-like creatures seemingly appearing back to reality and collapsing onto the ground. As if to retaliate on their onslaught of bullets several tree trunks were launched at the soldiers.

Seeing this many soldiers quickly moved from their spots to avoid the oncoming tree trunks that were being launched at them. Many were able to get out of the way of the trunks, but there were still those who were crushed underneath them either dying on the spot or dying slowly and painfully. This sight made many of the remaining soldiers enter a state of rage and unloaded all their rounds into the spots that they could faintly hear footsteps at.


A Holo could be seen huddling behind a tree, the Holo had many bullet holes in their body. At first the bullets would just bounce off their bodies, but over time several of them pierced their bodies and caused a mass amount of them to die.

The Holo looked behind the tree and stared at the group of soldiers. Its eyes widened as it saw the soldiers. The shadows of the leaves and trees covered their body and what it saw were beings holding weapons with hatred and bloodlust spewing from their eyes.

"AAAAH" the Holo heard screaming and looked to see a soldier holding two knives in her hands and was jumping onto one of its brethren as if she was able to see them. "How is this possible? '' the Holo said as she watched the soldier stab her knife in the eye of the Holo and quickly jammed the other one in the Holo chest.

The Knife snapped in two and the woman briefly stared at it before stabbing into the spot, but more forcefully than she did just before. The knife somehow pierced the Holo body and she quickly let go of the knife that was plunged in the eye and dragged the knife that was plunged in the Holo chest down. The skin began to tear as the woman screamed and pushed the knife down. The knife somehow cut through the flesh of the Holo as if she was cutting a slab of meat.

Soon the Holo guts began to pour out onto the ground. The woman quickly ripped the knife out of the Holo body and swiped her tongue across the broken blade. As the Holo blood entered her mouth she swallowed it as if she was drinking water. Soon the women began to falter and kneeled onto the ground, the Holo stared at the women before getting up and charging at her.

The Holo was in front of the woman and raised its claw high into the air before swinging down onto her. Just before the claw reached the woman's head, the woman quickly moved her head and stared into the Holo eyes. It was then that it noticed something odd about the women that it couldn't see when it was hiding behind the tree.

It could see several of her veins near her eye, arms, legs, and across her face bulging. The woman was acting as if she was on steroids or drugs. The woman quickly got up and plunged her broken knife into the Holo chest before doing the exact same act she did with the other Holo.

The Holo collapsed onto the ground as its organs began to pour out. In its last moments of life the Holo was trying to figure out why the women acted like that, it was only then it remembered the moment when the women swallowed the blood of its fellow dead Holo.

"O-our blood makes them . . . makes them stronger!" the Holo quietly said, hoping for its brethren to hear it. But the sounds of gunshots made its voice unheard and the Holo closed its eyes as it began to enter a sleep like state, a sleep like state that it could not wake up from.


As they fought the Holos back Lex and Tyrone did not notice the amount of blood that was being splashed into their mouths as they were shooting any Holo that they heard was near them. Without noticing their next action Lex and Tyrone quickly dropped their empty guns as if it was an instinct and brought their knives and put their backs against one another.

Their comrades were dead and they were the last two remaining. This thought did not affect them. On the contrary, this thought made their blood boil to the point where it felt like their bodies were about to burst. This act was especially true for Lex as he could feel blood pouring off his lips as he was biting his lips hard as if he was a savage lion angry that his pride was killed and he could not do anything.

"Lets kill them all" Lex said as he was ready to charge at the Holos, Tyrone nodded his head and lowered his body in preparation of a charge. Just before the both of them were about to charge at the Holos something they did not expect began to happen in front of them. The Holos began to appear in front of them and lined up as if they were soldiers.

The both of them were confused, but the confusion quickly disappeared as they heard a monstrous laughter resonate from the woods. Soon a Holo slowly appeared from the dark woods, it looked like the other Holos they just fought. The only difference was that it was much bigger than the rest and much bulkier than the other Holos.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!" The Holo began to laugh as it walked past the bodies of the soldiers and Holos. "Your species was somehow able to kill this many of my children while only suffering these numbers" the Holo said as it looked at the both of them "HOW INVEGERATING THIS IS!"

The shout made the both of them shiver out of fear as if they were facing something that their body was telling them that they could not win against and it wasn't just them, but the other Holos also began to shiver out of fear. The Holo looked at its shriveling kids before speaking again "since you did this to my kids I'll make, what your kind, calls a deal."

Before it could continue speaking Tyrone and Lex charged at the Holo. They fully knew that they could not win against it and that they may face a fate much worse than death when facing this creature. But this did not matter to them, for all that was in their mind was anger that they had built up in them.

They saw their fellow comrades die in front of them by the children of the Holo that was in front of them. This was the closest thing they could get to avenging their fellow comrades and allowing them to pass on.

"AAAAH!" They both shouted as they put their knives in front of their face, lowered their bodies, and charged at the damnable Holo in front of them.

"If this is how you want play" the Holo soon got on all fours as if its was a wolf, "then I'll play along!!!" The Holo then widened its eyes, opened its mouth wide, tightened its muscles, and launched itself at the both of them.