
The Hollow Zone (Dropped)

A man dies due to a earthquake and gets transported to a place where he thinks is "another world." Here he discovers that his species of creatures in this new world gets stronger the more they hunt and eat creatures to the point where their physical and mental form are enhanced. A month in this new life he sees humans, discovering that he wasn't in a new world but in a area on earth that was revealed thanks to the earthquake. Will he turn on the humans leading swarms of creatures to attack them or will he side by them and help them in this new world. (Hi, this is the author as you probably can see this novel has been dropped due to a major reason that impacts this novel, I do not know much about animal biology. I'm keeping the chapters up so authors who wish to use my novel as a inspiration could do so.)

ERROR16291 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

The attack part 1

"So many of our men have died because of this creature" Anna said as she was sat on a sofa looked at a document. There was a report saying a entire building holding thirty of the soldiers were killed in one night.

"One night isn't possible for one creature" Lex said, who was across from her, as he stared at the document "so is there another creature that is leading a group of Holo's?"

"Most likely since there are other separate reports stating that other buildings lost half or all the personal in the same night" Anna said as she put the document down and stared at Carl.

He was currently sitting down at his table, reading a document and looked up when he felt someone stating at him.

"Sigh* how is our order for the visors we ordered" Carl said as he smoked a cigarette and puffed out smoke.

"We are told that they will arrive in a couple days along with more vehicles, weapons, food, water, and personal" Lex said as he stood up and looked at Carl.

"Do the men coming here know about the current problem" Carl said as he dipped his cigarette into the ashtray.

"They do sir" Lex said.

"Good, it is best for them to know what is happening so they can prepare for the worst" Carl said as he stared out the window.

Carl then remembered something and looked at Lex and Anna "is that person also coming here?"

"If you mean by Animal researcher Snthia, then yes she to is coming here" Anna said as she looked at the ashtray. There were five cigarettes already in the ashtray and there would soon be a sixth.

"Good, order some of the men to go out and capture some Holos" Carl said as he picked up the document once again "Oh and also tell the people backat Head quarters to update the information on the creatures we have discovered."

"Yes sir" both Anna and Lex said before walking out of the room.

Carl continued looking outside his window. "If this isn't caused by H-00, then what creature is causing us trouble?"


In a cave south north from the human town a creature could be seen in a fetal position eating a corpse of several humans. The creature that was eating was the voice, a creature that Luke made when it stabbed a Night Shade in its eye.

Behind the voice were three of its children all looking at it in fear. "Speak" the voice said as it bite a huge chunk of flesh from the a human arm. One of the three children walked forward and spoke "we do not know where the being you are making us search for is at."

Hearing this the voice stopped eating and stood up. It then turned around and walked to the child that spoke. "Say that again" the voice said as it looked at the child. "We could not find father" the child said referring to Luke as father.

"Where is father" the voice yelled out as it lashed at the child, making the child lose a huge chunk of its face on the side of its head in the process. "We do not know where father is" one of the child said, hearing this the voice looked at the child. It then raised its claw high into the air and striking down on the child.

The moment the hand of the voice landed on the child, it could feel everything in its head being crushed in a instant. Soon a explosion of blood came out of the child head as the skull soon collapsed on itself. The last child could only stare with fear written across its body as it saw two of its family member get killed in a instant.

"You!" Hearing its father call for it the child shivered in fear, "y-yes father."

"Gather the other children and lead them to find father" the voice said as it walked deeper into the cave. The child quickly left its father cave and ran of to gather its siblings.

The voice reached the end of the cave system and looked at a carving on a wall. The carving on caves wall resembled that of Luke, the voice put its hand on the surface of carving as slowly moved its hand across it.

"Father, we will soon be reunited and once we are reunited, we shall wipe out those abominable humans from the face of this world" the voice said as it walked to the middle of the room and laid on the floor. Entering a sleep like stage.


"Be prepared for anything" Lex said as he led his squad, now squad two due to the death of the old one, on cars into the forest that held the Holo in. "Remember, our job is to capture the Holo not kill them, so try your best to not hit their vitals" Lex said as he pulled out the standard guns that they would use, a AK 12.

As squad two entered deeper into the forest, they all felt like something was off. They did not know what the cause of their uneasiness, but the were staying more on guard then they have ever been.

Soon the cars stopped and all of the soldiers got off the cars. They began to take off some crates off the back of the cars and unpacked the crates. "Set up camp here and be careful when you are on guard duty" Lex said as he helped a soldier set up a tent.

Soon more and more tents were set up until a campsite was finally made.

Lex then walked to the front of the camp and spoke, "Listen up. There will be three groups of twenty that will be sent out, while one group of thirty will stay with us to act as back up. Group A will be sent to our North, Group B shall head to our south, Group C shall head to our West, while Group D shall stay at camp. If there aren't any questions then you may all head out."

Soon the soldiers began to head out with their following groups into the Holo filled forest.

Lex soon entered a big tent, or more specifically a Modern Bell Tent, that had many devices and several personal on them typing things down and making calls.

He soon walked to a table that had several monitors on them showing video footage of several things. "Time for the hunt to begin" Lex said.

Several hours have passed.

Inside of the Modern Bell Tent, Lex could be seen sitting in front of a monitor looking at a video. He had cuts around his face and body as if he got into a battle recently. He was currently watching live video that was being recorded by a camera from one of the of Squad C soldier camera vest. He was currently watching Squad C face off a Holo that looked like a Honey Badger that was the size of a bear.

The Honey Badger had many bullet holes covering its entire body and large chunks of flesh missing. Still with all these wounds the Honey Badger continued fighting Squad C.

Lex pressed a button on a key board and spoke into the microphone near him "Squad C do you need assistance?"

One of the Squad C members pressed a button on their earpiece and spoke "Yes sir, we require immediate assistance. We have two men injured and we're almost out of bullets" the soldier said as he shot a entire mag of bullets at the Honey badgers stomach.

The Honey Badger roared and slashed at the soldier with its bulky claw. The soldier was hit by the bulky claw and was flung at a nearby tree. A loud pop could be heard when the soldier back hit the body of the tree.

"We will send Squad D to your location, so please hold out until them" Lex said as he stared at rhe roof of the tent that had a huge hole showing the clouds. "How did it turn out like this" Lex said.

Just a thirty minutes ago everything was going well. Group A, B, and C were able to capture twenty different types of Holo's and bring them back to camp. Everything was going so well until the increase in Holo activity.

The Holo's began to become more active for some odd reason and began to become more and more violent. This caused many problems for Lex ans the groups.

The first problem was that the camp was attacked by many groups of Holo's and had caused only half of the camp to survive the attack. Then came the problems with the Groups.

While the camp was under attack, the Groups were facing hoards of Holo's.

In the process of the attacks Group B lost all but three members and were about to be killed, but were saved by Group C. Group A lost all their members because of the constant swarming of the Holo's and their death was the reason as to why Group B and C survived.

Group B and C were just on their way back, but got ambushed by a Holo and had to send their injured members along with the injured Group B back to camp and the other half had to stay back to stop the Holo from going after the injured.

Lex stared at the ceiling of the tent and grabbed a radio. "This is Lex reporting to base, we are in need of medical assistance and require more men and fire power."

Soon a voice could be heard coming out of the radio "This is Carl and your request has been granted. Please wait for about ten to twenty minutes for your supplies to reach your location."

Lex turned off his radio and looked up at the ceiling. He soon called for someone on the radio and a couple seconds later a group of men holding guns entered the tent.

"Squad D your mission is to go out and help the rest of squad C. If you ca. bring back the Holo alive, but if you are not able to you are given permission to kill it."

Squad D all saluted and ran out of the tent and went for their jeeps. As they left Lex tent, Lex was ready to pop a bottle of beer open but stopped to the loud sound of screams and gunshots.

"What's going on!" Lex shouted while holding a pistol. There he could see one Sqaud D being picked up by something invisible. Soon the poor soldier was ripped in half and his remains were thrown at two nearby soldiers.

"Fire at it" someone said and soon the smell of smoke filled the air as everyone began to shoot at a single spot.

Soon red blood began to spill out as a creature soon appeared out of thin air in the same spot they were shooting at.

The Holo was some sort of gross combination between a human and a bird. The Holo soon collapsed onto the ground and small rivers of blood began to leak out of its body.

"Is that the thing that has been attacking us at base" a soldier said as she gasped for air as she never felt so scared before.

"It must be since we have never seen something like this before" another soldier said as hewalked closer to the body.

Just as he was a few inches away the Holo corpse soon sprang to life and with its long pale arms, pierced the soldier in his chest.

The soldier spat blood as the Holo quickly pulled its arm out and ran into the forest, while turning invisible at the same time.

All the soldiers soon began to shoot at the Holo, but hit nothing but empty air. "That thing took so many shots and lived" Lex said as he took out his mag and saw it was empty.

"Wait didn't we hypothesis that there were more than one of these things back at base" a soldier said as he quickly reloaded his gun.

Everyone, including Lex, quickly began to reloaded their guns, but stopped when they heard hundreds of devilish laughter permeating from the forest.