
The Hidden Phoenix - 숨겨진 불사조

In a seemingly ordinary world, there lies a great secret hidden behind ancient history: the extraordinary power derived from the 13 Chinese Zodiac signs. While 12 Zodiacs are known to everyone, there is one forgotten Zodiac, erased from history due to its uncontrollable and formidable power. The 13th Zodiac, the Phoenix, is a legend that lives only in myths and folklore. Ahn Joon-woo is a quiet 15-year-old who is often bullied because his Zodiac is considered worthless. Along with his childhood friend, Kim Hye-jin, Joon-woo strives to live a simple life in a small village in Korea. However, his life changes drastically on his 15th birthday when his Zodiac power is unexpectedly awakened. Though appearing as an ordinary bird, Joon-woo's Zodiac possesses extraordinary potential. He begins studying at a Zodiac academy in one of the big cities, where he meets various new friends and some rivals. Among them, Park Dae-hyun, a tough young man with the Tiger Zodiac, becomes an important ally on their journey. During training at the academy, Joon-woo starts to show the hidden potential within him. With the help of Hye-jin and Dae-hyun, he learns more about the history of the Phoenix and how to control its power. However, their journey is full of challenges and tough trials, including political intrigues and betrayals within the academy. As they face various obstacles, Joon-woo discovers an old book revealing important secrets about the Phoenix and its power. With each step forward, he gets closer to the truth about his Zodiac and the great threat lurking in the shadows. The Hidden Phoenix is an epic tale of rising above challenges, friendship, and fighting against evil forces. Joon-woo must find his true self and face the greatest challenges to protect the world from destruction while delving deeper into the secrets of the forgotten Zodiac and its formidable power. With his friends by his side, Joon-woo is ready to face whatever comes, proving that even the hidden can shine brightly and powerfully.

Soelx30 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Discovering Identity

Seoul, Early 2021

The new year had arrived, bringing new hopes and challenges for Joon-woo. Despite still struggling with the trauma of losing his parents and Hye-jin's disappearance, he began to feel stronger and more focused. He continued to train hard under the guidance of Kang Min-seok and the Hunter Association, determined to unlock the true potential of his Zodiac.

Every morning, Joon-woo woke up early for meditation. He found that by reflecting and calming his mind, he could better understand his emotions and trauma. This helped him to overcome the fear and anxiety that often haunted him since that night of the attack.

Meditation and Reflection

In the meditation room, Joon-woo sat quietly, his eyes closed. He focused on his breathing, clearing his mind of all worries. In that silence, he began to reflect on his life's journey, from the moment he first discovered his Zodiac to the present day.

"Why does my Zodiac seem so ordinary?" he pondered. "What really happened that night? How can I control my power?"

Kang Min-seok's words echoed in his mind: "True strength comes from self-understanding and acceptance." Joon-woo knew that he had to get to know himself better to find the answers.

Back to Training

After his meditation session, Joon-woo headed to the training field at the Hunter Association facility. There, he met Min-seok, who was waiting for him with enthusiasm.

"Morning, Joon-woo," Min-seok greeted. "How are you feeling today?"

"Better, Mr. Kang," Joon-woo replied. "I feel more calm and focused."

"Good," Min-seok said with a smile. "Today we'll try some new exercises to test your limits. Remember, your power may not be fully awakened yet, but every small step brings us closer to the answer."

They began with basic physical exercises, then moved on to more complex fighting techniques. Joon-woo trained with determination, recalling everything he had learned and striving to improve his skills. Although his bird Zodiac seemed ordinary, he began to sense something different each time he focused and used his emotions correctly.

A System That Helps

In this journey, Joon-woo also began to better understand and use the system provided by his Zodiac. The system had various features such as multitasking, status, inventory, store, and community accessible by thought. With this system, he could manage equipment, view personal statistics, buy items from the store, and communicate with other members of the Hunter Association.

As he trained, Joon-woo often opened his status to see his power's progress. Although it still seemed ordinary, there were slight improvements that gave him hope. He also used the inventory to store weapons and important items he found during missions.

Field Experience

A few weeks later, Joon-woo and the Hunter team received an emergency call about a dungeon break in another part of the city. The team quickly prepared and set off for the location. There, they encountered larger and more dangerous monsters than they had ever faced before.

As the battle unfolded, Joon-woo felt adrenaline rush through his body. He used all the techniques he had learned, trying to protect civilians and defeat the monsters. Despite getting injured, he did not give up.

In the middle of the battle, Joon-woo saw a small child trapped under debris. Without hesitation, he ran to the child and used his power to lift the debris and save him. At that moment, the Zodiac mark on his chest glowed brightly, giving him extra strength to fight off the approaching monsters.

After the battle ended, Joon-woo sat panting, his body covered in wounds and dirt. However, he felt proud for having saved lives and protected others. Min-seok approached him and patted his shoulder with pride.

"You did a great job, Joon-woo," Min-seok said. "You're starting to show the true potential of your Zodiac. Keep training and never give up."

Seeking More Answers

Although Joon-woo felt more confident, he knew his journey was far from over. He continued to search for information about his bird Zodiac, reading every book and article he could find. One day, he found a reference to a Zodiac similar to his in an ancient book at the Hunter Association library.

"Phoenix...?" he whispered as he read the description in the book. "This Zodiac can mimic the powers of other Zodiacs and has incredible regenerative abilities."

This discovery gave Joon-woo new hope. Although his bird Zodiac seemed ordinary, it might actually be the legendary Phoenix, whose power was hidden behind its simple appearance. With renewed determination, Joon-woo was resolved to dig deeper and find a way to awaken its true power.

End of Chapter 4

With each passing day, Joon-woo grew closer to his answers. He knew that this journey wasn't just about finding physical strength but also about understanding and accepting himself. With support from Min-seok and his friends at the Hunter Association, Joon-woo was ready to face any challenge that came his way.

Despite the trauma and loss still haunting him, Joon-woo learned to turn that pain into strength. He was determined to protect the people he loved and find Hye-jin, his missing childhood friend. This journey might be full of danger and uncertainty, but Joon-woo knew he wasn't alone. With a strong spirit and unwavering determination, he was ready to face the future and all the challenges it would bring.