
The Hidden Phoenix - 숨겨진 불사조

In a seemingly ordinary world, there lies a great secret hidden behind ancient history: the extraordinary power derived from the 13 Chinese Zodiac signs. While 12 Zodiacs are known to everyone, there is one forgotten Zodiac, erased from history due to its uncontrollable and formidable power. The 13th Zodiac, the Phoenix, is a legend that lives only in myths and folklore. Ahn Joon-woo is a quiet 15-year-old who is often bullied because his Zodiac is considered worthless. Along with his childhood friend, Kim Hye-jin, Joon-woo strives to live a simple life in a small village in Korea. However, his life changes drastically on his 15th birthday when his Zodiac power is unexpectedly awakened. Though appearing as an ordinary bird, Joon-woo's Zodiac possesses extraordinary potential. He begins studying at a Zodiac academy in one of the big cities, where he meets various new friends and some rivals. Among them, Park Dae-hyun, a tough young man with the Tiger Zodiac, becomes an important ally on their journey. During training at the academy, Joon-woo starts to show the hidden potential within him. With the help of Hye-jin and Dae-hyun, he learns more about the history of the Phoenix and how to control its power. However, their journey is full of challenges and tough trials, including political intrigues and betrayals within the academy. As they face various obstacles, Joon-woo discovers an old book revealing important secrets about the Phoenix and its power. With each step forward, he gets closer to the truth about his Zodiac and the great threat lurking in the shadows. The Hidden Phoenix is an epic tale of rising above challenges, friendship, and fighting against evil forces. Joon-woo must find his true self and face the greatest challenges to protect the world from destruction while delving deeper into the secrets of the forgotten Zodiac and its formidable power. With his friends by his side, Joon-woo is ready to face whatever comes, proving that even the hidden can shine brightly and powerfully.

Soelx30 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Seeking Answers

Morning in Seoul, 2020

Three years had passed since Ahn Joon-woo first discovered his Zodiac, and despite his hard training, he still hadn't found a way to harness its true power. Each day, he felt more pressure from the expectations he placed on himself and the comparisons with his friends, especially Kim Hye-jin, who had become one of the top fighters at the academy thanks to her Rabbit Zodiac.

That morning, Joon-woo woke up earlier than usual, reflecting on his long journey. On his desk lay various books and notes about the Zodiacs that he had studied over the years. Even though he hadn't found anything specific about his bird Zodiac, he kept searching for answers.

"Joon-woo, breakfast is ready!" his mother called from the kitchen.

"Yes, Mom. Just a minute," he replied, closing the book he was reading and heading to the kitchen. His mother, Ahn Mi-young, was preparing breakfast with her usual warm smile. She had always been an unwavering source of support for Joon-woo.

"Good morning, son," greeted his father, Ahn Dong-ho, who was reading the newspaper at the dining table. "What are your plans for today?"

"Training as usual, Dad," Joon-woo replied as he sat down and started eating. "And maybe looking up more information about the Zodiac."

His father nodded understandingly. "You work very hard, Joon-woo. Don't forget to rest as well."

After breakfast, Joon-woo headed to the academy where he and Hye-jin often trained. Today, they planned to try some new techniques that might help Joon-woo unlock the hidden potential of his Zodiac.

When he arrived at the academy, he saw Hye-jin already waiting for him in the training field. "Morning, Hye-jin," Joon-woo greeted with a tired smile.

"Morning, Joon-woo," Hye-jin replied cheerfully. "I have some new ideas I want us to try today. Who knows, maybe one of them will help."

Joon-woo nodded, grateful for Hye-jin's dedication. They started their training session with light warm-ups, then moved on to a series of intensive drills. Hye-jin tried various combinations of attacks and defenses to see if there was any reaction from Joon-woo's Zodiac.

However, after several hours, the result was the same. Joon-woo didn't feel any different. He grew increasingly frustrated and desperate. "I don't know anymore, Hye-jin," he said, panting. "Maybe my Zodiac really is useless."

"Don't say that," Hye-jin responded firmly. "We just need to find the right approach. I'm sure there's something we're missing."

That afternoon, after finishing their training, they sat at the edge of the field, enjoying the gentle breeze. "Joon-woo, I want you to remember one thing," Hye-jin said seriously. "Strength isn't just about your Zodiac or physical abilities. You have incredible power within you, and I'm sure it will reveal itself when the time is right."

Joon-woo was silent for a moment, pondering Hye-jin's words. Despite his frustration, he felt a bit more at peace. "Thank you, Hye-jin. I'll keep trying."

Months Passed

Over the next few months, Joon-woo and Hye-jin continued to train and search for answers. They tried various methods, from meditation to intensive physical training, but the results remained the same. Even so, Joon-woo never completely gave up. He continued to hope that one day he would find a way to harness the power of his Zodiac.

One day, while they were training in the forest near the academy, they encountered an old, wise man. The man watched them from a distance before approaching. "You two seem very dedicated to your training," he said with a gentle yet authoritative voice.

"Yes, sir," Hye-jin replied politely. "We're trying to unlock the hidden potential of my friend's Zodiac."

The old man smiled wisely. "Sometimes, the answer isn't found through physical strength or technique. Sometimes, the answer lies within ourselves."

Joon-woo looked at the man with curiosity. "What do you mean, sir?"

"Every Zodiac has unique powers, including your bird Zodiac," the man explained. "But true strength often comes from self-understanding and acceptance of who we really are. Don't be too hard on yourself, young man. Time will reveal the right path."

The old man's words lingered in Joon-woo's mind. Although there was still much he didn't understand, he felt a bit closer to the answer. He thanked the man and promised himself to keep searching and not give up.

End of 2020

On a quiet night at the end of 2020, the city where Joon-woo lived experienced a horrific dungeon break. Monsters emerged from the dungeon and spread throughout the city, destroying everything in their path. The apartment where Joon-woo lived with his family was not spared from the attack.

Joon-woo was at home when a massive explosion shook the building. He ran out of his room and saw fire and debris everywhere. "Mom! Dad!" he shouted in panic.

He ran to find his parents amid the chaos, but all he found was destruction. The monsters attacked mercilessly, destroying everything they encountered. Joon-woo finally found his parents under the rubble, their bodies unmoving.

"You can't leave me!" Joon-woo screamed with tears streaming down his face. In his deep despair and anger, something within him awakened. The Zodiac mark on his chest began to glow brightly, and immense energy flowed through his body.

With his newfound power, Joon-woo attacked the surrounding monsters. He moved with speed and strength he had never felt before, taking down every monster that approached. However, the power was too great for his unprepared body, and after a while, his energy began to wane.

Joon-woo fell to his knees beside his parents' bodies, exhaustion and injuries overcoming him. "I couldn't protect you..." he whispered weakly before finally passing out.

At the Hospital

Joon-woo woke up in the hospital a few days later. His body was covered in bandages, and pain enveloped every movement. He looked around and found himself alone in a quiet room. Memories of that dreadful night returned, and tears began to flow again.

A nurse entered the room and saw that Joon-woo was awake. "You're awake. How are you feeling?" the nurse asked gently.

Joon-woo tried to sit up, but the pain made him groan. "Where are my parents?" he asked in a hoarse voice.

The nurse hesitated for a moment before answering. "I'm sorry, they didn't survive the attack."

The words hit Joon-woo like a blow. He felt shattered and helpless. "What about Hye-jin? Where is she?" he asked with a final glimmer of hope.

The nurse shook her head. "We don't have any information about your friend. Many people went missing after the attack."

Joon-woo felt his world crumble. He had lost everything in one night: his parents, his friend, and his home. The trauma of the event left him in shock, feeling utterly alone.

Alone in a New World

After recovering from his injuries, Joon-woo was taken in by the Hunter Association, an organization responsible for protecting society from dungeon and monster threats. They provided care and support, but Joon-woo felt alienated and lost.

With Hye-jin missing along with her family, Joon-woo had to face a new world full of danger and uncertainty alone. He was determined to find his childhood friend and uncover what really happened that night. Despite the trauma and grief haunting his every step, Joon-woo knew he had to keep moving forward. Deep down, he felt that something greater awaited him, a destiny he hadn't fully understood yet.

Facing Trauma

Although the Hunter Association provided him with temporary housing and training to control his power, Joon-woo felt lonely and isolated. Every night he stayed awake, haunted by nightmares of that attack and the screams of his parents that never left his memory. He often sat alone, staring at the Zodiac mark on his chest, wondering what really happened that night and how he could control his power.

The Hunters at the Association tried to help him with various methods to overcome the trauma, but the emotional wounds were too deep. However, Joon-woo never showed his weakness in front of others. He trained harder than anyone, using his pain and sorrow as fuel to push himself forward.

Intensive Training

Day by day, Joon-woo continued to train diligently. The Hunter Association had advanced training facilities, and Joon-woo used every opportunity to test his limits. He trained day and night, trying to understand his bird Zodiac's power. Although it seemed ordinary, Joon-woo felt there was something deeper he hadn't discovered.

One day, while training in the simulation room, Joon-woo met a senior instructor named Kang Min-seok. Min-seok was an experienced Hunter who had fought monsters for years. He saw potential in Joon-woo that others might not have noticed.

"Joon-woo, I've seen you train hard every day," Min-seok said one evening. "Your power hasn't fully awakened yet, but I believe there's something great within you."

"I don't know, Mr. Kang," Joon-woo replied with a tone of despair. "I feel like I can't control what happened that night. The power appeared and disappeared just like that."

"You just need to know yourself better," Min-seok said wisely. "True power comes from self-understanding and acceptance. You've been through a lot, and that only makes you stronger."

Min-seok's words gave Joon-woo a glimmer of hope. He began to focus on meditation and self-reflection, trying to understand his trauma and emotions. Each day, he felt a bit closer to the truth about himself and his Zodiac.

Early 2021

As the new year arrived, Joon-woo felt that he had reached a turning point in his life. He might not have found all the answers, but he knew he wasn't alone in this journey. With support from Min-seok and the Hunter Association, Joon-woo began to see a glimmer of hope.

However, despite the significant progress he had made, the trauma of losing his parents and Hye-jin's disappearance still haunted him. He often stayed awake at night, praying that one day he could find his friend and uncover the truth behind the attack.

First Mission

One day, the Hunter Association received a report of a minor dungeon break in the outskirts of the city. Min-seok decided it was the perfect time for Joon-woo to test his abilities in the field. "Joon-woo, you're coming on this mission," Min-seok said firmly. "This is your chance to see how you act in a real battle."

Joon-woo felt nervous but also excited. This was the first time he would fight outside the training facility. With thorough preparation and strong determination, he joined the other Hunters and set out for the dungeon break location.

When they arrived, small monsters had already started attacking the residents. Joon-woo felt adrenaline coursing through his body. He remembered all the training he had undergone and used the techniques he had learned to fight the monsters. Despite still feeling uncertain about his power, Joon-woo demonstrated impressive courage and skill.

When the battle ended, Min-seok approached him with a proud smile. "You did well, Joon-woo. This is just the beginning. I believe you will find the true power within you."

Joon-woo nodded, feeling more confident. Although the road ahead was still long and full of challenges, he knew he would never give up. With each step he took, he got closer to his life's goal: to find the truth, control his power, and protect those he loved.

In his heart, Joon-woo knew this journey had just begun. With determination and support from those around him, he was ready to face whatever came, making himself stronger and wiser every day.