
The Hidden Phoenix - 숨겨진 불사조

In a seemingly ordinary world, there lies a great secret hidden behind ancient history: the extraordinary power derived from the 13 Chinese Zodiac signs. While 12 Zodiacs are known to everyone, there is one forgotten Zodiac, erased from history due to its uncontrollable and formidable power. The 13th Zodiac, the Phoenix, is a legend that lives only in myths and folklore. Ahn Joon-woo is a quiet 15-year-old who is often bullied because his Zodiac is considered worthless. Along with his childhood friend, Kim Hye-jin, Joon-woo strives to live a simple life in a small village in Korea. However, his life changes drastically on his 15th birthday when his Zodiac power is unexpectedly awakened. Though appearing as an ordinary bird, Joon-woo's Zodiac possesses extraordinary potential. He begins studying at a Zodiac academy in one of the big cities, where he meets various new friends and some rivals. Among them, Park Dae-hyun, a tough young man with the Tiger Zodiac, becomes an important ally on their journey. During training at the academy, Joon-woo starts to show the hidden potential within him. With the help of Hye-jin and Dae-hyun, he learns more about the history of the Phoenix and how to control its power. However, their journey is full of challenges and tough trials, including political intrigues and betrayals within the academy. As they face various obstacles, Joon-woo discovers an old book revealing important secrets about the Phoenix and its power. With each step forward, he gets closer to the truth about his Zodiac and the great threat lurking in the shadows. The Hidden Phoenix is an epic tale of rising above challenges, friendship, and fighting against evil forces. Joon-woo must find his true self and face the greatest challenges to protect the world from destruction while delving deeper into the secrets of the forgotten Zodiac and its formidable power. With his friends by his side, Joon-woo is ready to face whatever comes, proving that even the hidden can shine brightly and powerfully.

Soelx30 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

On the Brink of Despair

Seoul, 2024

Seven years had passed since Ahn Joon-woo first discovered his Zodiac. During that time, he had struggled hard to control and harness its power. Despite his relentless efforts, Joon-woo still felt that his bird Zodiac was useless. His level remained stuck at 5, and frustration and despair began to consume his thoughts.

That morning, Joon-woo woke up with a heavy heart. Since the attack that destroyed his life, he had been striving to become stronger. However, every day he felt his efforts were in vain. He sat at the edge of his bed, staring blankly out the window.

"Maybe it's true that my Zodiac is useless," he muttered to himself.

He put on his training clothes slowly and walked out of his room. The deep despair haunted him, making every step feel heavy. When he arrived at the Hunter Association's training facility, he met Kang Min-seok, who noticed the change in Joon-woo's mood.

"Good morning, Joon-woo. You don't look very enthusiastic today," Min-seok said with concern.

"I'm just feeling tired, Mr. Kang," Joon-woo replied softly. "I've been trying for seven years, but I'm still stuck at level 5. My Zodiac is useless, and I'm starting to feel there's no hope anymore."

Min-seok sighed and patted Joon-woo's shoulder. "I understand how you feel, Joon-woo. But remember, everyone has their own path. Don't give up now."

That day, Joon-woo tried to continue his training, but his mind was plagued by despair. He tried various techniques and strategies, but nothing worked. Every time he opened his status, he saw the same number: level 5.

In the training field, Joon-woo trained alone. Every punch and kick he threw seemed futile. He felt his power was insufficient to fight the increasingly stronger monsters.

"What's the point of all this?" he thought. "I'm just wasting my time."

He stopped for a moment, panting, and felt tears welling up in his eyes. "I want to be stronger, but it seems that will never happen."

After a grueling training session, Joon-woo sat in the corner of the field, feeling broken. Min-seok approached him and sat down next to him.

"Joon-woo, I know this is hard for you," Min-seok said gently. "But remember, true strength doesn't just come from physical abilities or your Zodiac. It also comes from your heart and determination."

Joon-woo shook his head. "I've tried everything, Mr. Kang. But still, I can't get stronger. I'm stuck at level 5, and nothing can change that."

Min-seok took a deep breath. "Sometimes, we need to look within ourselves to find the answers. Maybe there's something you're missing."

Joon-woo was silent for a moment, pondering Min-seok's words. Despite the despair still haunting him, he knew Min-seok was right. He had to keep searching for answers, even if it meant digging deeper within himself.

That night, Joon-woo went home with an even greater sense of despair. He felt exhausted, both physically and emotionally. After a simple dinner, he sat in his room, staring at the Zodiac mark on his chest.

"Why are you useless?" he asked the mark. "Why can't I get stronger?"

He closed his eyes, hoping to find answers in the darkness. But all he felt was emptiness and an increasing sense of despair.

As he lay in bed, thoughts of giving up continued to haunt him. "Maybe it's true I'll never get stronger," he thought. "Maybe it's time I stopped trying."

In the middle of the night, Joon-woo fell asleep with a heavy heart. However, during his sleep, he had a very strange dream. In the dream, he was in the middle of a dark forest, surrounded by strange sounds and frightening shadows.

Suddenly, he saw a bright light in the distance. The light came closer, and he saw a large bird with wings that glowed brightly like fire. The bird flew around him, giving a sense of warmth and comfort.

"Who are you?" Joon-woo asked in the dream.

The bird didn't answer with words, but Joon-woo felt a strong message in his heart. "You have great power within you, but you're not ready to use it yet. Believe in yourself and keep fighting."

When he woke up, his body felt hot and sweaty. However, the words from the dream still echoed in his ears. "You have great power within you..."

Joon-woo got out of bed with a different feeling. Although the despair was still there, he felt a glimmer of new hope. He knew his journey wasn't over, and he had to keep fighting to find his true strength.

The next morning, Joon-woo felt different. Although the despair was still there, he felt a new hope burning inside him. The words of the bird in his dream gave him new spirit to keep fighting.

Joon-woo decided to change his approach. He started with deeper meditation, trying to dig deeper into himself to find the answers. He realized that perhaps the problem wasn't with his Zodiac's power, but with the way he viewed and accepted himself.

In the following days, Joon-woo combined physical training with deeper meditation. He began to find peace within himself, and little by little, he started to understand the true potential of his bird Zodiac.

One day, while training in the forest near the academy, he felt something different. The Zodiac mark on his chest began to glow brightly, and he felt an incredible power flowing through his body. Although it was only for a moment, Joon-woo felt he was on the right path.

On a certain day, the Hunter Association received a report about a minor dungeon break in the outskirts of the city. Min-seok decided it was the perfect time for Joon-woo to test his abilities in the field. "Joon-woo, you're coming on this mission," Min-seok said firmly. "This is your chance to see how you act in a real battle."

Joon-woo felt nervous but also excited. This was the first time he would fight outside the training facility. With thorough preparation and strong determination, he joined the other Hunters and set out for the dungeon break location.

When they arrived, small monsters had already started attacking the residents. Joon-woo felt adrenaline rush through his body. He remembered all the training he had undergone and used the techniques he had learned to fight the monsters. Despite still feeling uncertain about his power, Joon-woo demonstrated impressive courage and skill.

When the battle ended, Joon-woo sat panting, his body covered in wounds and dirt. However, he felt proud for having saved lives and protected others. Min-seok approached him with a proud smile.

"You did a great job, Joon-woo. You're starting to show the true potential of your Zodiac. Keep training and never give up."

Although Joon-woo felt more confident, he knew his journey was far from over. He continued to search for information about his bird Zodiac, reading every book and article he could find. One day, he found a reference to a Zodiac similar to his in an ancient book at the Hunter Association library.

"Phoenix...?" he whispered as he read the description in the book. "This Zodiac can mimic the powers of other Zodiacs and has incredible regenerative abilities."

This discovery gave Joon-woo new hope. Although his bird Zodiac seemed ordinary, it might actually be the legendary Phoenix, whose power was hidden behind its simple appearance. With renewed determination, Joon-woo was resolved to dig deeper and find a way to awaken its true power.

With each passing day, Joon-woo grew closer to his answers. He knew that this journey wasn't just about finding physical strength but also about understanding and accepting himself. With support from Min-seok and his friends at the Hunter Association, Joon-woo was ready to face any challenge that came his way.

Despite the trauma and loss still haunting him, Joon-woo learned to turn that pain into strength. He was determined to protect the people he loved and find Hye-jin, his missing childhood friend. This journey might be full of danger and uncertainty, but Joon-woo knew he wasn't alone. With a strong spirit and unwavering determination, he was ready to face the future and all the challenges it would bring.