
The Heroic Adventure of the Black Hero

After having a horrendous life as a wage slave, a man is summoned by a beautiful goddess with the goal of turning him into a hero. But due to the horrendous and cold personality of the hireling, the other gods branded him as a renegade, a "Black Hero". That's how Vandelion was born, and after managing to save the world, he has only one goal in his new life. "I want to live relaxed, doing whatever I want. Having riches and above all several wives. Including you, Goddess." This is how Vandel's bizarre adventure to achieve his dream and in the process save the world again begins. A comical and ecchi adventure with a hero out of the ordinary begins!

Siegburn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Adventure 9 ─ Every hero deserves a legendary weapon

Inside the palace, Queen Angelina asked her daughters.

"How well do you know him?"

Alice and Louise spoke first.

"We've known him for a short time, since the very day we left the palace."

"At first he wasn't trustworthy because it was so sudden, then he proved us otherwise."

"He told us that the goddess sent him a message in a dream that he must save the world from a catastrophe."

"That catastrophe must surely be what we heard that day."

Her older sister now spoke in her stead.

"The people responsible for this are a secret organization called the Ouroboros Order, they are the ones responsible for this attack. One of their members manipulates Bellmoth, was what Reiss gave us to understand."

"Reiss too... I see."

The queen sat for a moment to reflect.

"Reiss, Obermayer and now his father, with this two of the six marquises cannot go unpunished severely."

"The only thing we can do now is─"


"What was that?"

The palace suddenly began to shake.

Louise walked over to the window. To check if Lion's fight against Bellmoth reached the outskirts of the palace.

"What is that!"

She was horrified to see how a giant slime was growing at the palace gates.

"A Black Ooze!"

Black Ooze are formally known as black slime, the most dangerous type of slime in the world.

Its body has heat-like properties, it can generate first, second and third degree burns depending on how long you touch it.

They can even engulf buildings with no problem.

"What's a Black Ooze doing here?"

The queen shouted seeing how that black slime generated a human face on his body.

"Royal family. I saw you."

They all listened as that giant slime spoke to them.

"Give me what I want!"

The giant slime's body began to expand, breaking through the door and one part of its body entering, the other part began to climb the castle.

"We have to get out of here!"

"Where should we go?"

The queen asked her eldest daughter, but she had no idea where to go.

"I know!"

They all looked at Alice who seemed to have an idea.

"What is it?"

"Let's go to that place."


"Alice, you say we go there?"

"Yes. We should go to that dungeon and we should take over what's in there."

"That thing wants what's inside that room, we don't know what's in there, but we must get it first and use it to our advantage."

"That's crazy!"

Their mother interrupted her daughters.

"We don't know what's in there, there might even be a virus or some trap."

The tremors were gradually getting stronger.

"Royal family!"

The voice of the terrifying slime was louder as it got closer.

Alice grabbed her mother's hand, stared at her imploringly.

"Mother please. Trust me, what else can we do?"

"Lion-kun is fighting the enemy now, but not one of them managed to slip away, we can't let them get away with this."

"Alice, I understand. But I don't want you to put yourselves in danger again."

"This time I don't know what would happen if something were to happen to you."

Princess Rosemary was about to say something, but she felt a strange tingling in her neck.

She thought nothing of it and supported her sister as she would.

"Mother, I understand it's risky, but Alice is right."

"She is!"

"I do?"

Her family was puzzled by the first princess's response.

"If what it wants is in the dungeon, we must go to that dungeon and get it."

"If there is any threat, we will face it together."

"Our nation is in danger and we must not run away while our foundations are destroyed."

The queen agreed not to flee, but she did not want to endanger her daughters.

"Your Majesty, the creature approaches. Please say quickly whether we go to the dungeon or flee."

Zara hurried the queen to make a decision.

She was about to say the opposite of what they wanted.

But like Rosemary, she felt a strange tingle in her neck.

"All right. Let's go to the dungeon."

"If it gets dangerous at all, I'll use my body as a shield to make you run away."


They all nodded and before leaving the queen said.

"It's just the four of us! Zara, you see to it that the servants get out of here quickly."

"But Your Majesty, I can't leave you alone."

"You're more useful helping the others escape unharmed. That thing is interested in the dungeon, we'll quickly go a small group to get whatever is under there before that monster."

"Royal family, I see you!"

The black slime─ Utgard-Loki finally reached the room where the queen and her daughters were.

"Tell me where the dungeon is!"

The windows shattered and black slime poured in, burning tables, chairs and decorations in the process.

"Tell me!"

Utgard-Loki began to pull part of his upper body in.

While the lower part crawled like a slug on the bottom, breaking doors and attacking servants.


Zara heeded the queen and ordered everyone to run away.

"You heard her, it's the queen's order, run now!"

They all ran away and taking advantage of the confusion, Alice grabbed her mother and together with her older sister and best friend, they went straight to the dungeon.


"Fucking maniac!"


The battle between Lion and Dixgard was escalating to a physical level that was impossible to comprehend.

After they were both swallowed by the explosions, they survived, but with large burns on their bodies.

Due to Lion's healing process, it was easy to recover, but for Dixgard it was not, his entire body was covered with black blood vessels and hundreds of eyes with mouths on his arms and abdomen.

"Dahahahaha! This is wonderful, I never felt more alive than now."

Even on his forehead an eye popped out.

(The fusion between human body and demonic sword is the worst thing in the world. But it makes it worse that now this guy has a fused cursed sword in his other hand.)

(My chance of victory decreases with every second this guy breathes.)

And he wasn't wrong.

Dixgard stopped being a human a long time ago, his consciousness and the will of the swords blended together creating one being.

Neither human nor monster, but a wraith that wants to destroy everything.

Both were fighting on the roof of the houses to prevent people from getting involved in their fight.

With each block, Lion jumped to the next roof, but Dixgard used all his strength to hit him, causing the house to collapse.

After falling to the living room, Lion rolled to the window where he jumped to avoid being crushed.

He immediately got to his feet and from the rubble, Dixgard jumped out.

"Dahahahaha. This is so extreme, I love it, I really love it!"

Now they were both fighting on the main street, food stalls, clothes and some stores were destroyed by their fight.

Lion was fending off Dixgard's blows, causing a strong shockwave to impact each side.

(He really is devilishly strong.)

(If only I had a weapon, something that would allow me to get back on top of the situation.)

"You don't just stare into the void, you idiot!"


Lion's reaction was too late, Dixgard kicked him and sent him flying straight into the castle, landing on Utgard-Loki's slimy body.

Lion did not feel the slight burns generated on his body as he did not have time to react.

Dixgard was jumping from house to house to get to him.

"Dahahahaha! I found you!"

He fell on top of Lion and they were both engulfed by the black slime's slime.


A couple of years ago, the princesses Rosemary and Millialice were playing hide and seek with Louise.

Rosemary didn't want to play because it took time away from studying, but her little sister implored her to play.

She reluctantly agreed, but ended up having fun in the end.

Before they knew it, Princess Millialice and Louise were lost in an unfamiliar hallway.

They went deeper and discovered a secret passageway that connected to a subway area.

"Alice! Louise! There you are!"

Rosemary found them after searching in places only a child could enter.

"What is this place? I've never seen it."

"It seems to be a secret passageway."

"Mother told me that before the first royal family came here, there was already a ruined castle, surely it must be part of these ruins this place."

"We must go now."

"But Louise and I found this strange entrance."

Rosemary eyed that strange hole with interest.

"J-Just a little. We'll go in, check what's inside and come back."


She was still a child even if she was the older sister.

Curiosity was greater than her reason.

Inside the place, they found giant roots, destroyed pillars, sand and big rocks on the ground.

Using a torch with fire magic that Louise created, the girls checked inside.

"What's all this?"

"You can barely see anything."

"It smells bad in here."


Little Millialice tripped and fell against the ground, due to falling in the sand, she was not hurt.

"Alice, I told you to behave."

"Guh, my nose hurts."

"Aaaaaaaah, Aaaaaaaah."

Louise made a strange sound, both of them stared at her, then sent the direction of their faces to the front and saw the same thing as Louise.

"Onee-chan... what is that?"

"I-I don't know... but, we should tell mother as soon as possible."

"Let's go!"

The girls ran off straight to tell their mother what happened.

Before they left, what they saw was a mural.

That mural, showed a wicked figure devouring people.

It was a portrait of the Demon God that had his face censored.


After arriving at their mother's, they told her what they found.

The queen sent a group of wizards and knights to check the place.

They were all shocked by what they found.

For years they analyzed the place without understanding what they saw in that mural.

It terrified them so much that they simply destroyed it, and in doing so they found a strange sealed metal door.

They tried to open it, but could not.

That's where they gave up and hoped that someday it would rust and break.

And that very spot is where the queen and her daughters are headed right now with Louise.

"Was it this way?"

"No. It was straight ahead, then we turned left."

"My left or your left?"

"We have the same left..."

"Guh, this place is a maze! Don't I remember it being this confusing?"

"Princess there it is!"

Louise pointed to the bottom of the hallway.

They all went to the back of that corridor and found some curtains, entered and finally arrived at the blissful dungeon.

There had been signs for years that no one was entering here, but the lights were working thanks to a clap Louise made so that the magic torches reacted to the sound.

In the distance, there was the large metal door.

They all ran to the door and Rosemary asked.

"Any plans to open it?"

"Huhh... this one."

Alice walked up to the big door and stretched her hands out to the door, she sighed heavily, leaving the atmosphere so tense you could cut it with a knife.

"Open sesame!"


"Open up! Come on!"

"Just a little yes, I'll give you some of my candy if you do."

"Cut it out!"


Rosemary smacked her younger sister hard, her mother sighed because she expected this outcome.

"I feel like a fool for listening to you."

"Alice, I told you to keep your nonsense to yourself! More so at a serious time!"

"I'm being very serious!"

"I thought it would open up in a moment of intensity where a desperate situation would be reversed. My cheeks!"

Very angrily her sister tugged at her cheeks.

"I told you to stop reading those silly fairy tales. This is reality, the nonsense about life magically working itself out at that moment doesn't exist."

"Louise! You too are guilty like her, come to receive your punishment!"


"Royal family!"

The trembling grew to such a point that they could finally hear Utgard-Loki's voice.

They all watched as in the distance the black slime approached laughing evilly.

"Gyahahahaha! Thank you for showing me the way!"

"I was able to inadvertently destroy the castle and hide this place, but now I have no more use for you."

"Both you and the rest of the women in this place, I will use you to cultivate my children."

"I will create an army of black slimes and with it I will rule the world!"

"The Rounds can go fuck themselves. With this power to digest everything and multiply myself, I will be the supreme being and no one will be able to─ Mmh!"

Suddenly a sound similar to digestion was heard, standing near the entrance, Utgard-Loki threw up Lion and Dixgard.

Both were almost melted, but due to the healing process of the goddess' blessing, Lion did not die.

But Dixgard was in a bad state.

Lion stood up, and spat black slime.

"It tastes like wet cat! Yuck."

His wounds were slowly healing.

He looked at the girls.

"Gyah! A zombie!"

They all screamed and the queen even fainted.


Lion couldn't know that his face was disfigured, slowly regenerating until it showed an appearance that wasn't flesh and bones.

"L-Lion, is that you?"

Rosemary asked after nearly vomiting at the sight of the fleshy tissues on his face.

"It's me, where the hell am I?"

"This is the dungeon below the palace."


He looked around. Then his eyes focused to the front.

Staring at the door, he stood up and walked over.

"It's metal."

His hands touched the door as if it wasn't the first time he'd seen it.

Utgard-Loki was vomiting strange black spheres that generated inside, they were from Dixgard who discarded some of his evil in him.

Lion hurried before Dixgard woke up and Utgard-Loki stopped vomiting.

"Here it is."

Lion said after finding what appeared to be a USB drive taped to the door.

"It really is this. I can't believe it."

"No. Could it be possible?"

"I must find out!"

The USB drive belonged to the door, pulling it out he inserted it into the slot in the center and a strange sound similar to a gate opened.

Blue lights flashed and the door opened.


Lion smiled and said to the girls.

"Get away from here, go to the corner and don't move, I'll come with you as fast as I can."

The room being dark, Lion stepped inside and none of them couldn't believe their eyes.

"It opened. It really opened."

"I can't believe it."

"How did he know it would open?"

What they don't know, is that the door is actually part of a bunker.

Someone built it, Lion knew this method as he knew someone on a world that created a security door, but he was so lazy that he left the key in the door itself.

Believe it or not, no one could ever enter such a place thanks to the fact that it was locked from the inside, and only from the inside, or with the key that was stuck on the door automatically, similar to a magnet, it was very secure indeed.


Utgard-Loki regained his human appearance, his skin was still blackened and his eyes red.

"Damn you Dix!"

He walked up to him and started kicking him.

"Damn you. You fucking idiot, you're lucky I need you because you're just like a faithful dog."



Dixgard grabbed Utgard-Loki's leg.

His blades were digested by his insides, so they largely merged with Dixgard's body, creating a hybrid.

Now his face had a single red eye.

Seeing Utgard-Loki, he opened his mouth and began to chew on it.

"It hurts you idiot, stop it!"

"It hurts, please stop, I beg you to stop now Dix!"

His expression of hatred changed to one of pain as his lower body was devoured by Dixgard.

His body began to expand, creating a monstrous creature with hundreds of teeth protruding from it.

They were merging together.


"I want no part of you!"

"A new era of glory was supposed to begin for me!"

"Help me please, Loki-sama──!"

The words were cut off as his head was swallowed whole.

The hideous abomination looked at the girls.

It was no longer Dixgard or Utgard-Loki, it was a simple monster.

The monster began to crawl towards the girls.

They thought it was the end of him.

"Sorry for the wait, it took me a while to get you out."

From inside the darkness of the bunker, a bright green light radiated brightly.

Gradually it grew brighter and brighter, to the point that the light itself was dulled.

The glow of that green color dimmed after setting foot outside the place.

Lion was there, holding a beautiful sword of a pure green color.

"I finally got it. Something every hero must have."

He raised the sword above his head.

"His legendary weapon."

Smiling like a child, he declared his victory.


The mutant creature crawled to attack.

The girls wanted to tell it to run, the queen was waking up.

Now that Lion regained his face, the queen felt her cheeks redden at the sight of him.

"It will be all right, now that I managed to get this."

She thought he was referring to her presence, that is, the queen believed that her staying present meant something.

Lion gripped the sword tightly, magical power gathering about itself.

He slowly opened his mouth and said.

"Receive 1% of the hero's power. The ultimate and final attack I invented to defeat a legion of demons."

He smiled, closed his eyes, and as if fainting, slowly lowered the sword.

"Chaos Breaker."

A huge pillar of golden green light was directed like a missile towards the creature.

The pillar was made of Odd and Prana, meaning it used the internal energy of the planet combined with the magical power of the environment, both of which created a chain reaction generating a huge upward explosion.

This was the hero's power that he managed to achieve in one of his past lives.

The huge pillar devoured the creature, destroying everything in its path as if it were a solar ray.

Without being able to utter a single sound, the creature, Utgard-Loki and Dixgard were wiped from the face of the earth.

The pillar of light disappeared and Lion fell exhausted to the ground.

"That was all. I don't want to move anymore."




The girls went to his aid, the queen stared dumbfounded at what happened.

"U-Unbelievable. He really finished off that monster with one move."

That's how the chaos finally ended and peace returned to the kingdom.


Since we are done with the design of the characters I wanted to get rid of with their names, let's move on to the fanservice at last.

Admire all the majesty of the MILF queen!

All the power of a mother in sight.


Well my dear readers, we finally come to the close of this climax.

The great battle of this volume finally concludes here.

The end is still a chapter away, the next issue will certainly be interesting thanks to this chapter.

Siegburncreators' thoughts