
The Heroic Adventure of the Black Hero

After having a horrendous life as a wage slave, a man is summoned by a beautiful goddess with the goal of turning him into a hero. But due to the horrendous and cold personality of the hireling, the other gods branded him as a renegade, a "Black Hero". That's how Vandelion was born, and after managing to save the world, he has only one goal in his new life. "I want to live relaxed, doing whatever I want. Having riches and above all several wives. Including you, Goddess." This is how Vandel's bizarre adventure to achieve his dream and in the process save the world again begins. A comical and ecchi adventure with a hero out of the ordinary begins!

Siegburn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Adventure 10 ─ The hero receives his reward

After the defeat of Dixgard and Utgard-Loki, the wounded and dead were immediately counted as well as the damage.

The damage to the capital was 25% including the castle.

The wounded reached almost 300, but the dead reached 100.

The Queen declared a day of mourning after providing aid to the needy.

Thus was completed the week, immediately after praying for the dead, and repairing the walls of the capital, proceeded to pass judgment on the guilty.

In the central square of the capital all the citizens gathered, those who could not be near went home and gathered boxes to watch.

The hatred of the citizens for losing their homes, losing their loved ones and being afraid of dying, all gathered in one bubble.

Someone once said "If the people demand blood, give them blood, or it will be your blood they want to demand."

A platform was assembled where members of the royal family were seated, the queen stood up and raised her voice for all to hear.

"Citizens of the capital, a few days ago our beloved home received an attack from the enemy."

"Thanks to the hero we were able to survive, the enemy was defeated and it is time for those guilty of causing this to pay for it."

From a carriage came down wearing dirty clothes and full of bruises, Prime Minister Obermayer.

He was handcuffed, the people who beat him were servants and knights who lost their loved ones and demanded revenge.

Gustave was lifted onto the platform and then forcibly kneeling, a clean basket was placed in front of him.

Cold sweat and fear filled his face.

Cheers followed boos and curses at him.

It was Lion who wearing elegant clothes and carrying a halberd on his shoulder came walking calmly.

The crowd shouted in joy at the sight of him.

"It's the hero!"

"The hero will see to it that justice is done."

"Kyah! He's so handsome."

Except for the last comment, the villagers agreed on everything else.

Lion while still tired set about helping to rebuild the wall and check the rubble for injuries.

He apologized to the victims for destroying their homes or businesses because of his fight.

They cried at his kindness and thanked him, commenting that losing their homes instead of their lives did not merit an apology, rather they should thank him for saving them.

Arriving on the platform, Lion looked repulsively at Gustave, the queen at his side passed sentence.

"The criminal and traitor, Gustave, will be stripped of his position as prime minister as well as his properties, as of today the Obermayer and Reiss families, another traitor who passed away before being judged, will have their names destroyed as their properties and wealth duped to recompense the damages and affected."

"That's ridiculous!"

"Shut the fuck up."

Said Lion kicking Gustave in the mouth.

The queen resumed her sentence.

"Besides, both he and Reiss and a certain other person were responsible for selling our country in exchange for a safe and luxurious place. Do you consider such a person deserves to be pardoned?"

The immediate response was.

"Of course not!"

"Those fuckers deserve to die!"

"No one will give me back my son! I want him to pay with his life for taking him from me!"

The angry voices of the people spoke.

Gustave tried to defend himself.

"You can't judge me knowing how much I did for this third─ for this country!"

"It is thanks to my family, thanks to the six marquis families that this country came out afloat. It is an act of treason against the six marquises."

"In fact the remaining marquises supported this, I was planning to leave you locked up for life, everyone present said that losing one or two traitors doesn't change anything."

"...What about my family, they are innocent!"

"You plan to kill innocents?"

Gustave thought that making the queen feel bad would make her look like she was a worse person than him, the queen's beautiful purple eyes were pitch black as coal as she said.

"Don't worry. I said your house and Reiss's will be destroyed, but your relatives will be placed under arrest while inquiries are made to find out if they knew about this or not. There are many other nobles who have disappeared before that day, they too will be investigated."

"They will be turned into commoners and exiled instead of taking their lives. Depending on what is found out, they may be given slight financial compensation to have a new life."

"We are wasting time, please start with the public execution."

"Wait a second my queen, I'm sure I can still be useful, just give me another─!"

"The bad thing about a loser, is that he doesn't recognize that he lost, don't be a sore loser."

Quickly and without Gustave noticing, Lion swiftly brought the halberd down, in a single motion, former Prime Minister Obermayer's head was severed.

Blood dripped in heaps, his body fell and rolled off the platform, but his head fell into the basket.

Using the long end of his weapon, he jerked his head to the side.

"It's time for the main course."

Climbing down from another carriage, completely naked, humiliated and beaten, King Emerson was dragged onto the platform as he screamed.

"This is unforgivable! How can you think of doing this to me?"

"Guards! Someone put an end to these traitors!"

His perception of reality was blinded by his own self-centeredness of seeing himself as the king of the world.

The queen was dictating her charges as he shouted.

"My husband, Emerson Sara Lespinasse, your king, was complicit with his younger brother Gustave."

"They and Reiss planned this, not only that."

The queen for a second scowled and bared her teeth like a rabid animal, but recomposed her composure.

"He agreed to sell his daughters, my daughters, our daughters, to Reiss to be sold into slavery. His sin as the queen's spouse is treason to the nation, but his sin as a husband and father is something that even if you forgive him, I would never do."

"I ask, does he deserve forgiveness?"

"Of course I do!"

Emerson was the one who spoke for himself.

"I didn't do anything wrong! Besides, I told you, I never wanted women, having a female instead of a male or at least one of them being a male is a disgrace. How can the bloodline continue if there are only pure females, it's ridiculous!"

The queen closed her eyes and after a brief pause opened them again.

Her lips moved, but a slight lump rose in her throat.

The queen froze still, the people around stared at her quizzically at this sudden freeze.

The queen turned back to look at her daughters.

Alice turned her face to hide her tears.

Rosemary nodded and closed her eyes without losing her elegance.

Queen Angelina sighed and passed sentence.

"Emerson is stripped of his title as the queen's spouse and king. You are now a mere criminal. You may begin whenever you wish."

Her last words were words of contempt, giving zero importance to the life of the one who stood beside her for more than a decade.

She sat back on her throne and just glared at Emerson.

"Don't fuck with me!"

"I am the king!"

"It's only natural that I have riches and more benefits than anyone else!"

"I know! Anyone who gets me out of here I'll give them a gold coin. That's something you've never seen in your lives!"

The people were so offended that they started throwing everything they had in their pockets.

"Ouch, that hurts."

"You guys will pay too."

Lion walked up to Emerson, he looked at him and got angry at the sight of him.

"You! How dare you do that to my bro─?"

"Shut your damn mouth, you pig. People want to feel happy with your death."

He quickly moved his hand and his head was severed, Emerson even with his severed head tried to process what happened.

He couldn't deduce that he had died because even that he didn't understand.

The people shouted for joy as they watched him die.

That was how the matter ended.


It was nighttime in the Mercenary State of Argrand.

A war was raging between two countries and them.

The war had been going on for several days.

Many dead.

Many houses burned, cities looted and above all hatred rampant.

In the castle where the mercenary chiefs were holding a meeting was taking place.

A secret meeting that no one knew about.

The door opened, an elegant looking man, well groomed, pale skin and black hair tied in a ponytail was surprised to see the empty interior.

"Ara? It looks like it's just you, what about the rest?"

"There's no one else, no one came."

"Really, it's an important meeting isn't it?"

"No it isn't. No one was interested in coming."

"What are you doing here then?"

"There was a banquet and I took many dishes."

The inside of the room was an important meeting room.

The table was long and rectangular.

On one of the seats, a creature sat eating like the animal it is.

It was a huge golden wolf.

"Fenrir, chew with manners."

"Shut the fuck up Loki! Mind your own fucking business!"

The creature responded at the name Fenrir, while the man responded at the name Loki.

They were their code names because they both belonged to the same organization.

The Ouroboros Order.

Two of the Twelve Rounds.

Fenrir was the ninth seat of the Rounds while Loki was the twelfth seat of the Rounds.

Fenrir upon being disturbed during his meal, taunted Loki.

"I heard from the soldiers that Bellmoth lost their king and their king's assassin. Wasn't that clone of yours in charge of that place? Hehehe, he died a pathetic death they say."

Loki raised his glasses slightly with his finger.

"Yes, Utgard-Loki was part of my minions, I thought he had potential. Potential to be a real dog who obeys everything I say, that's why I recommended he have my name on his."

"Big mistake."

"Hahahahaha, and now that asshole is dead. Hahahahaha, he died because he's an idiot. You're an idiot for sending him hahahaha."

Fenrir's mocking laughter made Loki show blue veins on his face, he was about to explode.

He recomposed his sanity as he poured himself some of the tea he brought.

"It's a shame sure, but I left him in charge because I thought he was a bit smart, I realized that's not the case."

"There was supposed to be an Ancestral Ruin in that place, that's the reason for sending him isn't it?"

"It failed, what will you do now?"

"Odin will be angry with you."

"Odin-sama will not be angry with me, it was not my mistake. Therefore, he can't say anything to me."

"Besides, it doesn't matter if we lose that ruin. It shouldn't be important if that boy couldn't secure it."


"What's wrong with you?"

Loki asked at Fenrir's strange look.

"You. Are you sick by any chance?"

"Why do you ask?"

"To say that an ancestral ruin isn't important, I never thought I'd hear you say that?"

"I'm sure it's a normal ruin or some catacomb."

"If it really was an ancestral ruin. Wouldn't he have called for help? Wouldn't he have called for reinforcements if that mangy dog he had didn't betray him?"

"Huh? Betrayed him?"

"Sure. My sources said that Number 666 betrayed him, that being the reason for his defeat and death. The two of them killed each other."

"Therefore, we can forget at least for a season about that place, surely it must not even be ruins, it must be an abandoned area that they never completed."

"I-If you say so."

Fenrir said quizzical at that answer.

"By the way, isn't it cold here? For a while now the back of my neck has felt freezing."

"I don't think so."

The two resumed their time of conversation, but all the while Loki was touching the back of his neck as if something was bothering him.

After executing the fat idiot and his brother, I went straight to rest.

I was very tired, I could hardly rest due to the fact that I helped in various things during the repairs and looking for wounded in the rubble.

I was taken to a room where I slept for three days, I was really tired.

I woke up at noon, I did not find any member of the royal family, but Louise told me that they are busy so she took it upon herself to take me to the dining room.

The servants and chef thanked me with a juicy and huge meal.

I was so full that I went to rest.

I woke up because of Louise.

"Lion-sama, I'm sorry to disturb you while you sleep, but Her Majesty the queen requests your presence urgently."

She said. I asked her if it was something serious, she said no.

"Then what is urgent?"

"It is something that is better that she tells you than that I do."

"Please let me help you change your clothes to go to Her Majesty's."

I told her it wasn't necessary, but she insisted on it.

Suddenly, she froze when she accidentally grabbed my crotch thinking it was my shirt.

I apologized for that, but she was blushing.

I followed her to a room away from others.

She knocked on the door and once inside said.

"Come in."

It was undoubtedly the voice of the queen.

She went in first and I was shocked.

The room was a large room, an alcove with furniture was no doubt.

Sitting on the same piece of furniture in nightclothes and a robe, members of the royal family were waiting for me.

"Is something the matter?"

I asked intrigued, Rosemary was the one who told me nothing was wrong.

"Not really. We just want to talk, have a seat."

I sat down, I looked at their faces, only Alice was the only one with a tomato red face.

What's wrong?

"Can you tell me what's the matter?"

The queen after finishing her tea spoke to me.

"Yes, you see, we called you so late because finally after talking a lot, we decided on your reward."

That's right, my reward is something that was long overdue for me.

I said to the queen.

"That's fine that, but was it necessary so late that it is?"

"Fufufu, we're sorry to take your sleep away, but we really had to tell you."

"First of all, I want to thank you extra officially for your help. Without you we'd all be dead."

"As queen of this country, a thank you is not enough to save my life, the lives of my citizens and especially my daughters."

"I must thank you in a way that makes me appreciate your effort."

"That is why, after talking with my daughters, we managed to reach an agreement."


I asked intrigued.

"Yes, I decided to give you my daughter's hand."

I immediately looked at Alice who was the one who proposed that.

"Mary will be your wife."


I was surprised to see her smile.

"I told you, there is no man anywhere else I want as my husband other than you. You can call me Mary from now on, husband."

The queen continued to speak, she seemed happy.

"I would really like you to stay in this country, that's why, besides Mary who will be your wife, I decided to listen to Alice's request."

"She will be your second wife."

"Kyah! You did it my lady!"

"And Louise will be your concubine, she will help Alice in times where she can't deliver."

I was surprised, and decided to ask.

"I'm not opposed to having two wives and a concubine, the goddess told me that as a reward for saving the world I can have multiple wives. But that's the important detail."

"I must go to faraway places and wipe out my enemies."

"They told me about that, the truth, when you marry them you will have the obligation to beget children, the problem is as you say."

"We can't tell you not to fulfill the role the goddesses put you in."


"But, I hope you understand your duties as a husband, it's not bad to relax for a season and go visit your wives' rooms and have fun with them, right?"

I looked at both princesses, they were eagerly waiting for my answer.

"It's true. Having wives is a responsibility, so I'll have to figure some things out and then create a schedule to decide when to go out..."

(It's true. What month and day is it?)

(I have to ask a lot of questions.)

"If that's all, then I'll take my leave."

I was about to get up when the queen stretched out her hand to stop me.

"Is something the matter?"

I asked, her and her daughters' as well as Louise's cheeks were red.

"Remember I told you I wanted to give you a reward?"

"Well, the queen's reward is special."

"You're a man, I noticed in this short time you've looked at our cleavages often."

"I'm sorry."

I apologized immediately, in the other worlds I never saw breasts as big as theirs.

"There is nothing to apologize for, as I said, you are a man, in view of the recent danger and exertion you were involved in. I imagine you are very tired and stressed, aren't you?"

"That's right."

"... Forgive me for asking this, but are you sexually experienced? This is very important to us."

"My daughters are chaste, if their husband is a man who had relations with other women, it would make them look like second-table fare and that would be embarrassing for them and for me."


I looked at them confused, Rosemary─ Mary coughed before speaking.

"Imagine if I told my close circle that my husband had sex outside of marriage before me, it would make me look bad in front of them who are very gossipy."

"Noblewomen love to gossip."

Under that way of looking at it, I suppose I should tell them.

"Let's say yes, and let's say no."

"My first sexual experience was with the goddess, through intercourse I managed to obtain the blessing of being able to regenerate my wounds."

(It was a lie, but if I lie I must tell some truth.)

"I see, I must say that one of the goddesses was serious about giving you a blessing that was only achieved through uniting their bodies, spirits in this case."

(There's that again, why does she talk as if there is more than one god?)

The queen smiled slightly, her eyes staring at me.

"Then we can say that you have no real experience in sexual relations."


"Well then..."

The queen stood up and took my hand.

She placed it close to her chest.

"Would you be interested in having the queen, an older woman, lead you to the path of manhood?"

"As a special lesson for my daughters of course, it is normal for a mother to take it upon herself to teach her daughters everything, especially how to have sex."

(The queen is saying she wants to have sex with me. What a wonderful world this is!)


Now we start the reminder that the novel has +18 scenes for a reason.

I took a long time actually, funny, it starts and ends with sex LOL.

It's time to enjoy all the power of the beautiful milf queen!


We have reached the end of the arc, my dear readers.

With this chapter we close the arc, of course, the epilogue is missing, there is no interlude or extra stories in this novel at least in this volume.

You will like this chapter very much, very good events happen.

Siegburncreators' thoughts