
The Heroic Adventure of the Black Hero

After having a horrendous life as a wage slave, a man is summoned by a beautiful goddess with the goal of turning him into a hero. But due to the horrendous and cold personality of the hireling, the other gods branded him as a renegade, a "Black Hero". That's how Vandelion was born, and after managing to save the world, he has only one goal in his new life. "I want to live relaxed, doing whatever I want. Having riches and above all several wives. Including you, Goddess." This is how Vandel's bizarre adventure to achieve his dream and in the process save the world again begins. A comical and ecchi adventure with a hero out of the ordinary begins!

Siegburn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Adventure 8 ─ Black Hero vs. Sword King

In my previous life, I couldn't get my holy sword because of the church.

Therefore, I had to get something to help me fight the horde of demons.

What could I use being on a farm?

I couldn't leave, this place was the last remaining food that the demons don't destroy.

Then, I saw it, being illuminated by the morning light. A weapon available to me.

Said weapon was there waiting for someone to pick it up.

Yes, it was the perfect weapon for attack and defense.

A shovel.

That shovel was my sacred sword throughout the journey of that world.

I had many victories because I discovered that it was made from the wood of a world tree that was destroyed centuries ago.

Its remains were used to create this shovel.

It was a sacred shovel.

The sacred shovel sliced my enemies mercilessly, even the demon king succumbed to the shovel.

From that day on I never underestimated shovels.

And just now, I found a sign.

In the distance, on a monument in the city, stood an iron statue of a man holding a shovel.

It was big enough to weigh the same as a small car.

Rosemary told me that's the founding Marquis Reiss, I didn't care about the rest of the context, I cared only about that shovel.

So I took it and went on my way to the kingdom.

Being far away we saw an army on the outskirts of the capital, I told them to turn around and enter the palace where they told me they came out.

I decided to use a huge amount of magical power to fly straight at the enemy, a lich was in front.

I hate liches, especially those who call themselves the supreme overlord, the lich was my main target.

I went flying and came down like a missile, destroying everything in my path.

I introduced myself and then used the iron shovel to smash my enemies.

"I'll kill all of you, line up!"


Inside the palace, Queen Angelina couldn't believe her eyes.

"Is this real?"

She watched as a person fell from the sky with an iron shovel began to slaughter the entire enemy army.

"Your Majesty, are those reinforcements?"

Said Zara who also could not believe her eyes.

The queen denied shaking from side to side her head.

"I-I don't think so. We haven't contacted any country, so it must be impossible for it to be of any help."

"Then who is this mysterious person fighting the enemy?"

Zara replied intrigued as if unsettled by the sudden surprise.

Angelina wanted to say something, but had no idea what to answer.


Suddenly she heard a voice.

She recognized that voice wherever it came from.

She turned around and there in the doorway she saw three tired girls resting.

The queen at the sight of her daughters' faces finally broke down.

Tears of happiness for seeing them, of worry for not knowing where they were and most of all of sadness for thinking she would never see them again.

She went running to them shouting their names.





The daughters with tears streaming down their cheeks also ran to hug their mother.

It was a beautiful family reunion, the three together hugged as if there was never a chance to do it again.

"I'm happy, I'm really happy you're both safe!"

"Mom, I was scared! I was so scared!"

"I thought I would never see you again mother. I was so worried."

Everyone present wept at this wonderful family reunion.

Which was interrupted by the loud roar from outside.

The fighting between Lion and Bellmoth's army.

The queen recalled the situation outside.

"It's true. Mary, I already explained the situation to you before they left, but just now a stranger fell from the sky and attacked Bellmoth's army."

"... How did you get in here by the way?"

Alice quickly explained everything.

"We came in through the back where there's a hideout."

"I thought I locked that exit years ago."

"But me and Louise opened it a long time ago."

The queen sent a furtive glance at Louise. But she wiped away her sour expression.

"I'll leave this matter for another day. Do you have any idea who he is, by any chance?"


Alice replied wanting to show him off, but Rosemary stole her opportunity.

"His name is Lion, he is helping us by chance when we met, he saved us and now he will save this country. Ah, he will also my husband, so mother make preparations from now on."

"Your husband!"

"Onee-sama, I told you to stop saying you'll make him your husband! He'll be my husband and Louise's too!"

"Yours too!"

The queen couldn't believe what she heard from her daughters.

But the battlefield outside was explicit enough to believe that he really could help them.

She peeked out to see and was amazed at the amount of damage the enemy has taken despite only a few minutes passing.

"Really... we have victory on our side."


"What's going on?"

"This isn't funny at all."

Utgard-Loki was terrified watching his army of men and monsters being easily defeated by a man with a big shovel on top of him.

"Come on, come on!"

"Is this all your power?"

"The guy with the katana was stronger than you!"

"Show how villainous you are so that the hero won't be seen as a vicious murderer!"

The shovel Lion held in his hands moved swiftly like a bird's feather.

Slashing, smashing and pulverizing the enemies mercilessly.

The monsters that lost the hold Magius had on them disappeared thanks to the magic stone that made up their magic core being destroyed.

The soldiers seeing how he was easily torn to pieces, fled crying.

"I don't want to die!"

"I'm getting the hell out of here!"


But Lion wouldn't let them.

He threw the shovel into the sky and as it fell, it caused a loud quake that made everyone fall, he ran to grab it and started spinning like a tornado, managing to create a typhoon of brains and blood everywhere.

In less than five minutes, Lion had managed to wipe out Bellmoth's army.

He noticed that, in the distance, there was someone terrified.

He approached him and placed his foot on top of his body.

"You must be the boss, are you by any chance Utgard-Loki?"

Utgard-Loki sensed that he knew him.

"That's right, I'm the great Utgard-Loki-sama!"

"If you are part of the Order, who ordered you to do this?"

Lion looked at the back of his left hand, dropped the shovel to the side and slashed his right hand.


An insufferable, killing pain raced through his brain.

"That makes it easier for me."

"Listen good you piece of shit, tell me everything you know about your bullshit organization."

"I'm the hero and I've come to save this world by killing all of you."

"What kind of hero commits a massacre to save the world!"

Lion pointed to himself.

"This guy, that's me. I'm a black hero, therefore, my actions will always be righteous no matter how many fuckers like you I kill in cold blood."

"So come on, tell me what you know."

A strange sound of something shuffling heard Lion, but he paid it no mind.

"Speak the fuck up or I'll start kicking you in the balls until you spit blood and piss like a woman!"

Utgard-Loki was about to say something, but fell silent and suddenly with tears streaming down his face said.

"You're late you idiot!"

A huge shadow stood behind Lion.

"That's an order! Kill him Number 666!"

Lion only just became aware of the huge bloodlust behind him.

He couldn't feel it because his own bloodlust blocked his senses.

He used the shovel to cover himself, but it was cut in two and Lion was sent several feet flying by a kick.

The one who kicked him was a tall man, muscular build, tanned skin with many scars, black hair and yellow eyes in that sharp stare.

His only clothes were his pants, he had two huge swords in each hand, tied with a chain that was attached to his arms coming to connect each other.

Utgard-Loki stood up laughing.


"You're finished you idiot."

"What took you so long?"

"I went to have some fun out there and remembered I had to come here."

Utgard-Loki introduced him after claiming victory.

"Gyahaha, let me introduce you to your executioner!"

Lion could feel one of his ribs broken by a single kick.

"This man is the current lowest Number of the Order, but he is the most powerful of all."

"The current king of Bellmoth. And above all─"

It was the mysterious man who introduced himself after licking his black sword.

"Dixgard Raphan Bellmoth. Also known as the Sword King, a pleasure~."


Several years ago, a village was attacked by pirates.

The village was destroyed, looted, men and elders killed, women and children were taken to be abused and sold.

One of those children was branded with the number 10 on his buttock. He was named Dix.

Years went by and little by little children were sold who were useless for duties such as cleaning, cooking and even attending to primary needs.

That boy, who just turned twelve years old, got fed up with the treatment he was receiving, proceeded to kill them all in their sleep.

Due to the psychological pain he was in, killing the pirates awakened in him a thirst for blood that would not be quenched.

Not only did he kill them, he killed the other prisoners as well and then went to a nearby village to continue killing.

From that day on, a legend of terror was born under the name of "Dix the Argonaut".

Dix started a life as a bandit, climbed the ranks to become a gang leader of a criminal gang and finally had his own group of mercenaries.

At the age of thirty he accomplished feats that benefited his benefactors.

But one day, while burning a monastery with people inside, he found sealed in the basement a strange black sword with blood vessels and eyes.

As he picked it up he felt his head fill with strange ideas of murder and rape.

He liked that, but he could think those things without the sword.

Thanks to that weapon, Dix gained such a reputation that he had to flee the continent as he was wanted by all the allied countries to kill him.

He arrived on the current continent, where his first night he docked a carriage that belonged to one of the Rounds.

He killed everyone present, even the Rounds inside.

Stealing a red sword that emanated malice.

From that day on, Dix the Argonaut spread a wave of terror across a new continent.

Until one day he encountered another Rounds who was accompanied by Utgard-Loki.

Dix ended up so wounded that he would have died if the Rounds had not saved him.

Utgard-Loki was left in command of him and turned him into a Number, the last of the current generation.

Thanks to conversations with Marquis Reiss, Obermayer and that third person, he came to the conclusion that he needed to get into that secret place.

So they invaded Bellmoth, where an old man with a big belly, King Eldegard, tried to reason with them.

But Dix was bored and killed him as well as his whole family.

Now that King Eldegard was dead, someone had to take the throne.

Utgard-Loki decided that the new king would be Dix.

He took his throne, his name and his title and changed it to an image befitting him.

Dixgard Raphan Bellmoth, the Sword King is now called.

And just before attacking the kingdom, Dixgard took a walk to warm up, arriving just now to save Utgard-Loki.

"You're late you idiot!"

"Ah, yes, sorry."


Lion was getting up, he couldn't believe he couldn't feel the great murderous aura emanating from Dixgard.

As he stood up, he discovered that his arm was sprained and his leg was broken.

In a few seconds they would be fully healed, but Dixgard wouldn't expect that.

"Your army failed, now it's my turn to have fun, go do the shit you wanted to do."


After hearing his words, Lion grabbed half of the shovel he held in his hand, watching as Dixgard approached him.

Using the cursed sword, he smashed the missing part of the shovel.

"Damn, that's ridiculously strong."

Generating a large hole in the ground.

Lion flew out, he watched as the cursed sword emanated a strange aura.

The demonic sword in his other hand, began to spread the strange blood vessels across Dixgard's body.

They were black in color with dark shadows, surrounding a small part of his body.

This made it so that without the need for magical reinforcement he could gain superhuman strength and speed.

"Dahahahaha! Just as you killed an entire army, give me the thrill of giving me a fight!"

He leaped straight at Lion, who was able to barely regain mobility in his leg.

While in the air he kicked the sword to dodge the attack.

He then used his other leg to kick Dixgard away from him.

They were both falling in the forest, Lion crashed, but managed to recover at last.

After getting up he saw how the cursed sword was near his face.

Falling to the ground, Dixgard went straight for him.

Quickly Lion materialized two swords.

The first sword he used to block the attack and the second went straight to attack Dixgard's shoulder.

Managing to damage it, but the strange blood vessels pulsed in such a way that it closed his wound.

"What the hell? Cheating skills should be for heroes!"

"Dahahahaha. Same here!"

Moving his foot, he kicked Lion, who quickly pulled himself together after flying out of the forest.

Dixgard again leapt at him and this time their swords clashed together.

Generating a small shock wave that swept around them.

The hands of both moved as if two praying mantises were fighting to get out of a deadly situation alive.

The sweat of both was synchronized as their movements.

Lion's swords being made of magical power were absorbed by the demonic sword while the cursed sword destroyed the mana within them.

Destruction and absorption, the worst threat to Lion was undoubtedly this enemy, he even killed one of the Rounds, Dixgard was the first superior enemy he knew.

(This guy is on the same level as the orc hero Spanner.)

(He's ridiculously strong that I can't defeat him quickly.)

Lion ducked after dodging the attack, raised his left arm and slashed from the armpit to Dixgard's shoulder.

His left arm flew off.

He would take that opportunity to kill him.

With both swords he slashed his opponent's abdomen.

His intestines would come out and lay scattered on the floor.

"You think that scares me?"

Lion didn't understand why Dixgard was calm, but he understood as he watched the blood vessels from the demonic sword grow to seal his abdomen like surgery.

Black tentacles caught the arm that was about to fall and attached it to the body.

Blood vessels were on his face reaching up to his right eye which turned black on the outside whitish and red in the center.

"It's really wonderful power. I love having this power."

"I joined these guys because I could kill without worry."

"Hey, do you know what a warlord is? Dahahaha, that's me."

"I was born to bring conflict to this world."

"I'll live doing what I love so much until the end of my days!"

Now with both arms covered in black cloth, Dixgard's attacks became more powerful than before.

A single graze caused the air around where he struck to become toxic to breathe.

Lion had to back away to avoid receiving a single slash from either sword.

He didn't want to involve the capital in this.

(Shit. I can't just run away quietly to avoid getting civilians involved in the fight.)

He backed up so far that he entered the capital.

People were fleeing in panic.

Dixgard seeing the terrified innocent people and the knights wielding their swords at him made him take appreciation of the moment.

His relaxed expression showed a happiness he had not received in a long time.

"I'm going to enjoy this like you can't imagine."


Lion understood what he meant, she moved closer to him to stop him from doing so.

"You will not touch these people!"

Their swords clashed on a force meter to see who could do more.

Dixgard was much taller than Lion, with longer limbs and a superior physique.

But right now that boy was holding back his immense strength.

"Dahahahahaha. did you realize what I was going to do?"

"I'm glad, now you'll be able to fight by releasing all your power so that I won't kill those present."

"Get the hell out of here, all of you, now!"

Lion shouted so that everyone, even the knights fled.

One knight wanted to say something, but he saw in Lion's eyes that he was just a hindrance, he quickly understood that it was better for him that no one was around.

"Everyone stand down!"

"Protect the citizens."

The knights grabbed the people on the spot, one of them spotted Lion and pointed out that he left a strange bag on the ground for him.

Then he ran off.

Dixgard smiled at him after tossing him aside.

"Do you think you'll be able to do anything to stop him from going after civilians?"

"This is the capital!"

"On every corner there are innocent people to kill!"

Lion hated people thanks to his past experiences.

Many abused his authority with him.

Many he saved mocked him.

Even comrades tried to kill him, but when he was in the Marquis' town, he was treated by the villagers in a very respectful and kind way by everyone.

Even the children thanked him with a smile and candy from them.

In the previous worlds, this gesture never existed and for him, showing a sincere smile of thanks was enough for him.

His heart that was closed to the path of being a real hero that he wished to be by watching the programs of his childhood, began to gain strength.

"How about that?"

He replied approaching the bag and checking its contents.

"Do you think I care if you threaten them?"

"Of course not."

He smiled as he recognized what was inside, took something from inside and before raising his hand smiled at him.

"Because you'll be dead before then."


He pulled out a red magic stone known as a bomb stone.

The bomb stone is the equivalent of dynamite on worlds with magical power.

It was the size of a pocket watch and when it fell on the ground near Dixgard, the inside which was fragile, it set off a chain reaction achieving a small but powerful explosion.

Dixgard was safe, but the left side of his face and part of his hair were burned.

His left arm was red.

He burst out laughing at the sight of his condition.

"Dahahahaha! You got serious at last."

Lion began to throw the bomb rocks as he backed away.

"Die already!"

"You first!"

The stones were quickly sliced through the air and exploded after Dixgard was a meter away.

Lion realized he reached the center of the city.

He was worried that there were people nearby, but he saw in the distance a huge crowd of people fleeing.

Because of that oversight, the ball was grabbed by Dixgard who threw it into the air.

He cut it and all the stone bombs slowly fell to the ground.

He said to Lion.

"Now what will you do?"

"Will you run away?"

Lion intensified the magical power in the swords and in his body, using a spell from his previous world known as "mana skin", which is a thin membrane that covers the body like a shield.


He chuckled a little inwardly.

"Let's see who survives!"

Dixgard grinned from cheek to cheek like a kid in a candy store.

"Yeah. I like that."

"Let's kill each other and savor the pleasure of brutal carnage!"

The moment the two clashed swords, the intense explosions occurred generating a large red cloud that grew with each clash of swords.



The intense fighting cries could be heard perfectly in that explosive whirlwind.


Utgard-Loki managed to reach the palace entrance with a severed hand.

He was tired because he ran a lot.

The guards who were guarding the entrance saw him and went to hold him back.


"Identify yourself?"

He started saying strange things.

"Finally the time came. I was bored and so I decided to use an army, but who knew it wouldn't do any good in the end."

He pulled out a strange concoction containing a red liquid that crystallized as it entered his body.


"Get him!"

The guards went to arrest him.

At that moment, as he lay on the ground, the back of his left hand began to glow just as he said something strange.

"It's time for the real show."

"Juggernaut Drive."

Suddenly a black liquid began to pour out of his pores, the guards recoiled as they watched Utgard-Loki being swallowed by that slimy black liquid.

"You idiots, that was your last chance to stop me."

After disappearing, a few seconds passed before a mountain emerged from that black slime.

The mountain was made of black slime and two red dots glowed there.


Utgard-Loki's distorted voice was heard.

"Ahahaha. Now that I released my true power. I'll take this country by force!"

"Royal family. take me to where my treasure is!"

Utgard-Loki had turned into a monster and not just any kind, he turned into a black slime.


Eldegard's design, another character and name I wanted to get rid of.


Dixgard fanservice and another Utgard-Loki until I finish this arc.



The countdown to the end started my dear readers.

At chapter 10 the volume will end!

The climax of the fight and the arc is coming to an end!

Siegburncreators' thoughts