
The Heroic Adventure of the Black Hero

After having a horrendous life as a wage slave, a man is summoned by a beautiful goddess with the goal of turning him into a hero. But due to the horrendous and cold personality of the hireling, the other gods branded him as a renegade, a "Black Hero". That's how Vandelion was born, and after managing to save the world, he has only one goal in his new life. "I want to live relaxed, doing whatever I want. Having riches and above all several wives. Including you, Goddess." This is how Vandel's bizarre adventure to achieve his dream and in the process save the world again begins. A comical and ecchi adventure with a hero out of the ordinary begins!

Siegburn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Epilogue (Volume 1)

"I understand what you're saying, but it's still really complicated here."

A few hours ago of Lion's arrival, Queen Angelina and her daughters were conversing about his reward.

Mary was being brushed by her trusted servant as she replied.

"Mother, I am the heiress of the family. It is only natural that my husband should be a man worthy of me and this country."

"We've seen what he's capable of, why don't you want him to be your son-in-law? If our children come out with his strength, our nation could rise to be one of the strongest in the world."

"That's why it's wrong!"

Alice argued angrily as she was brushed by Louise.

"It was I who met him first and proposed that he be my husband as a reward. That is to say, my feelings are beyond the country, I win for meeting him first."

"Alice, your foolishness makes no sense. It doesn't come in here who met him first but who benefits him the most."

"The second daughter who has only property inheritance, or the heiress who has a whole country as a gift?"

"Besides, I was the first to tell him to be my husband and not as a reward but as a gift. So I win."

"Here the real child is onee-sama!"

"Girls, please calm down."

The queen frowned as she thought about what they said.

"It's true that having him with us would be very good, the problem is you girls. If he marries one, the other would be a mistress, having a princess as a mistress is an international mockery."

Alice raised her hand to speak.

"Mother, how about we both become his wives?"

"Both of us?"

Mother and daughter said.

"Alice, you are the second princess, your inheritance is property, while Mary's inheritance is the throne. Do you understand that there is a big difference between property and the throne?"

"Not only that mother, I am the default queen, are you saying you want there to be two queens─?"

Mary froze, her eyes widened like saucers as she remembered something.

"It's true!"

"A long time ago I read a foreign history book, in the book it mentions an island country that was experiencing a child crisis, the queen had her younger sister marry her husband."

"There were two queens, but one of them was the royal queen and the other is the deputy queen."

"Alternate queen? Do you want your younger sister to be a replacement?"

"Of course not mother. Alice will be the second queen, I'll be the first queen."

"Knowing him, he will surely get into trouble. That's why when he goes on adventures I mean when he goes to do the goddess's work, he will need someone to back him up on diplomatic matters if he gets into danger."

"Since I would be going with him, Alice would be in charge of the country."

"... I understand what you're saying, but that doesn't explain having two queens. Won't Alice's children claim they deserve to have a claim to the throne?"

"Of course they would. But that's why there's that system, queen first, and queen second."

"That is, they will be in a hierarchy where they will be second choice."

"Mary, you forget that even we had problems with our relatives in the past and that's why we have only three women out of the whole royal family. Do you think your nieces won't demand their rights?"

"Mom, why do you think my children will be this horrible?"

Alice reproached her mother.

"I will teach my children not to fight over silly things. To respect their cousins and they must not covet the throne."

The talk of the daughters and their mother continued until it was dark.

"Good. We'll do as they say."

"Mary will be the first queen. Alice will be the second queen. The inheritance problem was solved by Isabella's proposal in taking Bellmoth who has no king or royal family at this time. We will give that territory to Alice's children if they come to complain, problem solved."

Isabella was Mary's trusted servant, because she had been with her all her childhood, she knew how she thought.

The queen was glad to get this over with.

"Isabella, you are excused, Louise, go get him."

"Aye, aye."

Said both maids before leaving.

"Wait, Louise."

Said the queen a little embarrassed.

"Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Stay. I want to say something."

After closing the door, the queen stared at her empty goblet on the nightstand near her.

"I didn't want to say this, because I really shouldn't say it."

"But it's because of the fact that your father is gone."

Awkward silence flooded the place within seconds, Mary spoke first before her younger sister.

"There's nothing to talk about, he was a bad father, a bad man and believed that being a king without power was the center of the world."

"I never felt any real affection for him, so his death seemed to me what was necessary for the survival of the country."

"I... I always expected him to behave like a father. I always had faith in that, but after learning that he got rid of us because we were women...it makes me hate him so much."

"I will never forgive him and if anyone asks me, my real father died in a foreign war."

"Mother, why do you ask?"

Queen Angelina with red cheeks said.

"Her mother is a human being like everyone else, I am a woman too. A woman who has been disappointed, scorned and most of all frustrated with the very man she watched die hours ago."

"I can't feel anything but hatred for him. I tried to see the good side of him, only his physique which at the time was very athletic was the only good thing about him."

"Mother, where are you going with this?"

Mary asked her mother it was wasting time for her to keep them with her talk about a man they never loved.

Queen Angelina touched her fingertips as she looked away.

"I. I want to be happy too."


No one understood what she meant.

The queen's cheeks grew redder as if she were a maiden in love.

"I have my womanly needs too. It's not fair that you girls are happy and I stay bitter forever!"

"Mother... what are you talking about?"

"...Mother, don't tell me...?"

Alice didn't understand what her mother meant, but Mary understood soon after seeing her.

Louise didn't understand either.

Mary frowned as she sighed.

"So do you. He really is a womanizer if he can get an older woman to fall in love with him."

"Who's a womanizer?"

Louise was surprised to understand what Mary meant, she immediately told Alice and then she stood up pointing to her mother.


"My mom fell in love with my husband!"

"First onee-sama and now my mother! Are you kidding me!!!?"

Angelina responded to her feelings.

"It's true that I told you that marriage is loveless. But the truth is that I always wanted my husband to be a good man who gives me a lot of love."

"When you reach my age, your husband becomes an important one to you. Especially when you discover sex."

"I could never enjoy it with him. That's why my nights were spent alone, reading various erotic novels and playing with myself."

"When you grew up, I had nothing else on my mind but worrying about your education."

"Thanks to these tragic events, I could feel something in me that wouldn't go out."

"He's been hanging around in my head daily. Especially since I noticed how he looked at my cleavage."

"I was first shocked, then pleased that an older woman really liked him as if he were a sexual partner."

"You girls he's seen, too. That's why I thought..."

The queen's words only made her daughters' eyes grow darker.

"I was wondering if you couldn't share him with me from time to time. Ah, I won't take him as my husband, don't worry."

"Remember, there's a law that we hardly enforce almost about a mother having the responsibility to teach everything about sex to her daughter's future husband. So what we would do would be to teach her about how to treat them and then satiate my desire."

"...W-what do you think?"

The queen waited for not so hurtful answers from her daughters to her.

First it was Mary who sighed a long sigh.

"Do as you please. I only ask that you don't try to make my future husband enjoy having sex with you than with me."


"What's with that face? You said you were attracted to him."

"It is not uncommon in family crises in matriarchal families for the wife to share the husband with her mother or sisters."

"Now that you want him to impregnate you would be a problem for me."

"G-Getting me pregnant is a bit absurd actually, hahaha."

(Mary is really scary. For the first time in my life, my womanly instincts want to be heard.)

(Even when I had them, my desire to be a mother wasn't as strong as it is now.)

(It's really tingling down there thanks to him. I thought that place was dead and now I see it pulsating with intensity the desire for a man to take me.)

She looked at Alice who was deep in thought.

"How much do you love him mom?"

"We haven't spent more than a few words. But my desire to be with him was born the moment he saved us."

"Besides, in time we can learn more about him, all of us, and thus fall more in love."

"I understand, if that's what you believe. I accept it."

"Hehehe, I never thought the day would come when I would accept my mother becoming my husband's woman."

"Nor I that I would not only share my younger sister, but my mother either."

"Your Majesty, you have my full support if you care to know my opinion."

"Girls...you are..."

The queen began to cry and lowered her face so she wouldn't be seen crying.

(Yes! I won!)

But deep down inside she was different.

(I can finally have my romance novel.)

(A woman scorned and abused, almost, by her husband has an affair with the handsome young man who saved her.)

(Zara said that among women over 30, these novels are very popular for capturing the desires of many wives.)

(Fufufu, I'll be able to do all the secret romantic dates they do in that book, even my daughters support me.)

(We will be able to have hugs and even passionate kisses without anyone looking down on us or judging us. The people love him since he saved us.)

(By the Goddess, can it get any better than this?)

The queen by all means concealed her true and shameless feelings.



Turning back to the present day, Lion was incredulous at what Queen Angelina told him.

With her cheeks flushed she answered him.

"Of course it is. After all, this is your reward. Don't you want it?"

Like a shy virgin, she looked up at him with moist eyes.

He quickly stood up and grabbed the queen by her waist.

"With your permission..."

He looked to see both princesses, the two girls nodded.

"It's what mother wishes."

"Stop wasting time and kiss our mother. It is a husband's responsibility to learn all the basic activities to satisfy his future wife, in this case wives."

"In that case."

He gently but tightly embraced the queen.

Their eyes stared at each other.

The queen looked like a teenager about to be kissed by an experienced man.

That pleased her.

Lion's mouth came closer, the queen just closed her eyes and allowed him to do whatever he wanted with her body.

He thrust his tongue into her mouth.




"Agh. Mmmh."

Both of their tongues resolved into a pleasurable whirl.

"That feels so yummy."

The queen would occasionally blurt out comments for her daughters and Louise to hear how good kissing felt.

Her hands that previously barely touched his masculine back, clung as time went on tightly.

Almost as if she didn't want to let go.

Her hips moved from side to side firmly, proving that her brain was in a frenzy of pleasure.

(This is bad.)

(I've never been kissed before.)

(My first kiss is precisely with my daughters' husband.)

(Why does something that should be bad feel so good?)

(I don't want you to stop kissing me, kiss me more. Give me more!)

"Mmmh, more, don't stop kissing me, Aah."

"My queen, how does it feel?"



They all made the same face of wondering what she meant.

As they withdrew their tongues, a bridge of saliva formed.

The queen's face was as red as a tomato, her eyes showed she was beside herself.

She repeated again what she said.

"I said, call me Angely."

"I always wanted my partner to call me that, can't you?"


Lion grabbed the queen─ Angely tightly, he grabbed her so hard that her huge breasts were crushed by the male body.

The queen stopped thinking and plunged into pleasure.

"H-Honey. Down there it's really bothering me."

The queen withdrew her tongue, lifted the bottom of her dress and revealed her underwear.

The queen's undergarments were accompanied by garter belts decorated with elegant designs.

A stain was marked on the bottom of her undergarment.

He cupped her wide hips and brought his tongue closer.

"Angely, let me show you a woman's happiness."



The queen felt a small but intense electric current travel from her vagina to her brain.

"W-W-W-W-What is this?"

(It's different than when I was touching myself.)

(Did touching you there always feel good?)

(Or does it just feel good to have someone touch you?)

Through her underwear, Lion's tongue touched those ripe petals, licking, pushing his tongue and finally finding her soft spot.

A hard bean that he bit down lightly.


Angely made sound after biting her tongue.

Her body began to shake and she fainted.

"Oops. Are you okay?"

Lion asked a woman who for the first time in her life experienced climax.

"Th-That was very yummy. Give me more please."

"Stop right there mother."

Mary said, Lion looked at her and watched as the three girls were lifting their skirts, revealing their underwear.

"Mother has had her fun, now we come."

"Be sure to be equitable and not give favorable treatment to our mother."

"Please lick there too."

Louise said leering at him.

Lion set Angely down on the couch and then walked over to Louise.

"Huh? Louise first?"

Said both sisters.

"You girls are going to be my dessert."



As with Angely, he entwined his tongue in hers.

Louise had never tasted a kiss before, so she didn't know how to react.

All she did was let herself go.

As with the queen, he took her in a firm grip. Putting this time his erect member over the bottom of her skirt.

"Something is touching me."

"Don't worry. It's a normal thing that."


"A thing this big is normal?"

She took the erect penis out of her pants and rubbed it without regret.

"I felt weird when I touched it by accident, now I understand why. It really is a gift from the goddess something like that."

Louise sent her gaze to the erect member.

"Can I see it?"

"Go ahead."

She reached down and went straight to pull down his pants with a cheek-to-cheek smile.

The sisters moved closer.

"It's time for you to give us your love."

"Husbands must satisfy their wives."

On each arm was a pure flower.

"All right, let's go to the first wife."

He went straight to Mary, but before he touched her lips.


They heard Louise yelp in surprise.

The girls ducked their gaze and were shocked as well as Louise.

"I-It's big!"

Said all three.

Mary was surprised because it was the first time she had seen a male member.

(What's that?)

(Are they all this big?)

Alice was totally embarrassed as she watched Lion's penis mark its length through her underwear.

(Will that thing go in me?)

(I remember some novels I read were a little implied about sex, but I never thought something like that went into women.)

He swallowed saliva as Louise was entranced.

"This is what you've been hiding all this time right?"

"I once read one of the erotic novels the queen has in her bedroom, in it there was a lot of detail about the male member and that when a woman is in front she should use her mouth to give thanks for it."

"But how do I use my mouth?"

"I teach you."

A hand came from behind and firmly grasped Lion's penis.

The queen had risen and squatted close to them.

Standing facing them, she placed her hands in her underwear.

"Girls, I am going to show you what every wife desires in her husband. With this you girls won't stop wanting to make babies, ufufu."

With one tug she pulled down the underwear and as if it were a mast emerging from the bottom of the sea, the virile, masculine penis manifested itself.


"Oh, wow!"


Louise was dumbfounded again but now at the sight of him without clothes.

The princesses swallowed saliva because now they could observe what would enter them sooner or later.

On the other hand, the queen was happy that her pupils turned into hearts.

She showed her sexual appetite by bringing her nose closer and smelling the strong odor it gave off.

"Girls, I'm going to show you how you should treat your husband when it's your turn."

The queen stood in front of the erect penis, with Louise at her side and her daughters above watching as their mother elegantly and refined takes that big rod and opens her mouth.


Mary was suddenly kissed by Lion.

"Mmmh, Lion. Aah."

She was kissed wildly as she watched as her mother first kissed the glans.

Then, slowly as if she was opening a tulip, her mouth engulfed that penis making her cheeks appear to be full.

Louise watched in detail how one the highest authority of the country, made such an obscene expression on her face.

She could be compared to any prostitute if anyone saw her.

The queen's expression of joy as she engulfed her beloved's penis made Louise very jealous.

After tasting it from side to side she pulled it out of her mouth.

She ran her tongue between her lips while the tip of her finger played with the glans.

Mary was kissed passionately as she watched her mother as she lusted after her husband's member.

Lion withdrew his tongue and went straight to the younger princess.

"Alice, it's your turn."


Alice closed her eyes and allowed her man to slip his tongue into her mouth.

"Mmmh. Ahh."

It was the first time she had ever been kissed, but her lips felt so good that she couldn't stop herself from extending her tongue with his to produce obscene sounds.



The moans she let out were no match for her sister's which were more ostentatious.

Mary looked very jealous at her sister who was enjoying her kiss.

Then she looked down at her mother and Louise.

Her mother enjoyed sucking that virile penis with intensity, her head bobbed up and down rhythmically as she savored moving her tongue everywhere.

Louise could no longer tolerate waiting so she joined in the action.

"With your permission Your Majesty."

She reached for the remaining part of the penis that wasn't engulfed by the queen's sucking mouth.

Using her tongue like a cat, Louise clumsily licked his first penis.

All but Mary were enjoying this.

Then, she saw that one area was unlicked, it was his testicles.

For her, a crown princess, to bend over and place something in his mouth was demeaning, but her mother who was the queen enjoyed it being an authority.

Mary bent down and watched as the saliva from her mother's suction and Louise's saliva fell to the floor.

They were in a trance

Louise was licking at the sides of the penis, taking little bites now and then.

Her younger sister was at a loss for tongue wagging with her husband, Mary didn't want to be the only one to run out of fun.

She put her princess pride aside and with her tongue salivating, she moved to the testicles and began to lick them.

(They felt bitter.)

Her tongue moved awkwardly at first, but she noticed how Lion shuddered.

She thought she found his weakness.

That made something in her wake up and she wanted to keep teasing him.

She used one hand to grab hold of his leg and with the other she lifted his scrotum and brought it to her mouth.

(So you like this so much it's making you weak, fufu.)

She blushed as she watched him try to avoid how good the happiness she received felt.

That only made her happier and she fully engulfed his testicles in her mouth, massaging them awkwardly.

"Aah! Mary, that's too stimulating!"

"I feel like I'm going to come! I can't hold on any longer!"

The queen paused and sucked him firmly until her lips pulled back to leave the tip of his penis.

"Louise, stop. Alice you too."

"Mary, stop enjoying yourself and come here."

Lion was doing his best to resist.

The three approached the queen, she hugged them and said.

"This is an ancient way of showing when a woman was a man's property. He would sprinkle his seed on their bodies and the women had to accept it."

"With this the four of us will be his women forever."



"I am."

"Of course you are!"

The girls replied and Lion grabbed Mary and Alice's heads as he shouted.

"I can't take it anymore!"


A large amount of his sperm flew straight at them.

All four women were covered from head to toe in the semen that landed on their bodies.

"Guh, my hair got sticky."

Alice commented, not pleased to be covered in sperm.

While her mother in a sensual and provocative way, she took the seed that was on her daughter's cheek with her fingertip and put it in her mouth.


They all watched as the queen savored the sperm as if it were a luxurious dish.


"This has wonderful properties for the female body to prevent aging. There are many women who are past 30 and want a young husband to take care of them."

"In my case I already got one and I don't have to worry about hiding my crow's feet anymore."

"You have crow's feet!"

"... Besides, there are very healthy foods that use the animal's sperm as a seasoning. If you don't want to try it, more for me. But this is the first time I try it and it tastes very salty, I should tell the chef to give you healthier foods so the taste will taste better."

The girls looked at each other and all began to taste the sperm that fell into their bodies.

"It tastes sour. Like concentrated grapes."

"It doesn't taste good at all."

"A wife's duty is to accept everything. So I guess now I'll have to taste it daily to check that it tastes better by the time I get pregnant."

"Onee-sama you're just looking for excuses to take it away from me!"

"Alice-sama, your hair is sticking to your body, at this rate if we don't shower quickly you'll stink like grapes."

"Uwaah it's true!"

While the others were arguing, Lion was happy on the reclining piece of furniture.

"I feel happy, but four at the same time was very tiring..."

The morning after that incredible night, I went to do some training, the queen and her daughters asked me to accompany them to a secret place where we started kissing.

Having a loving relationship with a mother and her daughters is a dream that everyone who consumed pornographic material would wish for.

Now I live that dream and I have to think about the future.

So, once the queen stopped sucking my cock again today, it got dark and I went to ask Louise, who also asked to use her mouth before the favor.

I told her to take me to the main chapel of the church.

In every world there are churches.

I went there, the place was huge and nicely decorated.

The windows had stained glass showing three different shapes of women.

I will look into it later.

I went to the center of the place and began to pray.

Praying was for a hero a unique method that allowed connection with his God.

(Can you hear me, Goddess?)

There were no answers.

I intensified the prayer and after being with a sore head for a while.


(Is that you?)

It was her.

(Mylene, it's me. I'm glad at last─)

(Why the hell haven't you contacted me in all this time?!?)

(Wait a moment, let me explain.)

(There's nothing to explain!)

(There is no way to communicate with you outside of using a church as a medium of communication. Neither is the celestial eye useful to watch you.

(That world is disconnected from the divine realm!)

(I was so distraught, thinking you might have died like the other heroes.)

(It's been a week and you just contacted me! What excuses do you have for not having called me even once?)

(You've already found women and had fun with them, haven't you?)


(You really did it already!)

(Uwaah, I thought you'd at least wait a bit before wanting to have sex with other women after a goddess offered you her sacred place!)

(You're an animal like all men, I can't believe my friends were right.)

(Let me speak please!)

I shouted at her to shut up, I didn't want to do it, but she was exalted and very much so.

(First let me tell you why I haven't called you. It's not because I don't want to hear from you, give me a moment to talk.)

(And excuse me for raising my voice.)

(No, sorry for raising my voice like that, I got jealous that you can be with other women and I have to be here alone.)

I proceeded to tell her everything, from the time I arrived until the last day, with the exception of yesterday's wonderful night.

(I see, so it's called the Ouroboros Order.)

(Yes, I don't have much more information beyond what I've given you. But I'm sure sooner or later they'll want revenge for the death of one of their own.)

(Lion, are you sure you can alone?)

Her question was very curious.

(I did it alone all this time, I died, but I won. Now that I know I can get the way to be able to be together with you, I will not die.)

I went outside the church to get some fresh air.

(I understand. If you can, get allies this time.)

(That Order is giving me a bad feeling.)

(It's weird that you say that, you never said that before.)

(It's because I've never felt so much danger as I do now. This is the only way we can contact each other.)

(We have no information from them and I can only pray that it doesn't happen to you because the celestial eye can't watch you.)

(You really exaggerate, I will be fine─)

I laughed a little as I answered her while looking at the sky.

"I see you~."


My mind must be playing a joke on me, because up there in the sky, the moon that was always white and bright.

It was replaced by a huge giant eye that came accompanied by a strange female voice.

"Ah, you can see me. Oops, sorry."

Realizing that I was looking at that giant, her voice confirming it made my goosebumps tingle.

For the first time in my life, I cried as if I had done something wrong and felt sorry for it.

I wiped my eyes and looked at the sky again, there was nothing there.

The moon was still the same as ever, and that strange eye and creepy female voice from beyond the grave was gone.

(Darling, are you all right?)

Mylene asked me because I have been ignoring her for a while now.

This feeling of fear won't go away.

It's different from the first time I fought a demon, or when I died.

This feeling is the same as a caged animal being watched by thousands of eyes.

I feel helpless, I feel small, and most of all, I feel insignificant.

(I-I'm very tired, I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?)

(Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow.)

Mylene hung up first and then I went back to looking at the sky trembling with fear.

Tomorrow we'll go check that subway dungeon, that must be it.

Yes, it must be the stress and anxiety that got to me.

It's impossible that a giant eye was watching me....



"Ara, I almost blew it."

Somewhere in the cosmos, there was a mysterious humanoid form of the color of stars.

The mysterious humanoid form took the silhouette of a woman.

"Sometimes I get so immersed in the story of that world that I forget I make myself present, ufufu, poor Lion."

"I almost ruined his life."

"Well, it's thanks to me that black slime didn't kill those women by wanting to escape, or that Loki wasn't going to kill them, ufufu."

"I don't like to interfere with the plot unnecessarily but when it looks like it's going to be the end of the main characters I can't allow it."

"And even more so seeing a great story starting."

"Ufufu, the Demon God, wow, I can't believe they really want that."

Every step she took, she stepped on the cosmos shaking it, as if a powerful tremor caused the stars and planets to move away.

That mysterious being walked among the galaxies as if on a morning stroll.

That being, she calls herself...

"Being a Storyteller is really wonderful."

"Now Lion, show me your next adventure with the coming danger ufufu."

The entire universe was her playground and no one knew it. Not even the gods themselves.


Volume 1 completed.

The New Beginning of the Black Hero Arc, completed.


Well, with this we close the arc and volume.

The fanservice is special, as it is spoiler presentation of the next waifu of the novel.


Thank you for your support, wait for the shocking news I will tell next!

This concludes the volume and the arc, dear readers.

It lasted quite a long time despite having so few chapters.

The saddest thing is that we say goodbye... for now, because I'm already thinking about volume 2.

You should definitely read the author's notes, which is where the volume officially ends. Don't you want to know about the other novels I'm going to tell you about?

Before you read the chapter, have Jigsaw's surprise music handy, you'll thank me for it.

I'd love to hear your reviews and opinions of this new novel and first arc.

Siegburncreators' thoughts