
The Heavenly demon sect

In 220 B.C a sect was created known as Heavenly Demon Sect. It was created by seven martial grand masters. As the time goes the sect become stronger and stronger. By seeing their growth the other sect gets jealous, envious and afraid of them. And this leads to other sects joining hands and creating an alliance to destroy the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Devil_Yagami · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

chapter 20: The Blood Fist sect

Kuo Fang woke up and went downstairs. There he was greeted by Wu Hao Ran.

"Good morning leader"

"So what is your plan for today?"

"Well I don't have any teaching lesson today so I will go to academy and then return to home that's it and what is your planning for today?"

Before Kuo Fang could answer Liu Yichen rushed down from stairs and said

"Hey Wu Hao Ran come have a spar with me"

"Huh? Okay I guess"

Kuo Fang objected to that reply.

"Nope. Not happening"

"But why?"

"Liu Yichen you think you can defeat him just after fusing that martial soul? Well you can't because even if you attack and defense power is improved it still can't go against materialized Qi"

"Okay I understand"

"But you still can have a normal spar. In this spar both of you are forbid to use martial soul and Wu Hao Ran you can't use materialized Qi also Yang Jia Li you will go with them to observe their fighting"

"Okay" Yang Jia Li nodded.

"Then I am going to see the training at sect"

Kuo Fang vanished from there in a blink of an eye.

"Wow! leader has really improved after reaching the novice martial artist rank"

"Hey shouldn't say that. You not so different from leader anyway"

"Hey both of you stop chatting and start the spar if you want to be as strong as kuo Fang"

"are you ordering us?"

"But she has a point"

At the Heavenly Demon Sect,

Everyone is training diligently. Cheng Qiang is training the guards while Wang Junjie is training Yuan Xinyi.

Kuo Fang appeared behind Cheng Qiang.

"So how's the training"

"Oh! Leader you startled me. Well it's going smoothly"

Everyone greeted Kuo Fang after seeing him.

"Well I can see some progress. Then keep doing training and don't forget to come the academy"


"By the way have you seen Li Zirui"

"Yes he is at the mining area"

Kuo Fang thought something for some moments.

"Then who is guarding the Yuan mansion"

"Well there are two bodyguards to protect them"

"What is their rank?"

"Both of them are Novice martial artist"

"I am getting a bad feeling"

"Should I go and Check on them"

"Nah. You keep training them I will go"

Kuo Fang then leave for yuan mansion and in some minutes he has reached his destination.

Kuo Fang is standing outside of the mansion. He used his Divine senses to examine the mansion and as he have thought something is wrong inside the mansion.

Kuo Fang open the door with a kick and Elder Yuan is already taken hostage and he is on gun point.

Kuo Fang used a smoke ball to hide him. The whole is covered in Black fog.

"Yin steps" Kuo Fang rescued Elder Yuan from gun point and after that he took down everyone one by one.

But suddenly all of the black fog dissipate by strong gust of wind.

"Leader there is still one person left and he is really strong"

A man appeared with holding a fan and there's a dragon drawn on the fan.

"Who are you Kid?"

"I should be asking that question? Who are you and what are you doing here? This mansion mine"

"Hmm. If it's your property then I think you are the sect leader of... what was the name of the sect? oh! the Heavenly Demon Sect. right?"

"Yes. Now tell me who you are and why do you have came"

"Well I am an assassin and I was hired to kill that person" he points his finger towards Yuan Hong Hui.

"Oh! But to do that you have to kill me first"

"Then I will have to charge my hirer some extra money"

"Yeah you should do that if you are alive After this fight"

"let's see who is going to die. Wind control technique- Hammer wind"

He waved his fan lightly but it create a strong force of wind.

Kuo Fang put his hand on his sword hilt and with a single swing all wind force is cut in half.

"Hey how can you materialized Qi"

"I just can. Lightning steps" Then Kuo Fang threw his sword towards that person.

That person deflected that sword but at that moment Kuo Fang disappeared.

"Huh! Where did he went"

Kuo Fang appeared from behind of that person.

"Poison fist"

Kuo Fang attacked on his back and he was thrown away and at that moment Kuo Fang grabbed his sword from the ground.

"Kugh" That person spit black blood.

"Did you poisoned me"

"Yes and now I am going to kill you"

"Wind spirit martial soul activate- third move Roaring gale of wind"

"Sword calligraphy second part second move Silent ambush"

Kuo Fang used materialized Qi to reinforce his sword and the added speed of the lightning steps Kuo Fang attacked that person.

With the thunderous speed he disappeared and appeared behind that person.

The whole room is silent.

"Kugh" A big diagonal slash appeared on the front of that person's body.

"You will pay for this... I am the son of the sect leader of Blood Fist sect"

"Okay I will wait for them"

"Leader do you know about the Blood Fist sect?"

"No" Kuo Fang replied with a simple face.

Elder Yuan is shocked by his reply

"They are one of the most notorious sect in our state"

"Well they also owe me something?"

"Did the Blood Fist sect attacked you leader"

"No but they are my enemy now and they are surely going to attack this time since I have killed their sect heir"

"Well that's true. So what is your command leader? What should we do?"

"First think of a way to dispose of this body and try hide the news of his death as much as possible so we could get enough time to be prepared for the fight"

"Yes leader"

"Then I am going"

Kuo Fang then went straight to the academy.

"You are late leader"

"There was an assassination attempt on Elder Yuan"

"What?" Everyone is shocked.

"Who tried to did that? Or did you figured out why someone did that"

"No but the only think I found out that the assassin is the son of the Blood Fist sect's sect leader"

"If someone tried to hire an assassin from the Blood Fist sect that means they are rich and that person could only be him"

"I also was suspecting him but since you have also thinking the same then It is really him"

'Li Zirui is smartest and the cunning in our group and all of his predictions are totally correct because of his Innate skill- Clairvoyance'

Innate skills are totally different from any martial art techniques or martial soul skill. You are born with Innate skill and it's flow to your child and to his child and it goes on. It means no one can learn Innate skill

"So leader when are we attacking him?"

"It can wait. First we have to grow our power because the Blood Fist sect's sect leader will soon hear the death of his child and he will come to take revenge on us so we have to use every single second we got on training"


After that everyone entered the academy and soon the teacher came into the classroom.

"Nice to meet you students. I am Yin Hong and I am your sparing teacher. follow me to the sparring area"

At the sparring area,

"Before we start fighting I want tell you something. Every five years the country holds a martial art championship but to enter the championship you have to go through many other tournaments"

A student from the group asked

"Then what is our first tournament instructor?"

"The first tournament will be between every branch of supreme martial arts academy"

"Instructor what do you mean by branch of Supreme martial arts academy"

"Well our supreme martial arts academy has spread throughout the world and everyone academy will sent fifteen martial artist and after the fight we will choose the top fifteen to fight in district level tournament where every academy in Dongcheng district will fight between themselves"

"Then what is the requirement for our first tournament"

"Oh! Kuo Fang. Well the requirements are that you have to be atleast an intermediate martial artist but if someone is lower than that rank he or she have to defeat an intermediate martial artist to prove that he or she is stronger than an Intermediate martial artist. Then tell me who want to participate in the tournament"

Many students agreed to participate in the tournament. they were Xu MingYue, Kuo Fang, Wang Junjie, Cheng Qiang, Liu Yichen, Li Zirui, Wu Hao Ran, Huang Jian Yu, Mu Yuxuan, Guo Ming, Yang Jiang, Yang Jin, Yuan Xinyi and some other novice and intermediate martial artist. In total there are thirty students.

"Xu MingYue, Mu Yuxuan and Guo Ming you all are qualified since I have went through your record in your last wasteland raid and you have required qualification. Then everyone come out"

Suddenly many students appeared and everyone of them are at intermediate martial artist rank.

"You have to fight them to enter the tournament and there are only twelve of them so everyone have to wait for their turn"

All of the intermediate martial artist are starting at us and is measuring our power's.

"But Kuo Fang your team will go through a special test"

"Huh? what is it?"

"Students come out"

Then seven more Martial artist came out.

"All of them are most powerful advance rank martial artist in our academy. Then everyone choose your opponent"

One person who seems to be the leader from the group of those Advanced martial artist spoke.

"Teacher why shouldn't I fight with their leader and end this fight"

"Hahaha you think you can defeat him? Can you even defeat a leader Grade monster"

"No. It's impossible for me and it's not only me no advance level martial artist can do that to be exact we can't even Peirce their defence"

"Then let me tell you he killed a third level leader grade Phantom snake king while it was in berserk state"

He is shocked but he was unable say a single word.

"So kuo Fang you will fight with me and you seven I have chosen them to suit your fighting style like one sword user, one Blade user, one fist user and etc"

After that Kuo Fang and Yin Hong entered a ring,

"You can use martial soul"

"I don't need it"

Kuo Fang unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards Yin Hong.

Kuo Fang used Asura Body forming technique to reinforce his body and used his Demon Qi to reinforce his sword.

Seeing his Demonic Qi Yin Hong asked "You are a Demonic martial artist"

"Are Demonic martial artist prohibited in this academy"

"Well no but you know that Demonic martial arts are dangerous"

"Well without risk I can't be strong"

"Then let's start our fight"

'He is already surpassed the requirement by many stage but he is too much arrogant and this fight is to break his arrogance'

Yin Hong covered his sword with Materialized Qi and with a swing it ran towards Kuo Fang.

'Using materialized Qi against him is not fair but it is for his greater good. forgive me for this'

But he was shocked when Kuo Fang dispersed the Materialized qi with a single swing of his sword.

'What! he can also use materialized qi? No his qi is not fully materialized'

"Hahahaha. What an amusing brat. Kuo Fang now I will fight seriously"

Kuo Fang also became serious and is in his fighting stance.

And both of them dash towards each other and their sword met with huge bang.

Their swords clashes eachother for some time but Kuo Fang was the first one to lay a hit.

A golden aura is faintly surrounding him.

'*huff* *huff* Luckily I was able to see through his attack and was able make a counter with the help of my Divine senses'

"Looks like I will have to increase my speed"

Yin Hong used a footwork to make him fast it is called Wind leap and to keep up with his speed Kuo Fang also used his Lightning steps martial art.

Both of them were so fast that only some blur could be seen.

*Clink* *clang* Their swords continued to clash but this time Yin Hong was able to land a hit on Kuo Fang.

But the damage was minimal because Kuo Fang was using Asura Body forming and the skin of floating dragon.

'What is he? I used Materialized Qi but it barely did any damage. He could keep up with my speed while also he could found a way to counter attack and he is able to use Skin of floating dragon technique very efficiently'

"Hey I have heard that you are suppressing your power why not release it fight with your full Power"

Kuo Fang thought for some time but atlast he is opening his suppression because no matter what he was unable to get the upper hand on Yin Hong.

Kuo Fang only opened the bracers on his leg.

Kuo Fang stood their silently for some time and Yin Hong did not make any move also.

Kuo Fang then release all his power that he unsuppressed.

A huge fear come across on everyone's face. He is giving of an aura of a demon who has slaine thousand of peoples.

Kuo Fang was the first one to move. He lifted his leg to move and with a blink he disappeared from their and appeared behind Yin Hong.

Everyone who was watching the fight were shocked by Kuo Fang's speed.

Kuo Fang attack Yin Hong with the Yang Fist and Unable dodge the attack Yin Hong tried to defend it. But this was the biggest mistake he could have done.

The Yang Fist is made of pure Yang qi and because of that if someone were to block it with Qi the Yang Qi the purest of all Qi will disperse their Qi and he will also be unable to use The Qi for sometime.

After getting hit Yin Hong tried to make some distance with his sword techniques but he was unable to conjure any Qi and before he could have figured it out Kuo Fang's sword was on his throat and just like that Yin Hong got defeated.

Everyone was shocked,

"Hahahaha! Very well. You have defeated me and with that you have gained the permission to participate in the tournament"

"Thank you instructor" Kuo Fang bowed to Instructor.

'Hah! Well it's look like he has reason to be arrogant. I really underestimated him'

Soon everyone from Heavenly Demon Sect was able to defeat their opponents.

After the selection fifteen strongest martial artist from Intermediate to advanced martial artist were chosen but Kuo Fang was the only one who is a Novice martial artist.

But he is stronger than any of them. Even if all of them were to attack him together they would still lose against him.

"From tomorrow I will give all of you special training for the upcoming tournament. The tournament will be held after half year. For now all of you are dismissed"

Yin Hong left the sparring area and soon all of the other students also left the sparring area.

Kuo Fang gathered all of his team members.

"Tonight I am holding a meeting. It's about the Blood Fist sect"

Everyone become serious.

"Li Zirui you sneak out from here and tell Elder Yuan to gather all sect members"

"Understood" Li Zirui vanished from there.

"Now hear me, All of you have to be cautious all the time. We don't know when the Blood Fist sect will launch attack on us"

"But what will we do if they attack us when are in academy"

"Because of that everyone will take turn in guarding the Yuan mansion and the mining area"

All of them nodded in agreement.

The day then end with out any incident.

At the evening the members of Heavenly Demon Sect has gathered inside the Sect.

They are unaware of why they were called but they could feel in their heart that something bad is going to happen.